Commit 888111e0 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

exp/types: configurable types.Check API

- added Context type for configuration of type checker
- type check all function and method bodies
- (partial) fixes to shift hinting (still not complete)
- revamped test harness - does not rely on specific position
  representation anymore, just a standard (compiler) error
- lots of bug fixes

R=adonovan, rsc
parent f296adf8
......@@ -170,14 +170,9 @@ func processFiles(filenames []string, allFiles bool) {
func processPackage(fset *token.FileSet, files map[string]*ast.File) {
// make a package (resolve all identifiers)
pkg, err := ast.NewPackage(fset, files, types.GcImport, types.Universe)
_, err := types.Check(fset, files)
if err != nil {
if err = types.Check(fset, pkg, nil, nil); err != nil {
......@@ -51,17 +51,20 @@ var tests = []string{
// directories
// Note: packages that don't typecheck yet are commented out
// Note: Packages that don't typecheck yet are commented out.
// Unless there is comment next to the commented out packages,
// the package does't typecheck due to errors in the shift
// expression checker.
// "compress/bzip2",
// "compress/lzw",
......@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ var tests = []string{
// "crypto/rand",
// "crypto/rsa", // intermittent failure: /home/gri/go2/src/pkg/crypto/rsa/pkcs1v15.go:21:27: undeclared name: io
......@@ -91,14 +94,14 @@ var tests = []string{
// "debug/dwarf",
// "encoding/asn1",
......@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ var tests = []string{
// "go/token",
......@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ var tests = []string{
// "image/jpeg",
......@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ var tests = []string{
// "math",
......@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ var tests = []string{
// "net", // c:\go\root\src\pkg\net\interface_windows.go:54:13: invalid operation: division by zero
// "net",
......@@ -165,41 +168,41 @@ var tests = []string{
// "net/textproto",
// "reflect", // unsafe.Sizeof must return size > 0 for pointer types
// "runtime",
// "strconv", // bug in switch case duplicate detection
// "strconv",
// "syscall", c:\go\root\src\pkg\syscall\syscall_windows.go:35:16: cannot convert EINVAL (constant 536870951) to error
// "syscall",
// "text/scanner",
// "time", // local const decls without initialization expressions
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package types declares the data structures for representing
// Go types and implements typechecking of package files.
package types
import (
// A Context specifies the supporting context for type checking.
type Context struct {
IntSize int64 // size in bytes of int and uint values
PtrSize int64 // size in bytes of pointers
// If Error is not nil, it is called with each error found
// during type checking.
Error func(err error)
// If Expr is not nil, it is called for each expression x that is
// type-checked: typ is the expression type, and val is the value
// if x is constant, val is nil otherwise.
// Constants are represented as follows:
// bool -> bool
// numeric -> int64, *big.Int, *big.Rat, Complex
// string -> string
// nil -> NilType
// Constant values are normalized, that is, they are represented
// using the "smallest" possible type that can represent the value.
// For instance, 1.0 is represented as an int64 because it can be
// represented accurately as an int64.
Expr func(x ast.Expr, typ Type, val interface{})
// If Import is not nil, it is used instead of GcImport.
Import ast.Importer
// Default is the default context for type checking.
var Default = Context{
// TODO(gri) Perhaps this should depend on GOARCH?
IntSize: 8,
PtrSize: 8,
// Check resolves and typechecks a set of package files within the given
// context. The package files' ASTs are augmented by assigning types to
// ast.Objects. If there are no errors, Check returns the package, otherwise
// it returns the first error. If the context's Error handler is nil,
// Check terminates as soon as the first error is encountered.
func (ctxt *Context) Check(fset *token.FileSet, files map[string]*ast.File) (*ast.Package, error) {
return check(ctxt, fset, files)
// Check is shorthand for Default.Check.
func Check(fset *token.FileSet, files map[string]*ast.File) (*ast.Package, error) {
return Default.Check(fset, files)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
msg = "too many"
if msg != "" {
check.invalidOp(call.Pos(), msg+"arguments for %s (expected %d, found %d)", call, bin.nargs, n)
check.invalidOp(call.Pos(), msg+" arguments for %s (expected %d, found %d)", call, bin.nargs, n)
goto Error
......@@ -175,8 +175,35 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
case _Copy:
// TODO(gri) implements checks
var y operand
check.expr(&y, args[1], nil, iota)
if y.mode == invalid {
goto Error
var dst, src Type
if t, ok := typ0.(*Slice); ok {
dst = t.Elt
switch t := underlying(y.typ).(type) {
case *Basic:
if isString(y.typ) {
src = Typ[Byte]
case *Slice:
src = t.Elt
if dst == nil || src == nil {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "copy expects slice arguments; found %s and %s", x, &y)
goto Error
if !isIdentical(dst, src) {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "arguments to copy %s and %s have different element types %s and %s", x, &y, dst, src)
goto Error
x.mode = value
x.typ = Typ[Int]
......@@ -204,11 +231,11 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
if x.mode == constant {
// nothing to do for x.val == 0
if !isZeroConst(x.val) {
c := x.val.(complex)
c := x.val.(Complex)
if id == _Real {
x.val =
x.val = c.Re
} else {
x.val =
x.val = c.Im
} else {
......@@ -271,6 +298,9 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
x.typ = &Pointer{Base: typ0}
case _Panic, _Print, _Println:
for _, arg := range args[1:] {
check.expr(x, arg, nil, -1)
x.mode = novalue
case _Recover:
......@@ -298,14 +328,9 @@ func (check *checker) builtin(x *operand, call *ast.CallExpr, bin *builtin, iota
x.val = int64(0)
case _Sizeof:
// basic types with specified sizes have size guarantees; for all others we use 0
var size int64
if typ, ok := typ0.(*Basic); ok {
size = typ.Size
x.mode = constant
x.typ = Typ[Uintptr]
x.val = size
x.val = sizeof(check.ctxt, typ0)
case _Assert:
// assert(pred) causes a typechecker error if pred is false.
