Commit 85815fe0 authored by Ken Thompson's avatar Ken Thompson

diagnostic to catch pointer to

rvalue promoted to method receiver.
fixes to bignum that failed.

parent b90b4157
......@@ -1575,6 +1575,7 @@ lookdot(Node *n, Type *t)
if(f2 != T) {
if(needaddr(n->left->type)) {
walktype(n->left, Elv);
n->left = nod(OADDR, n->left, N);
n->left->type = ptrto(n->left->left->type);
......@@ -2621,6 +2622,8 @@ arrayop(Node *n, int top)
// arrays2d(old *any, nel int) (ary []any)
t = fixarray(n->right->type);
tl = fixarray(n->left->type);
if(t == T || tl == T)
a = nodintconst(t->bound); // nel
a = nod(OCONV, a, N);
......@@ -2642,6 +2645,8 @@ arrayop(Node *n, int top)
case ONEW:
// newarray(nel int, max int, width int) (ary []any)
t = fixarray(n->type);
if(t == T)
a = nodintconst(t->type->width); // width
a = nod(OCONV, a, N);
......@@ -2679,6 +2684,8 @@ arrayop(Node *n, int top)
// arraysliced(old []any, lb int, hb int, width int) (ary []any)
t = fixarray(n->left->type);
if(t == T)
a = nodintconst(t->type->width); // width
a = nod(OCONV, a, N);
......@@ -2693,7 +2700,6 @@ arrayop(Node *n, int top)
a->type = types[TINT];
r = list(a, r);
t = fixarray(n->left->type);
if(t->bound >= 0) {
// static slice
a = nodintconst(t->bound); // nel
......@@ -1261,8 +1261,12 @@ export func RatFromString(s string, base uint, slen *int) (*Rational, uint) {
b, base = NatFromString(s[alen : len(s)], abase, &blen);
assert(base == abase);
f := Nat(base).Pow(uint(blen));
a = MakeInt(a.sign, a.mant.Mul(f).Add(b));
//BUG f := Nat(base).Pow(uint(blen));
na := Nat(base);
f := na.Pow(uint(blen));
//BUG a = MakeInt(a.sign, a.mant.Mul(f).Add(b));
nb := a.mant.Mul(f);
a = MakeInt(a.sign, nb.Add(b));
b = f;
......@@ -204,11 +204,19 @@ func Mul(x, y bignum.Natural) bignum.Natural {
if z1.Cmp(z2) != 0 {
tester.Fatalf("multiplication not symmetric:\n\tx = %v\n\ty = %t", x, y);
if !x.IsZero() && z1.Div(x).Cmp(y) != 0 {
tester.Fatalf("multiplication/division not inverse (A):\n\tx = %v\n\ty = %t", x, y);
// BUG if !x.IsZero() && z1.Div(x).Cmp(y) != 0 {
if !x.IsZero() {
na := z1.Div(x);
if na.Cmp(y) != 0 {
tester.Fatalf("multiplication/division not inverse (A):\n\tx = %v\n\ty = %t", x, y);
if !y.IsZero() && z1.Div(y).Cmp(x) != 0 {
tester.Fatalf("multiplication/division not inverse (B):\n\tx = %v\n\ty = %t", x, y);
// BUG if !y.IsZero() && z1.Div(y).Cmp(x) != 0 {
if !y.IsZero() {
nb := z1.Div(y);
if nb.Cmp(x) != 0 {
tester.Fatalf("multiplication/division not inverse (B):\n\tx = %v\n\ty = %t", x, y);
return z1;
......@@ -243,7 +251,9 @@ export func TestNatMul(t *testing.T) {
test_msg = "NatMulC";
const n = 100;
p := b.Mul(c).Shl(n);
// BUG p := b.Mul(c).Shl(n);
na := b.Mul(c);
p := na.Shl(n);
for i := uint(0); i < n; i++ {
NAT_EQ(i, Mul(b.Shl(i), c.Shl(n-i)), p);
......@@ -331,10 +341,16 @@ export func TestNatMod(t *testing.T) {
for i := uint(0); ; i++ {
d := nat_one.Shl(i);
if d.Cmp(c) < 0 {
NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Mod(c), d);
//BUG NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Mod(c), d);
na := c.Add(d);
NAT_EQ(i, na.Mod(c), d);
} else {
NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Div(c), nat_two);
NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Mod(c), d.Sub(c));
//BUG NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Div(c), nat_two);
na := c.Add(d);
NAT_EQ(i, na.Div(c), nat_two);
//BUG NAT_EQ(i, c.Add(d).Mod(c), d.Sub(c));
nb := c.Add(d);
NAT_EQ(i, nb.Mod(c), d.Sub(c));
......@@ -444,12 +460,18 @@ export func TestNatLog2(t *testing.T) {
test_msg = "NatLog2A";
TEST(0, nat_one.Log2() == 0);
TEST(1, nat_two.Log2() == 1);
TEST(2, bignum.Nat(3).Log2() == 1);
TEST(3, bignum.Nat(4).Log2() == 2);
//BUG TEST(2, bignum.Nat(3).Log2() == 1);
na := bignum.Nat(3);
TEST(2, na.Log2() == 1);
//BUG TEST(3, bignum.Nat(4).Log2() == 2);
nb := bignum.Nat(4);
TEST(3, nb.Log2() == 2);
test_msg = "NatLog2B";
for i := uint(0); i < 100; i++ {
TEST(i, nat_one.Shl(i).Log2() == i);
//BUG TEST(i, nat_one.Shl(i).Log2() == i);
nc := nat_one.Shl(i);
TEST(i, nc.Log2() == i);
......@@ -484,8 +506,12 @@ export func TestNatPop(t *testing.T) {
test_msg = "NatPopA";
TEST(0, nat_zero.Pop() == 0);
TEST(1, nat_one.Pop() == 1);
TEST(2, bignum.Nat(10).Pop() == 2);
TEST(3, bignum.Nat(30).Pop() == 4);
//BUG TEST(2, bignum.Nat(10).Pop() == 2);
na := bignum.Nat(10);
TEST(2, na.Pop() == 2);
//BUG TEST(3, bignum.Nat(30).Pop() == 4);
nb := bignum.Nat(30);
TEST(3, nb.Pop() == 4);
// BUG TEST(4, bignum.Nat(0x1248f).Shl(33).Pop() == 8);
g := bignum.Nat(0x1248f);
g = g.Shl(33);
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