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Commit 9a9780a2 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: separate compile and link steps in action graph

To the extent that invoking the compiler and invoking the linker
have different dependency requirements, representing both steps
by a single action node leads to confusion.

If we move to having separate .a and .x (import metadata) files
in the standard builds, then the .a is a link dependency but not
a compile dependency, and vice versa for .x.
Today, in shared library builds, the .a is a compile dependency
and a link dependency, while the .so is only a link dependency.

Also in this CL: change the gccgo link step to extract _cgo_flags
into root.Objdir, which is private to the link step, instead of into
b.WorkDir, which is shared by all the link steps that could possibly
be running in parallel. And attempt to handle the -n and -x flags
when loading _cgo_flags, instead of dying attempting to read
an archive that wasn't written.

Also in this CL: create a.Objdir before running a.Func, to avoid
duplicating the Mkdir(a.Objdir) in every a.Func.

A future CL will update the link action's Deps to be accurate.
(Right now the link steps search out the true Deps by walking
the entire action graph.)

Change-Id: I15128ce2bd064887f98abc3a4cf204241f518631
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarDavid Crawshaw <>
parent 0c6fc0d7
......@@ -729,10 +729,10 @@ func TestBuildComplex(t *testing.T) {
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.setenv("GOPATH", filepath.Join(tg.pwd(), "testdata"))"build", "-o", os.DevNull, "complex")"build", "-x", "-o", os.DevNull, "complex")
if _, err := exec.LookPath("gccgo"); err == nil {"build", "-o", os.DevNull, "-compiler=gccgo", "complex")"build", "-x", "-o", os.DevNull, "-compiler=gccgo", "complex")
......@@ -896,11 +896,6 @@ func builderTest(b *work.Builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, prin
if ptest != p {
a := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, ptest)
a.Link = false
a := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, pmain)
a.Target = testDir + testBinary + cfg.ExeSuffix
if cfg.Goos == "windows" {
......@@ -691,7 +691,6 @@ type Action struct {
triggers []*Action // inverse of deps
// Generated files, directories.
Link bool // target is executable, not just package
Objdir string // directory for intermediate objects
Target string // goal of the action: the created package or executable
......@@ -749,7 +748,6 @@ func actionGraphJSON(a *Action) string {
ID: id,
IgnoreFail: a.IgnoreFail,
Args: a.Args,
Link: a.Link,
Objdir: a.Objdir,
Target: a.Target,
Failed: a.Failed,
......@@ -955,7 +953,7 @@ func (b *Builder) action1(mode BuildMode, depMode BuildMode, p *load.Package, lo
mode = ModeBuild
a.Objdir = b.NewObjdir()
a.Link = p.Name == "main" && !p.Internal.ForceLibrary
link := p.Name == "main" && !p.Internal.ForceLibrary
switch mode {
case ModeInstall:
......@@ -989,7 +987,16 @@ func (b *Builder) action1(mode BuildMode, depMode BuildMode, p *load.Package, lo
a.Func = (*Builder).build
a.Target = a.Objdir + "_pkg_.a"
a.Package.Internal.Pkgfile = a.Target
if a.Link {
if link {
a = &Action{
Mode: "link",
Func: (*Builder).link,
Package: a.Package,
Objdir: a.Objdir,
Deps: []*Action{a},
// An executable file. (This is the name of a temporary file.)
// Because we run the temporary file in 'go run' and 'go test',
// the name will show up in ps listings. If the caller has specified
......@@ -1018,7 +1025,10 @@ func (b *Builder) action1(mode BuildMode, depMode BuildMode, p *load.Package, lo
func (b *Builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*load.Package, mode, depMode BuildMode) *Action {
a := &Action{Mode: "libaction???"}
a := &Action{
Mode: "libaction", // should be overwritten below
Objdir: b.NewObjdir(),
switch mode {
base.Fatalf("unrecognized mode %v", mode)
......@@ -1201,8 +1211,14 @@ func (b *Builder) Do(root *Action) {
// any actions that are runnable as a result.
handle := func(a *Action) {
var err error
if a.Func != nil && (!a.Failed || a.IgnoreFail) {
err = a.Func(b, a)
if a.Objdir != "" {
err = b.Mkdir(a.Objdir)
if err == nil {
err = a.Func(b, a)
// The actions run in parallel but all the updates to the
......@@ -1316,11 +1332,7 @@ func (b *Builder) build(a *Action) (err error) {
b.Print(a.Package.ImportPath + "\n")
// Make build directory.
objdir := a.Objdir
if err := b.Mkdir(objdir); err != nil {
return err
// make target directory
dir, _ := filepath.Split(a.Target)
......@@ -1554,22 +1566,32 @@ func (b *Builder) build(a *Action) (err error) {
// Link if needed.
if a.Link {
importcfg := a.Objdir + ""
