Commit 9765325d authored by Mikio Hara's avatar Mikio Hara

net: make parseProcNetIGMP more robust

Suggested by Paul Borman.

Fixes #2826.

R=rsc, borman
parent 880cda55
......@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ func interfaceMulticastAddrTable(ifindex int) ([]Addr, error) {
return nil, err
ifmat4 := parseProcNetIGMP(ifi)
ifmat6 := parseProcNetIGMP6(ifi)
ifmat4 := parseProcNetIGMP("/proc/net/igmp", ifi)
ifmat6 := parseProcNetIGMP6("/proc/net/igmp6", ifi)
return append(ifmat4, ifmat6...), nil
func parseProcNetIGMP(ifi *Interface) []Addr {
fd, err := open("/proc/net/igmp")
func parseProcNetIGMP(path string, ifi *Interface) []Addr {
fd, err := open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil
......@@ -185,23 +185,26 @@ func parseProcNetIGMP(ifi *Interface) []Addr {
fd.readLine() // skip first line
b := make([]byte, IPv4len)
for l, ok := fd.readLine(); ok; l, ok = fd.readLine() {
f := getFields(l)
switch len(f) {
case 4:
f := splitAtBytes(l, " :\r\t\n")
if len(f) < 4 {
switch {
case l[0] != ' ' && l[0] != '\t': // new interface line
name = f[1]
case len(f[0]) == 8:
if ifi == nil || name == ifi.Name {
fmt.Sscanf(f[0], "%08x", &b)
ifma := IPAddr{IP: IPv4(b[3], b[2], b[1], b[0])}
ifmat = append(ifmat, ifma.toAddr())
case 5:
name = f[1]
return ifmat
func parseProcNetIGMP6(ifi *Interface) []Addr {
fd, err := open("/proc/net/igmp6")
func parseProcNetIGMP6(path string, ifi *Interface) []Addr {
fd, err := open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil
......@@ -210,7 +213,10 @@ func parseProcNetIGMP6(ifi *Interface) []Addr {
var ifmat []Addr
b := make([]byte, IPv6len)
for l, ok := fd.readLine(); ok; l, ok = fd.readLine() {
f := getFields(l)
f := splitAtBytes(l, " \r\t\n")
if len(f) < 6 {
if ifi == nil || f[1] == ifi.Name {
fmt.Sscanf(f[2], "%32x", &b)
ifma := IPAddr{IP: IP{b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11], b[12], b[13], b[14], b[15]}}
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package net
import "testing"
const (
numOfTestIPv4MCAddrs = 14
numOfTestIPv6MCAddrs = 18
var (
igmpInterfaceTable = []Interface{
{Name: "lo"},
{Name: "eth0"}, {Name: "eth1"}, {Name: "eth2"},
{Name: "eth0.100"}, {Name: "eth0.101"}, {Name: "eth0.102"}, {Name: "eth0.103"},
{Name: "device1tap2"},
igmp6InterfaceTable = []Interface{
{Name: "lo"},
{Name: "eth0"}, {Name: "eth1"}, {Name: "eth2"},
{Name: "eth0.100"}, {Name: "eth0.101"}, {Name: "eth0.102"}, {Name: "eth0.103"},
{Name: "device1tap2"},
{Name: "pan0"},
func TestParseProcNet(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
var ifmat4 []Addr
for _, ifi := range igmpInterfaceTable {
ifmat := parseProcNetIGMP("testdata/igmp", &ifi)
ifmat4 = append(ifmat4, ifmat...)
if len(ifmat4) != numOfTestIPv4MCAddrs {
t.Fatalf("parseProcNetIGMP returns %v addresses, expected %v", len(ifmat4), numOfTestIPv4MCAddrs)
var ifmat6 []Addr
for _, ifi := range igmp6InterfaceTable {
ifmat := parseProcNetIGMP6("testdata/igmp6", &ifi)
ifmat6 = append(ifmat6, ifmat...)
if len(ifmat6) != numOfTestIPv6MCAddrs {
t.Fatalf("parseProcNetIGMP6 returns %v addresses, expected %v", len(ifmat6), numOfTestIPv6MCAddrs)
......@@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ func TestInterfaces(t *testing.T) {
for _, ifi := range ift {
ifxi, err := InterfaceByIndex(ifi.Index)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByIndex(%#q) failed: %v", ifi.Index, err)
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByIndex(%q) failed: %v", ifi.Index, err)
if !sameInterface(ifxi, &ifi) {
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByIndex(%#q) = %v, want %v", ifi.Index, *ifxi, ifi)
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByIndex(%q) = %v, want %v", ifi.Index, *ifxi, ifi)
ifxn, err := InterfaceByName(ifi.Name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByName(%#q) failed: %v", ifi.Name, err)
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByName(%q) failed: %v", ifi.Name, err)
if !sameInterface(ifxn, &ifi) {
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByName(%#q) = %v, want %v", ifi.Name, *ifxn, ifi)
t.Fatalf("InterfaceByName(%q) = %v, want %v", ifi.Name, *ifxn, ifi)
t.Logf("%q: flags %q, ifindex %v, mtu %v\n", ifi.Name, ifi.Flags.String(), ifi.Index, ifi.MTU)
t.Logf("\thardware address %q", ifi.HardwareAddr.String())
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func open(name string) (*file, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &file{fd, make([]byte, 1024)[0:0], false}, nil
return &file{fd, make([]byte, os.Getpagesize())[0:0], false}, nil
func byteIndex(s string, c byte) int {
Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter
1 lo : 1 V3
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
2 eth0 : 2 V2
FB0000E0 1 0:00000000 1
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
3 eth1 : 1 V3
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
4 eth2 : 1 V3
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
5 eth0.100 : 2 V3
FB0000E0 1 0:00000000 0
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
6 eth0.101 : 2 V3
FB0000E0 1 0:00000000 0
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
7 eth0.102 : 2 V3
FB0000E0 1 0:00000000 0
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
8 eth0.103 : 2 V3
FB0000E0 1 0:00000000 0
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
9 device1tap2: 1 V3
010000E0 1 0:00000000 0
1 lo ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
2 eth0 ff0200000000000000000001ffac891e 1 00000006 0
2 eth0 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
3 eth1 ff0200000000000000000001ffac8928 2 00000006 0
3 eth1 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
4 eth2 ff0200000000000000000001ffac8932 2 00000006 0
4 eth2 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
5 eth0.100 ff0200000000000000000001ffac891e 1 00000004 0
5 eth0.100 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
6 pan0 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
7 eth0.101 ff0200000000000000000001ffac891e 1 00000004 0
7 eth0.101 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
8 eth0.102 ff0200000000000000000001ffac891e 1 00000004 0
8 eth0.102 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
9 eth0.103 ff0200000000000000000001ffac891e 1 00000004 0
9 eth0.103 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
10 device1tap2 ff0200000000000000000001ff4cc3a3 1 00000004 0
10 device1tap2 ff020000000000000000000000000001 1 0000000C 0
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