......@@ -408,3 +433,25 @@ func (check *checker) complexArg(x *operand) bool {
check.invalidArg(x.pos(), "%s must be a float32, float64, or an untyped non-complex numeric constant", x)
return false
func sizeof(ctxt *Context, typ Type) int64 {
switch typ := underlying(typ).(type) {
case *Basic:
switch typ.Kind {
case Int, Uint:
return ctxt.IntSize
case Uintptr:
return ctxt.PtrSize
return typ.Size
case *Array:
return sizeof(ctxt, typ.Elt) * typ.Len
case *Struct:
var size int64
for _, f := range typ.Fields {
size += sizeof(ctxt, f.Type)
return size
return ctxt.PtrSize // good enough
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package types
import (
......@@ -17,19 +18,35 @@ import (
const trace = false
type checker struct {
fset *token.FileSet
pkg *ast.Package
errh func(token.Pos, string)
mapf func(ast.Expr, Type)
ctxt *Context
fset *token.FileSet
files []*ast.File
// lazily initialized
firsterr error
filenames []string // sorted list of package file names for reproducible iteration order
initexprs map[*ast.ValueSpec][]ast.Expr // "inherited" initialization expressions for constant declarations
functypes []*Signature // stack of function signatures; actively typechecked function on top
funclist []function // list of functions/methods with correct signatures and non-empty bodies
funcsig *Signature // signature of currently typechecked function
pos []token.Pos // stack of expr positions; debugging support, used if trace is set
type function struct {
obj *ast.Object // for debugging/tracing only
sig *Signature
body *ast.BlockStmt
// later adds a function with non-empty body to the list of functions
// that need to be processed after all package-level declarations
// are typechecked.
func (check *checker) later(obj *ast.Object, sig *Signature, body *ast.BlockStmt) {
// functions implemented elsewhere (say in assembly) have no body
if body != nil {
check.funclist = append(check.funclist, function{obj, sig, body})
// declare declares an object of the given kind and name (ident) in scope;
// decl is the corresponding declaration in the AST. An error is reported
// if the object was declared before.
......@@ -110,12 +127,6 @@ func (check *checker) valueSpec(pos token.Pos, obj *ast.Object, lhs []*ast.Ident
func (check *checker) function(typ *Signature, body *ast.BlockStmt) {
check.functypes = append(check.functypes, typ)
check.functypes = check.functypes[0 : len(check.functypes)-1]
// object typechecks an object by assigning it a type; obj.Type must be nil.
// Callers must check obj.Type before calling object; this eliminates a call
// for each identifier that has been typechecked already, a common scenario.
......@@ -164,36 +175,39 @@ func (check *checker) object(obj *ast.Object, cycleOk bool) {
for _, f := range t.Fields {
if m := scope.Lookup(f.Name); m != nil {
check.errorf(m.Pos(), "type %s has both field and method named %s", obj.Name, f.Name)
// ok to continue
// ok to continue
case *Interface:
// methods cannot be associated with an interface type
for _, m := range scope.Objects {
recv := m.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl).Recv.List[0].Type
check.errorf(recv.Pos(), "invalid receiver type %s (%s is an interface type)", obj.Name, obj.Name)
// ok to continue
// ok to continue
// typecheck method signatures
for _, m := range scope.Objects {
mdecl := m.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
// TODO(gri) At the moment, the receiver is type-checked when checking
// the method body. Also, we don't properly track if the receiver is
// a pointer (i.e., currently, method sets are too large). FIX THIS.
