Commit 851ceebc authored by Josh Bleecher Snyder's avatar Josh Bleecher Snyder

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile: don't alloc new CSE classes

This reduces the time to compile
test/slice3.go on my laptop from ~12s to ~3.8s.
It reduces the max memory use from ~4.8gb to

This is still considerably worse than tip,
at 1s and 300mb respectively, but it's
getting closer.

Hopefully this will fix the build at long last.

Change-Id: Iac26b52023f408438cba3ea1b81dcd82ca402b90
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent 317226e6
......@@ -85,18 +85,22 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
e := partition[i]
v := e[0]
// all values in this equiv class that are not equivalent to v get moved
// into another equiv class q.
var q eqclass
// into another equiv class.
// To avoid allocating while building that equivalence class,
// move the values equivalent to v to the beginning of e,
// other values to the end of e, and track where the split is.
allvals := e
split := len(e)
for j := 1; j < len(e); {
w := e[j]
for i := 0; i < len(v.Args); i++ {
if valueEqClass[v.Args[i].ID] != valueEqClass[w.Args[i].ID] || !v.Type.Equal(w.Type) {
// w is not equivalent to v.
// remove w from e
e, e[j] = e[:len(e)-1], e[len(e)-1]
// add w to q
q = append(q, w)
// move it to the end, shrink e, and move the split.
e[j], e[len(e)-1] = e[len(e)-1], e[j]
e = e[:len(e)-1]
valueEqClass[w.ID] = len(partition)
changed = true
continue eqloop
......@@ -106,8 +110,8 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
partition[i] = e
if q != nil {
partition = append(partition, q)
if split < len(allvals) {
partition = append(partition, allvals[split:])
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