Commit 83727ccf authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: run deferred calls at Goexit

baby step toward panic+recover.

Fixes #349.

parent bc32dd9e
......@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $0
MOVL AX, (m_morebuf+gobuf_g)(BX)
// Set up morestack arguments to call f on a new stack.
// We set f's frame size to zero, meaning
// allocate a standard sized stack segment.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than this,
// f's usual stack growth prolog will allocate
// a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
// We set f's frame size to 1, as a hint to newstack
// that this is a call from reflect·call.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than
// the default stack, f's usual stack growth prolog will
// allocate a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
MOVL 4(SP), AX // fn
MOVL 8(SP), DX // arg frame
MOVL 12(SP), CX // arg size
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $0
MOVL AX, m_morepc(BX) // f's PC
MOVL DX, m_morefp(BX) // argument frame pointer
MOVL CX, m_moreargs(BX) // f's argument size
MOVL $0, m_moreframe(BX) // f's frame size
MOVL $1, m_moreframe(BX) // f's frame size
// Call newstack on m's scheduling stack.
MOVL m_g0(BX), BP
......@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $0
MOVQ g, (m_morebuf+gobuf_g)(m)
// Set up morestack arguments to call f on a new stack.
// We set f's frame size to zero, meaning
// allocate a standard sized stack segment.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than this,
// f's usual stack growth prolog will allocate
// a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
// We set f's frame size to 1, as a hint to newstack
// that this is a call from reflect·call.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than
// the default stack, f's usual stack growth prolog will
// allocate a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
MOVQ 8(SP), AX // fn
MOVQ 16(SP), BX // arg frame
MOVL 24(SP), CX // arg size
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $0
MOVQ AX, m_morepc(m) // f's PC
MOVQ BX, m_morefp(m) // argument frame pointer
MOVL CX, m_moreargs(m) // f's argument size
MOVL $0, m_moreframe(m) // f's frame size
MOVL $1, m_moreframe(m) // f's frame size
// Call newstack on m's scheduling stack.
MOVQ m_g0(m), g
......@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $-4
MOVW g, (m_morebuf+gobuf_g)(m)
// Set up morestack arguments to call f on a new stack.
// We set f's frame size to zero, meaning
// allocate a standard sized stack segment.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than this,
// f's usual stack growth prolog will allocate
// a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
// We set f's frame size to 1, as a hint to newstack
// that this is a call from reflect·call.
// If it turns out that f needs a larger frame than
// the default stack, f's usual stack growth prolog will
// allocate a new segment (and recopy the arguments).
MOVW 4(SP), R0 // fn
MOVW 8(SP), R1 // arg frame
MOVW 12(SP), R2 // arg size
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ TEXT reflect·call(SB), 7, $-4
MOVW R0, m_morepc(m) // f's PC
MOVW R1, m_morefp(m) // argument frame pointer
MOVW R2, m_moreargs(m) // f's argument size
MOVW $0, R3
MOVW $1, R3
MOVW R3, m_moreframe(m) // f's frame size
// Call newstack on m's scheduling stack.
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ package runtime
func Gosched()
// Goexit terminates the goroutine that calls it. No other goroutine is affected.
// Goexit runs all deferred calls before terminating the goroutine.
func Goexit()
// Breakpoint() executes a breakpoint trap.
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "malloc.h"
#include "os.h"