mtyp := check.typ(mdecl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
m.Type = mtyp
for _, obj := range scope.Objects {
mdecl := obj.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
sig := check.typ(mdecl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
params, _ := check.collectParams(mdecl.Recv, false)
sig.Recv = params[0] // the parser/assocMethod ensure there is exactly one parameter
obj.Type = sig
check.later(obj, sig, mdecl.Body)
case ast.Fun:
fdecl := obj.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
check.collectParams(fdecl.Recv, false) // ensure method base is type-checked
ftyp := check.typ(fdecl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
obj.Type = ftyp
// functions implemented elsewhere (say in assembly) have no body
if fdecl.Body != nil {
check.function(ftyp, fdecl.Body)
// methods are typechecked when their receivers are typechecked
if fdecl.Recv == nil {
sig := check.typ(fdecl.Type, cycleOk).(*Signature)
if obj.Name == "init" && (len(sig.Params) != 0 || len(sig.Results) != 0) {
check.errorf(fdecl.Pos(), "func init must have no arguments and no return values")
// ok to continue
obj.Type = sig
check.later(obj, sig, fdecl.Body)
......@@ -233,40 +247,33 @@ func (check *checker) assocMethod(meth *ast.FuncDecl) {
if ptr, ok := typ.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
typ = ptr.X
// determine receiver base type object (or nil if error)
// determine receiver base type object
var obj *ast.Object
if ident, ok := typ.(*ast.Ident); ok && ident.Obj != nil {
obj = ident.Obj
if obj.Kind != ast.Typ {
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), "%s is not a type", ident.Name)
obj = nil
return // ignore this method
// TODO(gri) determine if obj was defined in this package
if check.notLocal(obj) {
check.errorf(ident.Pos(), "cannot define methods on non-local type %s", ident.Name)
obj = nil
return // ignore this method
} else {
// If it's not an identifier or the identifier wasn't declared/resolved,
// the parser/resolver already reported an error. Nothing to do here.
return // ignore this method
// determine base type scope (or nil if error)
// declare method in receiver base type scope
var scope *ast.Scope
if obj != nil {
if obj.Data != nil {
scope = obj.Data.(*ast.Scope)
} else {
scope = ast.NewScope(nil)
obj.Data = scope
if obj.Data != nil {
scope = obj.Data.(*ast.Scope)
} else {
// use a dummy scope so that meth can be declared in
// presence of an error and get an associated object
// (always use a new scope so that we don't get double
// declaration errors)
scope = ast.NewScope(nil)
obj.Data = scope
check.declare(scope, ast.Fun, meth.Name, meth)
......@@ -308,13 +315,20 @@ func (check *checker) decl(decl ast.Decl) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if d.Name.Name == "init" {
// initialization function
// TODO(gri) ignore for now (has no object associated with it)
// (should probably collect in a first phase and properly initialize)
// methods are checked when their respective base types are checked
if d.Recv != nil {
if obj := d.Name.Obj; obj.Type == nil {
obj := d.Name.Obj
// Initialization functions don't have an object associated with them
// since they are not in any scope. Create a dummy object for them.
if d.Name.Name == "init" {
assert(obj == nil) // all other functions should have an object
obj = ast.NewObj(ast.Fun, d.Name.Name)
obj.Decl = d
d.Name.Obj = obj
if obj.Type == nil {
check.object(obj, false)
......@@ -324,35 +338,42 @@ func (check *checker) decl(decl ast.Decl) {
// iterate calls f for each package-level declaration.
func (check *checker) iterate(f func(*checker, ast.Decl)) {
list := check.filenames
if list == nil {
// initialize lazily
for filename := range check.pkg.Files {
list = append(list, filename)
for _, file := range check.files {
for _, decl := range file.Decls {
f(check, decl)
check.filenames = list
for _, filename := range list {
for _, decl := range check.pkg.Files[filename].Decls {
f(check, decl)
// sortedFiles returns the sorted list of package files given a package file map.
func sortedFiles(m map[string]*ast.File) []*ast.File {
keys := make([]string, len(m))
i := 0
for k, _ := range m {
keys[i] = k
files := make([]*ast.File, len(m))
for i, k := range keys {
files[i] = m[k]
return files
// A bailout panic is raised to indicate early termination.
type bailout struct{}
func check(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *ast.Package, errh func(token.Pos, string), f func(ast.Expr, Type)) (err error) {
func check(ctxt *Context, fset *token.FileSet, files map[string]*ast.File) (pkg *ast.Package, err error) {
// initialize checker
var check checker
check.fset = fset
check.pkg = pkg
check.errh = errh
check.mapf = f
check.initexprs = make(map[*ast.ValueSpec][]ast.Expr)
check := checker{
ctxt: ctxt,
fset: fset,
files: sortedFiles(files),
initexprs: make(map[*ast.ValueSpec][]ast.Expr),
// handle panics
defer func() {
......@@ -365,10 +386,27 @@ func check(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *ast.Package, errh func(token.Pos, string),
// unexpected panic: don't crash clients
// panic(p) // enable for debugging
err = fmt.Errorf("types.check internal error: %v", p)
// TODO(gri) add a test case for this scenario
err = fmt.Errorf("types internal error: %v", p)
// resolve identifiers
imp := ctxt.Import
if imp == nil {
imp = GcImport
pkg, err = ast.NewPackage(fset, files, imp, Universe)
if err != nil {
if list, _ := err.(scanner.ErrorList); len(list) > 0 {
for _, err := range list {
} else {
// determine missing constant initialization expressions
// and associate methods with types
......@@ -376,5 +414,20 @@ func check(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *ast.Package, errh func(token.Pos, string),
// typecheck all declarations
// typecheck all function/method bodies
// (funclist may grow when checking statements - do not use range clause!)
for i := 0; i < len(check.funclist); i++ {
f := check.funclist[i]
if trace {
s := "<function literal>"
if f.obj != nil {
s = f.obj.Name
fmt.Println("---", s)
check.funcsig = f.sig
......@@ -72,16 +72,25 @@ func getFile(filename string) (file *token.File) {
return file
func getPos(filename string, offset int) token.Pos {
if f := getFile(filename); f != nil {
return f.Pos(offset)
// Positioned errors are of the form filename:line:column: message .
var posMsgRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+): *(.*)`)
// splitError splits an error's error message into a position string
// and the actual error message. If there's no position information,
// pos is the empty string, and msg is the entire error message.
func splitError(err error) (pos, msg string) {
msg = err.Error()
if m := posMsgRx.FindStringSubmatch(msg); len(m) == 3 {
pos = m[1]
msg = m[2]
return token.NoPos
func parseFiles(t *testing.T, testname string, filenames []string) (map[string]*ast.File, error) {
func parseFiles(t *testing.T, testname string, filenames []string) (map[string]*ast.File, []error) {
files := make(map[string]*ast.File)
var errors scanner.ErrorList
var errlist []error
for _, filename := range filenames {
if _, exists := files[filename]; exists {
t.Fatalf("%s: duplicate file %s", testname, filename)
......@@ -92,14 +101,16 @@ func parseFiles(t *testing.T, testname string, filenames []string) (map[string]*
files[filename] = file
if err != nil {
// if the parser returns a non-scanner.ErrorList error
// the file couldn't be read in the first place and
// file == nil; in that case we shouldn't reach here
errors = append(errors, err.(scanner.ErrorList)...)
if list, _ := err.(scanner.ErrorList); len(list) > 0 {
for _, err := range list {
errlist = append(errlist, err)
} else {
errlist = append(errlist, err)
return files, errors
return files, errlist
// ERROR comments must be of the form /* ERROR "rx" */ and rx is
......@@ -107,11 +118,11 @@ func parseFiles(t *testing.T, testname string, filenames []string) (map[string]*
var errRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^/\* *ERROR *"([^"]*)" *\*/$`)
// expectedErrors collects the regular expressions of ERROR comments found
// errMap collects the regular expressions of ERROR comments found
// in files and returns them as a map of error positions to error messages.
func expectedErrors(t *testing.T, testname string, files map[string]*ast.File) map[token.Pos][]string {
errors := make(map[token.Pos][]string)
func errMap(t *testing.T, testname string, files map[string]*ast.File) map[string][]string {
errmap := make(map[string][]string)
for filename := range files {
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
......@@ -124,7 +135,7 @@ func expectedErrors(t *testing.T, testname string, files map[string]*ast.File) m
// set otherwise the position information returned here will
// not match the position information collected by the parser
s.Init(getFile(filename), src, nil, scanner.ScanComments)
var prev token.Pos // position of last non-comment, non-semicolon token
var prev string // position string of last non-comment, non-semicolon token
for {
......@@ -135,102 +146,88 @@ func expectedErrors(t *testing.T, testname string, files map[string]*ast.File) m
case token.COMMENT:
s := errRx.FindStringSubmatch(lit)
if len(s) == 2 {
list := errors[prev]
errors[prev] = append(list, string(s[1]))
errmap[prev] = append(errmap[prev], string(s[1]))
case token.SEMICOLON:
// ignore automatically inserted semicolon
if lit == "\n" {
continue scanFile
prev = pos
prev = fset.Position(pos).String()
return errors
return errmap
func eliminate(t *testing.T, expected map[token.Pos][]string, errors error) {
if *listErrors || errors == nil {
for _, error := range errors.(scanner.ErrorList) {
// error.Pos is a token.Position, but we want
// a token.Pos so we can do a map lookup
pos := getPos(error.Pos.Filename, error.Pos.Offset)
list := expected[pos]
func eliminate(t *testing.T, errmap map[string][]string, errlist []error) {
for _, err := range errlist {
pos, msg := splitError(err)
list := errmap[pos]
index := -1 // list index of matching message, if any
// we expect one of the messages in list to match the error at pos
for i, msg := range list {
rx, err := regexp.Compile(msg)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: %v", error.Pos, err)
t.Errorf("%s: %v", pos, err)
if match := rx.MatchString(error.Msg); match {
if rx.MatchString(msg) {
index = i
if index >= 0 {
// eliminate from list
n := len(list) - 1
if n > 0 {
if n := len(list) - 1; n > 0 {
// not the last entry - swap in last element and shorten list by 1
list[index] = list[n]
expected[pos] = list[:n]
errmap[pos] = list[:n]
} else {
// last entry - remove list from map
delete(expected, pos)
delete(errmap, pos)
} else {
t.Errorf("%s: no error expected: %q", error.Pos, error.Msg)
t.Errorf("%s: no error expected: %q", pos, msg)
func checkFiles(t *testing.T, testname string, testfiles []string) {
// TODO(gri) Eventually all these different phases should be
// subsumed into a single function call that takes
// a set of files and creates a fully resolved and
// type-checked AST.
