Commit 86845343 authored by Matthew Dempsky's avatar Matthew Dempsky

cmd/compile: don't export unreachable inline method bodies

Previously, anytime we exported a function or method declaration
(which includes methods for every type transitively exported), we
included the inline function bodies, if any. However, in many cases,
it's impossible (or at least very unlikely) for the importing package
to call the method.

For example:

    package p
    type T int
    func (t T) M() { t.u() }
    func (t T) u() {}
    func (t T) v() {}

T.M and T.u are inlineable, and they're both reachable through calls
to T.M, which is exported. However, t.v is also inlineable, but cannot
be reached.

Exception: if p.T is embedded in another type q.U, p.T.v will be
promoted to q.U.v, and the generated wrapper function could have
inlined the call to p.T.v. However, in practice, this doesn't happen,
and a missed inlining opportunity doesn't affect correctness.

To implement this, this CL introduces an extra flood fill pass before
exporting to mark inline bodies that are actually reachable, so the
exporter can skip over methods like t.v.

This reduces Kubernetes build time (as measured by "time go build -a") on an HP Z620 measurably:

    == before ==
    real    0m44.658s
    user    11m19.136s
    sys     0m53.844s

    == after ==
    real    0m41.702s
    user    10m29.732s
    sys     0m50.908s

It also significantly cuts down the cost of enabling mid-stack
inlining (-l=4):

    == before (-l=4) ==
    real    1m19.236s
    user    20m6.528s
    sys     1m17.328s

    == after (-l=4) ==
    real    0m59.100s
    user    13m12.808s
    sys     0m58.776s

Updates #19348.