if err := b.writeLinkImportcfg(a, importcfg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// The compiler only cares about direct imports, but the
// linker needs the whole dependency tree.
all := ActionList(a)
all = all[:len(all)-1] // drop a
if err := BuildToolchain.ld(b, a, a.Target, importcfg, all, objpkg, objects); err != nil {
func (b *Builder) link(a *Action) (err error) {
importcfg := a.Objdir + ""
if err := b.writeLinkImportcfg(a, importcfg); err != nil {
return err
// make target directory
dir, _ := filepath.Split(a.Target)
if dir != "" {
if err := b.Mkdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
// The compiler only cares about direct imports, but the
// linker needs the whole dependency tree.
all := ActionList(a)
all = all[:len(all)-1] // drop a
objpkg := a.Objdir + "_pkg_.a"
if err := BuildToolchain.ld(b, a, a.Target, importcfg, all, objpkg, nil); err != nil { // TODO: ofiles
return err
return nil
......@@ -1698,7 +1720,7 @@ func BuildInstallFunc(b *Builder, a *Action) (err error) {
a1 := a.Deps[0]
perm := os.FileMode(0666)
if a1.Link {
if a1.Mode == "link" {
switch cfg.BuildBuildmode {
case "c-archive", "c-shared", "plugin":
......@@ -2859,7 +2881,7 @@ func (gccgoToolchain) pack(b *Builder, a *Action, afile string, ofiles []string)
return, p.ImportPath, nil, "ar", "rc", mkAbs(objdir, afile), absOfiles)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string, buildmode, desc string) error {
func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string, allactions []*Action, buildmode, desc string) error {
// gccgo needs explicit linking with all package dependencies,
// and all LDFLAGS from cgo dependencies.
apackagePathsSeen := make(map[string]bool)
......@@ -2899,42 +2921,36 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string
return nil
newID := 0
readAndRemoveCgoFlags := func(archive string) (string, error) {
newa, err := ioutil.TempFile(b.WorkDir, filepath.Base(archive))
if err != nil {
return "", err
olda, err := os.Open(archive)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = io.Copy(newa, olda)
if err != nil {
newArchive := root.Objdir + fmt.Sprintf("_pkg%d_.a", newID)
if err := b.copyFile(root, newArchive, archive, 0666, false); err != nil {
return "", err
err = olda.Close()
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = newa.Close()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.Showcmd("", "ar d %s _cgo_flags", newArchive)
if cfg.BuildN {
// TODO(rsc): We could do better about showing the right _cgo_flags even in -n mode.
// Either the archive is already built and we can read them out,
// or we're printing commands to build the archive and can
// forward the _cgo_flags directly to this step.
return "", nil
newarchive := newa.Name()
err =, desc, nil, "ar", "x", newarchive, "_cgo_flags")
err :=, desc, nil, "ar", "x", newArchive, "_cgo_flags")
if err != nil {
return "", err
err =".", desc, nil, "ar", "d", newarchive, "_cgo_flags")
err =".", desc, nil, "ar", "d", newArchive, "_cgo_flags")
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = readCgoFlags(filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, "_cgo_flags"))
err = readCgoFlags(filepath.Join(root.Objdir, "_cgo_flags"))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return newarchive, nil
return newArchive, nil
actionsSeen := make(map[*Action]bool)
......@@ -3018,14 +3034,6 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string
for i, o := range ofiles {
if filepath.Base(o) == "_cgo_flags" {
ofiles = append(ofiles[:i], ofiles[i+1:]...)
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--whole-archive")
ldflags = append(ldflags, afiles...)
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--no-whole-archive")
......@@ -3112,7 +3120,7 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string
if err :=".", desc, nil, tools.linker(), "-o", out, ofiles, ldflags, buildGccgoflags); err != nil {
if err :=".", desc, nil, tools.linker(), "-o", out, ldflags, buildGccgoflags); err != nil {
return err
......@@ -3126,13 +3134,13 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
return, root, out, importcfg, allactions, mainpkg, ofiles, ldBuildmode, root.Package.ImportPath)
return, root, out, importcfg, allactions, ldBuildmode, root.Package.ImportPath)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, toplevelactions []*Action, out, importcfg string, allactions []*Action) error {
fakeRoot := &Action{Mode: "gccgo ldshared"}
fakeRoot.Deps = toplevelactions
return, fakeRoot, out, importcfg, allactions, "", nil, "shared", out)
return, fakeRoot, out, importcfg, allactions, "shared", out)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *Builder, a *Action, ofile, cfile string) error {
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