// parse files and collect parser errors
files, errlist := parseFiles(t, testname, testfiles)
files, err := parseFiles(t, testname, testfiles)
// we are expecting the following errors
// (collect these after parsing the files so that
// they are found in the file set)
errors := expectedErrors(t, testname, files)
// verify errors returned by the parser
eliminate(t, errors, err)
// verify errors returned after resolving identifiers
pkg, err := ast.NewPackage(fset, files, GcImport, Universe)
eliminate(t, errors, err)
// verify errors returned by the typechecker
var list scanner.ErrorList
errh := func(pos token.Pos, msg string) {
list.Add(fset.Position(pos), msg)
err = Check(fset, pkg, errh, nil)
eliminate(t, errors, list)
// typecheck and collect typechecker errors
ctxt := Default
ctxt.Error = func(err error) { errlist = append(errlist, err) }
ctxt.Check(fset, files)
if *listErrors {
scanner.PrintError(os.Stdout, err)
t.Errorf("--- %s: %d errors found:", testname, len(errlist))
for _, err := range errlist {
// match and eliminate errors
// we are expecting the following errors
// (collect these after parsing the files so that
// they are found in the file set)
errmap := errMap(t, testname, files)
eliminate(t, errmap, errlist)
// there should be no expected errors left
if len(errors) > 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: %d errors not reported:", testname, len(errors))
for pos, msg := range errors {
t.Errorf("%s: %s\n", fset.Position(pos), msg)
if len(errmap) > 0 {
t.Errorf("--- %s: %d source positions with expected (but not reported) errors:", testname, len(errmap))
for pos, list := range errmap {
for _, rx := range list {
t.Errorf("%s: %q", pos, rx)
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import (
// Representation of constant values.
// bool -> bool (true, false)
// numeric -> int64, *big.Int, *big.Rat, complex (ordered by increasing data structure "size")
// numeric -> int64, *big.Int, *big.Rat, Complex (ordered by increasing data structure "size")
// string -> string
// nil -> nilType (nilConst)
// nil -> NilType (nilConst)
// Numeric constants are normalized after each operation such
// that they are represented by the "smallest" data structure
......@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ import (
// type. Non-numeric constants are always normalized.
// Representation of complex numbers.
type complex struct {
re, im *big.Rat
type Complex struct {
Re, Im *big.Rat
func (c complex) String() string {
if == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%si",
func (c Complex) String() string {
if c.Re.Sign() == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%si", c.Im)
// normalized complex values always have an imaginary part
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s + %si)",,
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s + %si)", c.Re, c.Im)
// Representation of nil.
type nilType struct{}
type NilType struct{}
func (nilType) String() string {
func (NilType) String() string {
return "nil"
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const (
// Frequently used values.
var (
nilConst = nilType{}
nilConst = NilType{}
zeroConst = int64(0)
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func newComplex(re, im *big.Rat) interface{} {
if im.Sign() == 0 {
return normalizeRatConst(re)
return complex{re, im}
return Complex{re, im}
// makeRuneConst returns the int64 code point for the rune literal
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func makeFloatConst(lit string) interface{} {
return nil
// makeComplexConst returns the complex constant representation (complex) for
// makeComplexConst returns the complex constant representation (Complex) for
// the imaginary literal lit. The result is nil if lit is not a correct imaginary
// literal.
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func makeStringConst(lit string) interface{} {
return nil
// toImagConst returns the constant complex(0, x) for a non-complex x.
// toImagConst returns the constant Complex(0, x) for a non-complex x.
func toImagConst(x interface{}) interface{} {
var im *big.Rat
switch x := x.(type) {
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ func toImagConst(x interface{}) interface{} {
return complex{rat0, im}
return Complex{rat0, im}
// isZeroConst reports whether the value of constant x is 0.
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, as BasicKind) bool {
return true
case complex:
case Complex:
switch as {
case Complex64:
return true // TODO(gri) fix this
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ func isRepresentableConst(x interface{}, as BasicKind) bool {
case string:
return as == String || as == UntypedString
case nilType:
case NilType:
return as == UntypedNil || as == UnsafePointer
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ var (
// complexity returns a measure of representation complexity for constant x.
func complexity(x interface{}) int {
switch x.(type) {
case bool, string, nilType:
case bool, string, NilType:
return 1
case int64:
return 2
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ func complexity(x interface{}) int {
return 3
case *big.Rat:
return 4
case complex:
case Complex:
return 5
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ func complexity(x interface{}) int {
// matchConst returns the matching representation (same type) with the
// smallest complexity for two constant values x and y. They must be
// of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, string, or nilType).
// of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, string, or NilType).
func matchConst(x, y interface{}) (_, _ interface{}) {
if complexity(x) > complexity(y) {
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ func matchConst(x, y interface{}) (_, _ interface{}) {
// complexity(x) <= complexity(y)
switch x := x.(type) {
case bool, complex, string, nilType:
case bool, Complex, string, NilType:
return x, y
case int64:
......@@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ func matchConst(x, y interface{}) (_, _ interface{}) {
return big.NewInt(x), y
case *big.Rat:
return big.NewRat(x, 1), y
case complex:
return complex{big.NewRat(x, 1), rat0}, y
case Complex:
return Complex{big.NewRat(x, 1), rat0}, y
case *big.Int:
......@@ -361,16 +361,16 @@ func matchConst(x, y interface{}) (_, _ interface{}) {
return x, y
case *big.Rat:
return new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1), y
case complex:
return complex{new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1), rat0}, y
case Complex:
return Complex{new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x, int1), rat0}, y
case *big.Rat:
switch y := y.(type) {
case *big.Rat:
return x, y
case complex:
return complex{x, rat0}, y
case Complex:
return Complex{x, rat0}, y
......@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ func unaryOpConst(x interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
return normalizeIntConst(new(big.Int).Neg(x))
case *big.Rat:
return normalizeRatConst(new(big.Rat).Neg(x))
case complex:
return newComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(, new(big.Rat).Neg(
case Complex:
return newComplex(new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Re), new(big.Rat).Neg(x.Im))
case token.XOR:
var z big.Int
......@@ -551,10 +551,10 @@ func binaryOpConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token, typ *Basic) interface{} {
return normalizeRatConst(&z)
case complex:
y := y.(complex)
a, b :=,
c, d :=,
case Complex:
y := y.(Complex)
a, b := x.Re, x.Im
c, d := y.Re, y.Im
var re, im big.Rat
switch op {
case token.ADD:
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ func shiftConst(x interface{}, s uint, op token.Token) interface{} {
// compareConst returns the result of the constant comparison x op y;
// both operands must be of the same "kind" (boolean, numeric, string,
// or nilType).
