Commit 95643647 authored by Dmitriy Vyukov's avatar Dmitriy Vyukov

runtime: add parallel for algorithm

This is factored out part of:
(parallel GC)

R=bsiegert, mpimenov, rsc,, r
parent aa45e52e
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ static char *runtimedefs[] = {
// mkzruntimedefs writes zruntime_defs_$GOOS_$GOARCH.h,
......@@ -36,3 +36,28 @@ func lfstackpop2(head *uint64) *LFNode
var LFStackPush = lfstackpush
var LFStackPop = lfstackpop2
type ParFor struct {
body *byte
done uint32
Nthr uint32
nthrmax uint32
thrseq uint32
Cnt uint32
Ctx *byte
wait bool
func parforalloc2(nthrmax uint32) *ParFor
func parforsetup2(desc *ParFor, nthr, n uint32, ctx *byte, wait bool, body func(*ParFor, uint32))
func parfordo(desc *ParFor)
func parforiters(desc *ParFor, tid uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr)
var NewParFor = parforalloc2
var ParForSetup = parforsetup2
var ParForDo = parfordo
func ParForIters(desc *ParFor, tid uint32) (uint32, uint32) {
begin, end := parforiters(desc, uintptr(tid))
return uint32(begin), uint32(end)
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Parallel for algorithm.
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
struct ParForThread
// the thread's iteration space [32lsb, 32msb)
uint64 pos;
// stats
uint64 nsteal;
uint64 nstealcnt;
uint64 nprocyield;
uint64 nosyield;
uint64 nsleep;
byte pad[CacheLineSize];
runtime·parforalloc(uint32 nthrmax)
ParFor *desc;
// The ParFor object is followed by CacheLineSize padding
// and then nthrmax ParForThread.
desc = (ParFor*)runtime·malloc(sizeof(ParFor) + CacheLineSize + nthrmax * sizeof(ParForThread));
desc->thr = (ParForThread*)((byte*)(desc+1) + CacheLineSize);
desc->nthrmax = nthrmax;
return desc;
// For testing from Go
// func parforalloc2(nthrmax uint32) *ParFor
runtime·parforalloc2(uint32 nthrmax, ParFor *desc)
desc = runtime·parforalloc(nthrmax);
runtime·parforsetup(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32))
uint32 i, begin, end;
if(desc == nil || nthr == 0 || nthr > desc->nthrmax || body == nil) {
runtime·printf("desc=%p nthr=%d count=%d body=%p\n", desc, nthr, n, body);
runtime·throw("parfor: invalid args");
desc->body = body;
desc->done = 0;
desc->nthr = nthr;
desc->thrseq = 0;
desc->cnt = n;
desc->ctx = ctx;
desc->wait = wait;
desc->nsteal = 0;
desc->nstealcnt = 0;
desc->nprocyield = 0;
desc->nosyield = 0;
desc->nsleep = 0;
for(i=0; i<nthr; i++) {
begin = (uint64)n*i / nthr;
end = (uint64)n*(i+1) / nthr;
desc->thr[i].pos = (uint64)begin | (((uint64)end)<<32);
// For testing from Go
// func parforsetup2(desc *ParFor, nthr, n uint32, ctx *byte, wait bool, body func(*ParFor, uint32))
runtime·parforsetup2(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void *body)
runtime·parforsetup(desc, nthr, n, ctx, wait, (void(*)(ParFor*, uint32))body);
runtime·parfordo(ParFor *desc)
ParForThread *me;
uint32 tid, begin, end, begin2, try, victim, i;
uint64 *mypos, *victimpos, pos, newpos;
void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32);
bool idle;
// Obtain 0-based thread index.
tid = runtime·xadd(&desc->thrseq, 1) - 1;
if(tid >= desc->nthr) {
runtime·printf("tid=%d nthr=%d\n", tid, desc->nthr);
runtime·throw("parfor: invalid tid");
// If single-threaded, just execute the for serially.
if(desc->nthr==1) {
for(i=0; i<desc->cnt; i++)
desc->body(desc, i);
body = desc->body;
me = &desc->thr[tid];
mypos = &me->pos;
for(;;) {
for(;;) {
// While there is local work,
// bump low index and execute the iteration.
pos = runtime·xadd64(mypos, 1);
begin = (uint32)pos-1;
end = (uint32)(pos>>32);
if(begin < end) {
body(desc, begin);
// Out of work, need to steal something.
idle = false;
for(try=0;; try++) {
// If we don't see any work for long enough,
// increment the done counter...
if(try > desc->nthr*4 && !idle) {
idle = true;
runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1);
// ...if all threads have incremented the counter,
// we are done.
if(desc->done + !idle == desc->nthr) {
runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1);
goto exit;
// Choose a random victim for stealing.
victim = runtime·fastrand1() % (desc->nthr-1);
if(victim >= tid)
victimpos = &desc->thr[victim].pos;
pos = runtime·atomicload64(victimpos);
for(;;) {
// See if it has any work.
begin = (uint32)pos;
end = (uint32)(pos>>32);
if(begin >= end-1) {
begin = end = 0;
if(idle) {
runtime·xadd(&desc->done, -1);
idle = false;
begin2 = begin + (end-begin)/2;
newpos = (uint64)begin | (uint64)begin2<<32;
if(runtime·cas64(victimpos, &pos, newpos)) {
begin = begin2;
if(begin < end) {
// Has successfully stolen some work.
runtime·throw("parfor: should not be idle");
runtime·atomicstore64(mypos, (uint64)begin | (uint64)end<<32);
me->nstealcnt += end-begin;
// Backoff.
if(try < desc->nthr) {
// nothing
} else if (try < 4*desc->nthr) {
// If a caller asked not to wait for the others, exit now
// (assume that most work is already done at this point).