Change-Id: Iade58233ca42af823a1630517a53848b5d3c7a7e
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
parent f33f20ef
......@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ type exporter struct {
typIndex map[*types.Type]int
funcList []*Func
marked map[*types.Type]bool // types already seen by markType
// position encoding
posInfoFormat bool
prevFile string
......@@ -230,6 +232,23 @@ func export(out *bufio.Writer, trace bool) int {
// Mark all inlineable functions that the importer could call.
// This is done by tracking down all inlineable methods
// reachable from exported types.
p.marked = make(map[*types.Type]bool)
for _, n := range exportlist {
sym := n.Sym
if sym.Exported() {
// Closures are added to exportlist, but with Exported
// already set. The export code below skips over them, so
// we have to here as well.
// TODO(mdempsky): Investigate why. This seems suspicious.
p.marked = nil
// export objects
// First, export all exported (package-level) objects; i.e., all objects
......@@ -436,6 +455,72 @@ func unidealType(typ *types.Type, val Val) *types.Type {
return typ
// markType recursively visits types reachable from t to identify
// functions whose inline bodies may be needed.
func (p *exporter) markType(t *types.Type) {
if p.marked[t] {
p.marked[t] = true
// If this is a named type, mark all of its associated
// methods. Skip interface types because t.Methods contains
// only their unexpanded method set (i.e., exclusive of
// interface embeddings), and the switch statement below
// handles their full method set.
if t.Sym != nil && t.Etype != TINTER {
for _, m := range t.Methods().Slice() {
if exportname(m.Sym.Name) {
// Recursively mark any types that can be produced given a
// value of type t: dereferencing a pointer; indexing an
// array, slice, or map; receiving from a channel; accessing a
// struct field or interface method; or calling a function.
// Notably, we don't mark map key or function parameter types,
// because the user already needs some way to construct values
// of those types.
// It's not critical for correctness that this algorithm is
// perfect. Worst case, we might miss opportunities to inline
// some function calls in downstream packages.
switch t.Etype {
case TMAP:
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
if exportname(f.Sym.Name) || f.Embedded != 0 {
case TFUNC:
// If t is the type of a function or method, then
// t.Nname() is its ONAME. Mark its inline body and
// any recursively called functions for export.
for _, f := range t.Results().FieldSlice() {
case TINTER:
for _, f := range t.FieldSlice() {
if exportname(f.Sym.Name) {
func (p *exporter) obj(sym *types.Sym) {
// Exported objects may be from different packages because they
// may be re-exported via an exported alias or as dependencies in
......@@ -505,7 +590,7 @@ func (p *exporter) obj(sym *types.Sym) {
p.paramList(sig.Results(), inlineable)
var f *Func
if inlineable {
if inlineable && asNode(sym.Def).Func.ExportInline() {
f = asNode(sym.Def).Func
// TODO(gri) re-examine reexportdeplist:
// Because we can trivially export types
......@@ -591,10 +676,28 @@ func fileLine(n *Node) (file string, line int) {
func isInlineable(n *Node) bool {
if exportInlined && n != nil && n.Func != nil && n.Func.Inl.Len() != 0 {
// when lazily typechecking inlined bodies, some re-exported ones may not have been typechecked yet.
// currently that can leave unresolved ONONAMEs in import-dot-ed packages in the wrong package
if Debug_typecheckinl == 0 {
if exportInlined && n != nil && n.Func != nil {
// When lazily typechecking inlined bodies, some
// re-exported ones may not have been typechecked yet.
// Currently that can leave unresolved ONONAMEs in
// import-dot-ed packages in the wrong package.
// TODO(mdempsky): Having the ExportInline check here
// instead of the outer if statement means we end up
// exporting parameter names even for functions whose
// inline body won't be exported by this package. This
// is currently necessary because we might first
// import a function/method from a package where it
// doesn't need to be re-exported, and then from a
// package where it does. If this happens, we'll need
// the parameter names.
// We could initially do without the parameter names,
// and then fill them in when importing the inline
// body. But parameter names are attached to the
// function type, and modifying types after the fact
// is a little sketchy.
if Debug_typecheckinl == 0 && n.Func.ExportInline() {
return true
......@@ -693,7 +796,7 @@ func (p *exporter) typ(t *types.Type) {
p.bool(m.Nointerface()) // record go:nointerface pragma value (see also #16243)
var f *Func
if inlineable {
if inlineable && mfn.Func.ExportInline() {
f = mfn.Func
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func Import(imp *types.Pkg, in *bufio.Reader) {
// parameter renaming which doesn't matter if we don't have a body.
inlCost :=
if f := p.funcList[i]; f != nil {
if f := p.funcList[i]; f != nil && f.Func.Inl.Len() == 0 {
// function not yet imported - read body and set it
body := p.stmtList()
......@@ -357,12 +357,13 @@ func (p *importer) obj(tag int) {
sig := functypefield(nil, params, result)
importsym(p.imp, sym, ONAME)
if asNode(sym.Def) != nil && asNode(sym.Def).Op == ONAME {
if old := asNode(sym.Def); old != nil && old.Op == ONAME {
// function was imported before (via another import)
if !eqtype(sig, asNode(sym.Def).Type) {
p.formatErrorf("inconsistent definition for func %v during import\n\t%v\n\t%v", sym, asNode(sym.Def).Type, sig)
if !eqtype(sig, old.Type) {
p.formatErrorf("inconsistent definition for func %v during import\n\t%v\n\t%v", sym, old.Type, sig)
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, nil)
n := asNode(old.Type.Nname())
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, n)