// or NilType).
func compareConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token) (z bool) {
x, y = matchConst(x, y)
......@@ -707,10 +707,10 @@ func compareConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token) (z bool) {
return s < 0
case complex:
y := y.(complex)
case Complex:
y := y.(Complex)
if op == token.EQL {
return == 0 && == 0
return x.Re.Cmp(y.Re) == 0 && x.Im.Cmp(y.Im) == 0
case string:
......@@ -722,9 +722,9 @@ func compareConst(x, y interface{}, op token.Token) (z bool) {
return x < y
case nilType:
case NilType:
if op == token.EQL {
return x == y.(nilType)
return x == y.(NilType)
......@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ func unreachable() {
func (check *checker) printTrace(format string, args []interface{}) {
const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
n := len(check.pos) - 1
i := 2 * n
i := 3 * n
for i > len(dots) {
i -= len(dots)
// i <= len(dots)
fmt.Printf("%s: ", check.fset.Position(check.pos[n]))
fmt.Printf("%s:\t", check.fset.Position(check.pos[n]))
fmt.Println(check.formatMsg(format, args))
......@@ -76,15 +76,19 @@ func (check *checker) dump(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Println(check.formatMsg(format, args))
func (check *checker) errorf(pos token.Pos, format string, args ...interface{}) {
msg := check.formatMsg(format, args)
func (check *checker) err(err error) {
if check.firsterr == nil {
check.firsterr = fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", check.fset.Position(pos), msg)
check.firsterr = err
if check.errh == nil {
f := check.ctxt.Error
if f == nil {
panic(bailout{}) // report only first error
check.errh(pos, msg)
func (check *checker) errorf(pos token.Pos, format string, args ...interface{}) {
check.err(fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", check.fset.Position(pos), check.formatMsg(format, args)))
func (check *checker) invalidAST(pos token.Pos, format string, args ...interface{}) {
......@@ -19,12 +19,8 @@ import (
// - at the moment, iota is passed around almost everywhere - in many places we know it cannot be used
// TODO(gri) API issues
// - clients need access to constant values
// - clients need access to built-in type information
// TODO(gri) Bugs
// - expression hints are (correctly) used untyped for composite literal components, but also
// in possibly overlapping use as hints for shift expressions - investigate
// - clients need access to builtins type information
// - API tests are missing (e.g., identifiers should be handled as expressions in callbacks)
func (check *checker) collectParams(list *ast.FieldList, variadicOk bool) (params ObjList, isVariadic bool) {
if list == nil {
......@@ -183,7 +179,14 @@ func (check *checker) op(m opPredicates, x *operand, op token.Token) bool {
func (check *checker) unary(x *operand, op token.Token) {
switch op {
case token.AND:
// TODO(gri) need to check for composite literals, somehow (they are not variables, in general)
// spec: "As an exception to the addressability
// requirement x may also be a composite literal."
// (The spec doesn't specify whether the literal
// can be parenthesized or not, but all compilers
// accept parenthesized literals.)
if _, ok := unparen(x.expr).(*ast.CompositeLit); ok {
x.mode = variable
if x.mode != variable {
check.invalidOp(x.pos(), "cannot take address of %s", x)
goto Error
......@@ -338,41 +341,45 @@ func (check *checker) comparison(x, y *operand, op token.Token) {
// untyped lhs shift operands convert to the hint type
// TODO(gri) shift hinting is not correct
func (check *checker) shift(x, y *operand, op token.Token, hint Type) {
// The right operand in a shift expression must have unsigned integer type
// or be an untyped constant that can be converted to unsigned integer type.
if y.mode == constant && isUntyped(y.typ) {
if isRepresentableConst(y.val, UntypedInt) {
y.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
if !isInteger(y.typ) || !isUnsigned(y.typ) && !isUntyped(y.typ) {
// spec: "The right operand in a shift expression must have unsigned
// integer type or be an untyped constant that can be converted to
// unsigned integer type."
