Commit 99b23a1e authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

Effective Go: panic and recover

R=rsc, iant
parent 050905b9
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ and the <a href="go_tutorial.html">tutorial</a>, both of which you
should read first.
<h3 id="read">Examples</h3>
<h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
The <a href="/src/pkg/">Go package sources</a>
......@@ -2569,10 +2569,175 @@ for try := 0; try &lt; 2; try++ {
<h3 id="panic_recover">Panic and recover</h3>
<h3 id="panic">Panic</h3>
TODO: Short discussion of panic and recover goes here.
The usual way to report an error to a caller is to return an
<code>os.Error</code> as an extra return value. The canonical
<code>Read</code> method is a well-known instance; it returns a byte
count and an <code>os.Error</code>. But what if the error is
unrecoverable? Sometimes the program simply cannot continue.
For this purpose, there is a built-in function <code>panic</code>
that in effect creates a run-time error that will stop the program
(but see the next section). The function takes a single argument
of arbitrary type&mdash;often a string&mdash;to be printed as the
program dies. It's also a way to indicate that something impossible has
happened, such as exiting an infinite loop. In fact, the compiler
recognizes a <code>panic</code> at the end of a function and
suppresses the usual check for a <code>return</code> statement.
// A toy implementation of cube root using Newton's method.
func CubeRoot(x float64) float64 {
z := x/3 // Arbitrary intitial value
for i := 0; i < 1e6; i++ {
prevz := z
z -= (z*z*z-x) / (3*z*z)
if veryClose(z, prevz) {
return z
// A million iterations has not converged; something is wrong.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("CubeRoot(%g) did not converge", x)
This is only an example but real library functions should
avoid <code>panic</code>. If the problem can be masked or worked
around, it's always better to let things continue to run rather
than taking down the whole program. One possible counterexample
is during initialization: if the library truly cannot set itself up,
it might be reasonable to panic, so to speak.
var user = os.Getenv("USER")
func init() {
if user == "" {
panic("no value for $USER")
<h3 id="recover">Recover</h3>
When <code>panic</code> is called, including implicitly for run-time
errors such indexing an array out of bounds or failing a type
assertion, it immediately stops execution of the current function
and begins unwinding the stack of the goroutine, running any deferred
functions along the way. If that unwinding reaches the top of the
goroutine's stack, the program dies. However, it is possible to
use the built-in function <code>recover</code> to regain control
of the goroutine and resume normal execution.
A call to <code>recover</code> stops the unwinding and returns the
argument passed to <code>panic</code>. Because the only code that
runs while unwinding is inside deferred functions, <code>recover</code>
is only useful inside deferred functions.
One application of <code>recover</code> is to shut down a failing goroutine
inside a server without killing the other executing goroutines.
func server(workChan <-chan *Work) {
for work := range workChan {
func safelyDo(work *Work) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Stderr("work failed:", err)
In this example, if <code>do(work)</code> panics, the result will be
logged and the goroutine will exit cleanly without disturbing the
others. There's no need to do anything else in the deferred closure;
calling <code>recover</code> handles the condition completely.
Note that with this recovery pattern in place, the <code>do</code>
function (and anything it calls) can get out of any bad situation
cleanly by calling <code>panic</code>. We can use that idea to
simplify error handling in complex software. Let's look at an
idealized excerpt from the <code>regexp</code> package, which reports
parsing errors by calling <code>panic</code> with a local
<code>Error</code> type. Here's the definition of <code>Error</code>,
an <code>error</code> method, and the <code>Compile</code> function.
// Error is the type of a parse error; it satisfies os.Error.
type Error string
func (e Error) String() string {
return string(e)
// error is a method of *Regexp that reports parsing errors by
// panicking with an Error.
func (regexp *Regexp) error(err string) {
// Compile returns a parsed representation of the regular expression.
func Compile(str string) (regexp *Regexp, err os.Error) {
regexp = new(Regexp)
// doParse will panic if there is a parse error.
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
regexp = nil // Clear return value.
err = e.(Error) // Will re-panic if not a parse error.
return regexp.doParse(str), nil
If <code>doParse</code> panics, the recovery block will set the
return value to <code>nil</code>&mdash;deferred functions can modify
named return values. It then will then check, in the assignment
to <code>err</code>, that the problem was a parse error by asserting
that it has type <code>Error</code>.
If it does not, the type assertion will fail, causing a run-time error
that continues the stack unwinding as though nothing had interrupted
it. This check means that if something unexpected happens, such
as an array index out of bounds, the code will fail even though we
are using <code>panic</code> and <code>recover</code> to handle
user-triggered errors.
With this error handling in place, the <code>error</code> method
makes it easy to report parse errors without worrying about unwinding
the parse stack by hand.
Useful though this pattern is, it should be used only within a package.
<code>Parse</code> turns its internal <code>panic</code> calls into
<code>os.Error</code> values; it does not expose <code>panics</code>
to its client. That is a good rule to follow.
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