......@@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ func (p *importer) obj(tag int) {
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, n)
importlist = append(importlist, n)
if Debug['E'] > 0 {
fmt.Printf("import [%q] func %v \n", p.imp.Path, n)
if Debug['m'] > 2 && n.Func.Inl.Len() != 0 {
......@@ -518,17 +521,19 @@ func (p *importer) typ() *types.Type {
nointerface := p.bool()
mt := functypefield(recv[0], params, result)
addmethod(sym, mt, false, nointerface)
oldm := addmethod(sym, mt, false, nointerface)
if dup {
// An earlier import already declared this type and its methods.
// Discard the duplicate method declaration.
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, nil)
n := asNode(oldm.Type.Nname())
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, n)
n := newfuncnamel(mpos, methodname(sym, recv[0].Type))
n.Type = mt
p.funcList = append(p.funcList, n)
importlist = append(importlist, n)
......@@ -538,7 +543,7 @@ func (p *importer) typ() *types.Type {
// (dotmeth's type).Nname.Inl, and dotmeth's type has been pulled
// out by typecheck's lookdot as this $$.ttype. So by providing
// this back link here we avoid special casing there.
n.Type.FuncType().Nname = asTypesNode(n)
if Debug['E'] > 0 {
fmt.Printf("import [%q] meth %v \n", p.imp.Path, n)
......@@ -936,7 +936,8 @@ func methodname(s *types.Sym, recv *types.Type) *types.Sym {
// Add a method, declared as a function.
// - msym is the method symbol
// - t is function type (with receiver)
func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
// Returns a pointer to the existing or added Field.
func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) *types.Field {
if msym == nil {
Fatalf("no method symbol")
......@@ -945,7 +946,7 @@ func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
rf := t.Recv() // ptr to this structure
if rf == nil {
yyerror("missing receiver")
return nil
mt := methtype(rf.Type)
......@@ -955,7 +956,7 @@ func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
if t != nil && t.IsPtr() {
if t.Sym != nil {
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%v is a pointer type)", pa, t)
return nil
t = t.Elem()
......@@ -974,23 +975,23 @@ func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
// but just in case, fall back to generic error.
yyerror("invalid receiver type %v (%L / %L)", pa, pa, t)
return nil
if local && mt.Sym.Pkg != localpkg {
yyerror("cannot define new methods on non-local type %v", mt)
return nil
if msym.IsBlank() {
return nil
if mt.IsStruct() {
for _, f := range mt.Fields().Slice() {
if f.Sym == msym {
yyerror("type %v has both field and method named %v", mt, msym)
return nil
......@@ -1004,7 +1005,7 @@ func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
if !eqtype(t, f.Type) || !eqtype(t.Recv().Type, f.Type.Recv().Type) {
yyerror("method redeclared: %v.%v\n\t%v\n\t%v", mt, msym, f.Type, t)
return f
f := types.NewField()
......@@ -1014,6 +1015,7 @@ func addmethod(msym *types.Sym, t *types.Type, local, nointerface bool) {
return f
func funccompile(n *Node) {
......@@ -131,10 +131,7 @@ func (v *bottomUpVisitor) visitcode(n *Node, min uint32) uint32 {
switch n.Op {
fn := n.Left
if n.Op == OCALLMETH {
fn = asNode(n.Left.Sym.Def)
fn := asNode(n.Left.Type.Nname())
if fn != nil && fn.Op == ONAME && fn.Class() == PFUNC && fn.Name.Defn != nil {
m := v.visit(fn.Name.Defn)
if m < min {
......@@ -200,6 +200,43 @@ func caninl(fn *Node) {
Curfn = savefn
// inlFlood marks n's inline body for export and recursively ensures
// all called functions are marked too.
func inlFlood(n *Node) {
if n == nil {
if n.Op != ONAME || n.Class() != PFUNC {
Fatalf("inlFlood: unexpected %v, %v, %v", n, n.Op, n.Class())
if n.Func == nil {
// TODO(mdempsky): Should init have a Func too?
if n.Sym.Name == "init" {
Fatalf("inlFlood: missing Func on %v", n)
if n.Func.Inl.Len() == 0 {
if n.Func.ExportInline() {
// Recursively flood any functions called by this one.
inspectList(n.Func.Inl, func(n *Node) bool {
switch n.Op {
return true
// hairyVisitor visits a function body to determine its inlining
// hairiness and whether or not it can be inlined.
type hairyVisitor struct {
......@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ const (
funcHasDefer // contains a defer statement
funcNilCheckDisabled // disable nil checks when compiling this function
funcInlinabilityChecked // inliner has already determined whether the function is inlinable
funcExportInline // include inline body in export data
func (f *Func) Dupok() bool { return f.flags&funcDupok != 0 }
......@@ -473,6 +474,7 @@ func (f *Func) NoFramePointer() bool { return f.flags&funcNoFramePointer !=
func (f *Func) HasDefer() bool { return f.flags&funcHasDefer != 0 }
func (f *Func) NilCheckDisabled() bool { return f.flags&funcNilCheckDisabled != 0 }
func (f *Func) InlinabilityChecked() bool { return f.flags&funcInlinabilityChecked != 0 }
func (f *Func) ExportInline() bool { return f.flags&funcExportInline != 0 }
func (f *Func) SetDupok(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcDupok, b) }
func (f *Func) SetWrapper(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcWrapper, b) }
......@@ -483,6 +485,7 @@ func (f *Func) SetNoFramePointer(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcNoFramePointer,
func (f *Func) SetHasDefer(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcHasDefer, b) }
func (f *Func) SetNilCheckDisabled(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcNilCheckDisabled, b) }
func (f *Func) SetInlinabilityChecked(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcInlinabilityChecked, b) }
func (f *Func) SetExportInline(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcExportInline, b) }
func (f *Func) setWBPos(pos src.XPos) {
if Debug_wb != 0 {
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