switch {
case isInteger(y.typ) && isUnsigned(y.typ):
// nothing to do
case y.mode == constant && isUntyped(y.typ) && isRepresentableConst(y.val, UntypedInt):
y.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
check.invalidOp(y.pos(), "shift count %s must be unsigned integer", y)
x.mode = invalid
// If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped
// constant, the type of the constant is what it would be if the shift
// expression were replaced by its left operand alone; the type is int
// if it cannot be determined from the context (for instance, if the
// shift expression is an operand in a comparison against an untyped
// constant)
// spec: "If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is
// an untyped constant, the type of the constant is what it would be
// if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone;
// the type is int if it cannot be determined from the context (for
// instance, if the shift expression is an operand in a comparison
// against an untyped constant)".
if x.mode == constant && isUntyped(x.typ) {
if y.mode == constant {
// constant shift - accept values of any (untyped) type
// as long as the value is representable as an integer
if isRepresentableConst(x.val, UntypedInt) {
x.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
if x.mode == constant && isUntyped(x.typ) {
if isRepresentableConst(x.val, UntypedInt) {
x.typ = Typ[UntypedInt]
} else {
// non-constant shift
if hint != nil {
check.convertUntyped(x, hint)
if x.mode == invalid {
if hint == nil {
// TODO(gri) need to check for x.isNil (see other uses of defaultType)
hint = defaultType(x.typ)
check.convertUntyped(x, hint)
if x.mode == invalid {
......@@ -395,10 +402,10 @@ func (check *checker) shift(x, y *operand, op token.Token, hint Type) {
x.val = shiftConst(x.val, uint(s), op)
x.mode = value
// x.mode, x.Typ are unchanged
x.mode = value
// x.typ is already set
var binaryOpPredicates = opPredicates{
......@@ -591,10 +598,23 @@ func (check *checker) argument(sig *Signature, i int, arg ast.Expr, x *operand,
check.assignOperand(&z, x)
func (check *checker) recordType(x *operand) {
if x.mode != invalid {
check.mapf(x.expr, x.typ)
var emptyResult Result
func (check *checker) callExpr(x *operand) {
var typ Type
var val interface{}
switch x.mode {
case invalid:
return // nothing to do
case novalue:
typ = &emptyResult
case constant:
typ = x.typ
val = x.val
typ = x.typ
check.ctxt.Expr(x.expr, typ, val)
// rawExpr typechecks expression e and initializes x with the expression
......@@ -605,12 +625,16 @@ func (check *checker) recordType(x *operand) {
func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycleOk bool) {
if trace {
check.trace(e.Pos(), "expr(%s, iota = %d, cycleOk = %v)", e, iota, cycleOk)
c := ""
if cycleOk {
c = " ⨁"
check.trace(e.Pos(), "%s (%s, %d%s)", e, typeString(hint), iota, c)
defer check.untrace("=> %s", x)
if check.mapf != nil {
defer check.recordType(x)
if check.ctxt.Expr != nil {
defer check.callExpr(x)
switch e := e.(type) {
......@@ -680,10 +704,10 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
case *ast.FuncLit:
if typ, ok := check.typ(e.Type, false).(*Signature); ok {
if sig, ok := check.typ(e.Type, false).(*Signature); ok {
x.mode = value
x.typ = typ
check.function(typ, e.Body)
x.typ = sig
check.later(nil, sig, e.Body)
} else {
check.invalidAST(e.Pos(), "invalid function literal %s", e)
goto Error
......@@ -767,7 +791,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
// i < len(fields)
etyp := fields[i].Type
if !x.isAssignable(etyp) {
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as an element of type %s in struct literal", x, etyp)
check.errorf(x.pos(), "cannot use %s as %s value in struct literal", x, etyp)
......@@ -819,7 +843,7 @@ func (check *checker) rawExpr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycle
goto Error
x.mode = variable // TODO(gri) mode is really a value - keep for now to get going
x.mode = value
x.typ = typ
case *ast.ParenExpr:
......@@ -169,7 +169,11 @@ func (x *operand) isAssignable(T Type) bool {
// x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer,
// function, slice, map, channel, or interface type
if x.isNil() {
switch Tu.(type) {
switch t := Tu.(type) {
case *Basic:
if t.Kind == UnsafePointer {
return true
case *Pointer, *Signature, *Slice, *Map, *Chan, *Interface:
return true
......@@ -270,7 +270,15 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
// ignore
case *ast.DeclStmt:
d, _ := s.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
if d == nil || (d.Tok != token.CONST && d.Tok != token.TYPE && d.Tok != token.VAR) {
check.invalidAST(token.NoPos, "const, type, or var declaration expected")
if d.Tok == token.CONST {
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
// TODO(gri) anything to do with label itself?
......@@ -378,8 +386,14 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
var x, y operand
check.expr(&x, s.Lhs[0], nil, -1)
if x.mode == invalid {
check.expr(&y, s.Rhs[0], nil, -1)
check.binary(&x, &y, op, nil)
if y.mode == invalid {
check.binary(&x, &y, op, x.typ)
check.assign1to1(s.Lhs[0], nil, &x, false, -1)
......@@ -390,7 +404,7 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
case *ast.ReturnStmt:
sig := check.functypes[len(check.functypes)-1]
sig := check.funcsig
if n := len(sig.Results); n > 0 {
// TODO(gri) should not have to compute lhs, named every single time - clean this up
lhs := make([]ast.Expr, n)
......@@ -459,6 +473,7 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
// duplicate entry, but only report an error if there are
// no other errors.
var dupl token.Pos
var yy operand
if y.mode == constant {
// TODO(gri) This code doesn't work correctly for
// large integer, floating point, or
......@@ -467,6 +482,7 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
// hash function to index the map.
dupl = seen[y.val]
seen[y.val] = y.pos()
yy = y // remember y
// TODO(gri) The convertUntyped call pair below appears in other places. Factor!