} else if (!desc->wait) {
runtime·xadd(&desc->done, 1);
goto exit;
} else if (try < 6*desc->nthr) {
} else {
runtime·xadd64(&desc->nsteal, me->nsteal);
runtime·xadd64(&desc->nstealcnt, me->nstealcnt);
runtime·xadd64(&desc->nprocyield, me->nprocyield);
runtime·xadd64(&desc->nosyield, me->nosyield);
runtime·xadd64(&desc->nsleep, me->nsleep);
// For testing from Go
// func parforiters(desc *ParFor, tid uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr)
runtime·parforiters(ParFor *desc, uintptr tid, uintptr start, uintptr end)
start = (uint32)desc->thr[tid].pos;
end = (uint32)(desc->thr[tid].pos>>32);
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime_test
import (
. "runtime"
// Simple serial sanity test for parallelfor.
func TestParFor(t *testing.T) {
const P = 1
const N = 20
data := make([]uint64, N)
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
data[i] = i
desc := NewParFor(P)
ParForSetup(desc, P, N, nil, true, func(desc *ParFor, i uint32) {
data[i] = data[i]*data[i] + 1
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
if data[i] != i*i+1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong element %d: %d", i, data[i])
// Test that nonblocking parallelfor does not block.
func TestParFor2(t *testing.T) {
const P = 7
const N = 1003
data := make([]uint64, N)
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
data[i] = i
desc := NewParFor(P)
ParForSetup(desc, P, N, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&data)), false, func(desc *ParFor, i uint32) {
d := *(*[]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(desc.Ctx))
d[i] = d[i]*d[i] + 1
for p := 0; p < P; p++ {
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
if data[i] != i*i+1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong element %d: %d", i, data[i])
// Test that iterations are properly distributed.
func TestParForSetup(t *testing.T) {
const P = 11
const N = 101
desc := NewParFor(P)
for n := uint32(0); n < N; n++ {
for p := uint32(1); p <= P; p++ {
ParForSetup(desc, p, n, nil, true, func(desc *ParFor, i uint32) {})
sum := uint32(0)
size0 := uint32(0)
end0 := uint32(0)
for i := uint32(0); i < p; i++ {
begin, end := ParForIters(desc, i)
size := end - begin
sum += size
if i == 0 {
size0 = size
if begin != 0 {
t.Fatalf("incorrect begin: %d (n=%d, p=%d)", begin, n, p)
} else {
if size != size0 && size != size0+1 {
t.Fatalf("incorrect size: %d/%d (n=%d, p=%d)", size, size0, n, p)
if begin != end0 {
t.Fatalf("incorrect begin/end: %d/%d (n=%d, p=%d)", begin, end0, n, p)
end0 = end
if sum != n {
t.Fatalf("incorrect sum: %d/%d (p=%d)", sum, n, p)
// Test parallel parallelfor.
func TestParForParallel(t *testing.T) {
N := uint64(1e7)
if testing.Short() {
N /= 10
data := make([]uint64, N)
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
data[i] = i
desc := NewParFor(uint32(P))
ParForSetup(desc, uint32(P), uint32(N), nil, true, func(desc *ParFor, i uint32) {
data[i] = data[i]*data[i] + 1
for p := 1; p < P; p++ {
go ParForDo(desc)
for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ {
if data[i] != i*i+1 {
t.Fatalf("Wrong element %d: %d", i, data[i])
......@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ typedef struct Timers Timers;
typedef struct Timer Timer;
typedef struct GCStats GCStats;
typedef struct LFNode LFNode;
typedef struct ParFor ParFor;
typedef struct ParForThread ParForThread;
* per-cpu declaration.
......@@ -359,6 +361,27 @@ struct LFNode
uintptr pushcnt;
// Parallel for descriptor.
struct ParFor
void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32); // executed for each element
uint32 done; // number of idle threads
uint32 nthr; // total number of threads
uint32 nthrmax; // maximum number of threads
uint32 thrseq; // thread id sequencer
uint32 cnt; // iteration space [0, cnt)
void *ctx; // arbitrary user context
bool wait; // if true, wait while all threads finish processing,
// otherwise parfor may return while other threads are still working
ParForThread *thr; // array of thread descriptors
// stats
uint64 nsteal;
uint64 nstealcnt;
uint64 nprocyield;
uint64 nosyield;
uint64 nsleep;
* defined macros
* you need super-gopher-guru privilege
......@@ -668,6 +691,18 @@ void runtime·futexwakeup(uint32*, uint32);
void runtime·lfstackpush(uint64 *head, LFNode *node);
LFNode* runtime·lfstackpop(uint64 *head);
* Parallel for over [0, n).
* body() is executed for each iteration.
* nthr - total number of worker threads.
* ctx - arbitrary user context.
* if wait=true, threads return from parfor() when all work is done;
* otherwise, threads can return while other threads are still finishing processing.
ParFor* runtime·parforalloc(uint32 nthrmax);
void runtime·parforsetup(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32));
void runtime·parfordo(ParFor *desc);
* This is consistent across Linux and BSD.
* If a new OS is added that is different, move this to
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