Commit 79dcf180 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

runtime: fix build for nacl

parent f503e263
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#include "malloc.h"
// NaCl system call to copy data into text segment.
extern int32 dyncode_copy(void*, void*, int32);
extern int32 runtime·dyncode_copy(void*, void*, int32);
// Allocate chunks of 4096 bytes worth of closures:
......@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ runtime·closure(int32 siz, byte *fn, byte *arg0)
// segment and beginning of data.
clos.code = (byte*)(((uintptr)etext + 65535) & ~65535);
clos.ecode = clos.code;
mheap.closure_min = clos.code;
mheap.closure_max = rodata;
runtime·mheap.closure_min = clos.code;
runtime·mheap.closure_max = rodata;
if(clos.ecode+ClosureChunk > rodata) {
// Last ditch effort: garbage collect and hope.
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ runtime·closure(int32 siz, byte *fn, byte *arg0)
e = runtime·dyncode_copy(clos.ecode, clos.buf, ClosureChunk);
if(e != 0) {
fd = 2;
runtime·fd = 2;
if(e == -22)
runtime·throw("NaCl running with dyncode_copy disabled; export NACLDYNCODE=1 in your environment");
runtime·printf("dyncode_copy: error %d\n", e);
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ alloc:
d->siz = siz;
runtime·mcpy((byte*)(d+1), (byte*)&arg0, siz);
*codeptr(p) = d;
runtime·addfinalizer(f, finclosure, 0);
runtime·addfinalizer(f, runtime·finclosure, 0);
*ret = p;
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