// Order matters: By comparing y against x, error positions are at the case values.
......@@ -480,8 +496,8 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
check.comparison(&y, &x, token.EQL)
if y.mode != invalid && dupl.IsValid() {
check.errorf(y.pos(), "%s is duplicate case (previous at %s)",
&y, check.fset.Position(dupl))
check.errorf(yy.pos(), "%s is duplicate case (previous at %s)",
&yy, check.fset.Position(dupl))
......@@ -664,6 +680,7 @@ func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
// they refer to the expression in the range clause.
// Should give better messages w/o too much code
// duplication (assignment checking).
x.mode = value
if s.Key != nil {
x.typ = key
check.assign1to1(s.Key, nil, &x, decl, -1)
......@@ -76,6 +76,22 @@ func _complex() {
complex /* ERROR "not used" */ (1, 2)
func _copy() {
copy /* ERROR "not enough arguments" */ ()
copy /* ERROR "not enough arguments" */ ("foo")
copy([ /* ERROR "copy expects slice arguments" */ ...]int{}, []int{})
copy([ /* ERROR "copy expects slice arguments" */ ]int{}, [...]int{})
copy([ /* ERROR "different element types" */ ]int8{}, "foo")
// spec examples
var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
var s = make([]int, 6)
var b = make([]byte, 5)
n1 := copy(s, a[0:]) // n1 == 6, s == []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
n2 := copy(s, s[2:]) // n2 == 4, s == []int{2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5}
n3 := copy(b, "Hello, World!") // n3 == 5, b == []byte("Hello")
func _delete() {
var m map[string]int
var s string
......@@ -122,3 +122,11 @@ func (T) m0() {}
func (*T) m1() {}
func (x T) m2() {}
func (x *T) m3() {}
// Initialization functions
func init() {}
func /* ERROR "no arguments and no return values" */ init(int) {}
func /* ERROR "no arguments and no return values" */ init() int { return 0 }
func /* ERROR "no arguments and no return values" */ init(int) int {}
func (T) init(int) int { return 0 }
......@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ func (undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
func (x *undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
// TODO(gri) try to get rid of double error reporting here
func (pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */) m1() {}
func (x pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */) m2() {}
func (x *pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */) m3() {} // TODO(gri) not closing the last /* comment crashes the system
func (pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m1() {}
func (x pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m2() {}
func (x *pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ ) m3() {} // TODO(gri) not closing the last /* comment crashes the system
// Blank types.
type _ struct { m int }
......@@ -133,3 +133,19 @@ var (
ch8 = <-rc
ch9 = <-sc /* ERROR "cannot receive" */
// address of composite literals
type T struct{x, y int}
func f() T { return T{} }
var (
_ = &T{1, 2}
_ = &[...]int{}
_ = &[]int{}
_ = &[]int{}
_ = &map[string]T{}
_ = &(T{1, 2})
_ = &((((T{1, 2}))))
_ = &f /* ERROR "cannot take address" */ ()
......@@ -261,4 +261,14 @@ func _rangeloops() {
for _ = range sc /* ERROR "cannot range over send-only channel" */ {}
for _ = range rc {}
// constant strings
const cs = "foo"
for i, x := range cs {}
for i, x := range "" {
var ii int
ii = i
var xx rune
xx = x
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,31 +2,13 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package types declares the data structures for representing
// Go types and implements typechecking of an *ast.Package.
package types
import (
// Check typechecks a package pkg. It returns the first error, or nil.
// Check augments the AST by assigning types to ast.Objects. It
// calls err with the error position and message for each error.
// It calls f with each valid AST expression and corresponding
// type. If err == nil, Check terminates as soon as the first error
// is found. If f is nil, it is not invoked.
func Check(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *ast.Package, err func(token.Pos, string), f func(ast.Expr, Type)) error {
return check(fset, pkg, err, f)
// All types implement the Type interface.
// TODO(gri) Eventually determine what common Type functionality should be exported.
type Type interface {
......@@ -96,7 +78,7 @@ type Basic struct {
Kind BasicKind
Info BasicInfo
Size int64 // > 0 if valid
Size int64
Name string
......@@ -142,8 +124,6 @@ type Pointer struct {
// A Result represents a (multi-value) function call result.
// TODO(gri) consider using an empty Result (Values == nil)
// as representation for the novalue operand mode.
type Result struct {
Values ObjList // Signature.Results of the function called
......@@ -20,15 +20,7 @@ func makePkg(t *testing.T, src string) (*ast.Package, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files := map[string]*ast.File{filename: file}
pkg, err := ast.NewPackage(fset, files, GcImport, Universe)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := Check(fset, pkg, nil, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
return pkg, nil
return Check(fset, map[string]*ast.File{filename: file})
type testEntry struct {
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