static void unwindstack(G*, byte*);
typedef struct Sched Sched;
M m0;
......@@ -223,26 +225,6 @@ mget(G *g)
return m;
// Put on gfree list. Sched must be locked.
static void
gfput(G *g)
g->schedlink = sched.gfree;
sched.gfree = g;
// Get from gfree list. Sched must be locked.
static G*
G *g;
g = sched.gfree;
sched.gfree = g->schedlink;
return g;
// Mark g ready to run.
ready(G *g)
......@@ -494,6 +476,7 @@ scheduler(void)
gp->lockedm = nil;
m->lockedg = nil;
unwindstack(gp, nil);
if(--sched.gcount == 0)
......@@ -684,7 +667,8 @@ oldstack(void)
goid = old.gobuf.g->goid; // fault if g is bad, before gogo
stackfree(g1->stackguard - StackGuard);
stackfree(g1->stackguard - StackGuard);
g1->stackbase = old.stackbase;
g1->stackguard = old.stackguard;
......@@ -699,29 +683,42 @@ newstack(void)
byte *stk, *sp;
G *g1;
Gobuf label;
bool free;
frame = m->moreframe;
args = m->moreargs;
// Round up to align things nicely.
// This is sufficient for both 32- and 64-bit machines.
args = (args+7) & ~7;
if(frame < StackBig)
frame = StackBig;
frame += 1024; // for more functions, Stktop.
stk = stackalloc(frame);
g1 = m->curg;
if(frame == 1 && args > 0 && m->morebuf.sp - sizeof(Stktop) - args - 32 > g1->stackguard) {
// special case: called from (frame == 1)
// to call code with an arbitrary argument size,
// and we have enough space on the current stack.
// the new Stktop* is necessary to unwind, but
// we don't need to create a new segment.
top = (Stktop*)(m->morebuf.sp - sizeof(*top));
stk = g1->stackguard - StackGuard;
free = false;
} else {
// allocate new segment.
if(frame == 1) // failed hint
frame = 0;
frame += args;
if(frame < StackBig)
frame = StackBig;
frame += 1024; // room for more functions, Stktop.
stk = stackalloc(frame);
top = (Stktop*)(stk+frame-sizeof(*top));
free = true;
//printf("newstack frame=%d args=%d morepc=%p morefp=%p gobuf=%p, %p newstk=%p\n", frame, args, m->morepc, m->morefp, g->sched.pc, g->sched.sp, stk);
g1 = m->curg;
top = (Stktop*)(stk+frame-sizeof(*top));
top->stackbase = g1->stackbase;
top->stackguard = g1->stackguard;
top->gobuf = m->morebuf;
top->fp = m->morefp;
top->args = args;
top->free = free;
g1->stackbase = (byte*)top;
g1->stackguard = stk + StackGuard;
......@@ -792,6 +789,8 @@ newproc1(byte *fn, byte *argp, int32 narg, int32 nret)
if((newg = gfget()) != nil){
newg->status = Gwaiting;
if(newg->stackguard - StackGuard != newg->stack0)
throw("invalid stack in newg");
} else {
newg = malg(4096);
newg->status = Gwaiting;
......@@ -853,7 +852,63 @@ void
fn = d->fn;
jmpdefer(fn, sp);
static void
Defer *d;
while((d = g->defer) != nil) {
g->defer = d->link;
reflect·call(d->fn, d->args, d->siz);
// Free stack frames until we hit the last one
// or until we find the one that contains the sp.
static void
unwindstack(G *gp, byte *sp)
Stktop *top;
byte *stk;
// Must be called from a different goroutine, usually m->g0.
if(g == gp)
throw("unwindstack on self");
while((top = (Stktop*)gp->stackbase) != nil && top->stackbase != nil) {
stk = gp->stackguard - StackGuard;
if(stk <= sp && sp < gp->stackbase)
gp->stackbase = top->stackbase;
gp->stackguard = top->stackguard;
// Put on gfree list. Sched must be locked.
static void
gfput(G *g)
if(g->stackguard - StackGuard != g->stack0)
throw("invalid stack in gfput");
g->schedlink = sched.gfree;
sched.gfree = g;
// Get from gfree list. Sched must be locked.
static G*
G *g;
g = sched.gfree;
sched.gfree = g->schedlink;
return g;
......@@ -864,6 +919,7 @@ void
......@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ struct Stktop
// fp == gobuf.sp except in the case of a reflected
// function call, which uses an off-stack argument frame.
uint8* fp;
bool free; // call stackfree for this frame?
struct Alg
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