Commit 9d50b468 authored by Sergey 'SnakE' Gromov's avatar Sergey 'SnakE' Gromov Committed by Russ Cox

json: Decode into native Go data structures

This patch adds an ability to convert JSON-encoded data into
a hierarchy of Go's native data types.

parent c1767dbd
......@@ -61,18 +61,20 @@ func TestMapCounter(t *testing.T) {
// colours.String() should be '{"red":3, "blue":4}',
// though the order of red and blue could vary.
s := colours.String();
j, ok, errtok := json.StringToJson(s);
if !ok {
t.Errorf("colours.String() isn't valid JSON: %v", errtok)
j, err := json.Decode(s);
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("colours.String() isn't valid JSON: %v", err)
if j.Kind() != json.MapKind {
m, ok := j.(map[string]interface{});
if !ok {
t.Error("colours.String() didn't produce a map.")
red := j.Get("red");
if red.Kind() != json.NumberKind {
t.Error("red.Kind() is not a NumberKind.")
red := m["red"];
x, ok := red.(float64);
if !ok {
t.Error("red.Kind() is not a number.")
if x := red.Number(); x != 3 {
if x != 3 {
t.Error("red = %v, want 3", x)
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ include ../../Make.$(GOARCH)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Represents JSON data structure using native Go types: booleans, floats,
// strings, arrays, and maps.
package json
import (
// Decode a JSON string
// Decode parses the string s as a JSON-syntax string and returns the
// generic JSON object representation. The object representation is a tree
// of Go data types. The data return value may be one of float64, string,
// bool, nil, []interface{} or map[string]interface{}. The array and map
// elements may in turn contain any of the types listed above and so on.
// If Decode encounters a syntax error, it returns with err set to an
// instance of ParseError. See ParseError documentation for details.
func Decode(s string) (data interface{}, err os.Error) {
jb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
ok, errPos, errTok := Parse(s, jb);
if ok {
data = jb.Data()
} else {
err = &ParseError{Index: errPos, Token: errTok}
type decoder struct {
// A value being constructed.
value interface{};
// Container entity to flush into. Can be either vector.Vector or
// map[string]interface{}.
container interface{};
// The index into the container interface. Either int or string.
index interface{};
func newDecoder(container interface{}, key interface{}) *decoder {
return &decoder{container: container, index: key}
func (j *decoder) Int64(i int64) { j.value = float64(i) }
func (j *decoder) Uint64(i uint64) { j.value = float64(i) }
func (j *decoder) Float64(f float64) {
j.value = float64(f)
func (j *decoder) String(s string) { j.value = s }
func (j *decoder) Bool(b bool) { j.value = b }
func (j *decoder) Null() { j.value = nil }
func (j *decoder) Array() { j.value = new(vector.Vector) }
func (j *decoder) Map() { j.value = make(map[string]interface{}) }
func (j *decoder) Elem(i int) Builder {
v, ok := j.value.(*vector.Vector);
if !ok {
v = new(vector.Vector);
j.value = v;
if v.Len() <= i {
v.Resize(i+1, (i+1)*2)
return newDecoder(v, i);
func (j *decoder) Key(s string) Builder {
m, ok := j.value.(map[string]interface{});
if !ok {
m = make(map[string]interface{});
j.value = m;
return newDecoder(m, s);
func (j *decoder) Flush() {
switch c := j.container.(type) {
case *vector.Vector:
index := j.index.(int);
c.Set(index, j.Data());
case map[string]interface{}:
index := j.index.(string);
c[index] = j.Data();
// Get the value built by this builder.
func (j *decoder) Data() interface{} {
switch v := j.value.(type) {
case *vector.Vector:
return v.Data()
return j.value;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
func TestDecodeInt64(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), float64(-15));
func TestDecodeUint64(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), float64(15));
func TestDecodeFloat64(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), float64(3.14159));
func TestDecodeString(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
nb.String("Some string");
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), "Some string");
func TestDecodeBool(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), true);
func TestDecodeNull(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), nil);
func TestDecodeEmptyArray(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), []interface{}{});
func TestDecodeEmptyMap(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), map[string]interface{}{});
func TestDecodeFlushElem(t *testing.T) {
testVec := new(vector.Vector).Resize(2, 2);
nb := newDecoder(testVec, 1);
assertResult(t, testVec.Data(), []interface{}{nil, float64(3.14159)});
func TestDecodeFlushKey(t *testing.T) {
testMap := make(map[string]interface{});
nb := newDecoder(testMap, "key");
assertResult(t, testMap, map[string]interface{}{"key": float64(3.14159)});
// Elem() and Key() are hard to test in isolation because all they do
// is create a new, properly initialized, decoder, and modify state of
// the underlying decoder. I'm testing them through already tested
// Array(), String(), and Flush().
func TestDecodeElem(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
var b Builder = nb.Elem(0);
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), []interface{}{"0"});
func TestDecodeKey(t *testing.T) {
nb := newDecoder(nil, nil);
var b Builder = nb.Key("a");
assertResult(t, nb.Data(), map[string]interface{}{"a": "0"});
func assertResult(t *testing.T, results, expected interface{}) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(results, expected) {
t.Fatalf("have %T(%#v) want %T(%#v)", results, results, expected, expected)
type decodeTest struct {
s string;
r interface{};
var tests = []decodeTest{
decodeTest{`null`, nil},
decodeTest{`true`, true},
decodeTest{`false`, false},
decodeTest{`"abc"`, "abc"},
decodeTest{`123`, float64(123)},
decodeTest{`0.1`, float64(0.1)},
decodeTest{`1e-10`, float64(1e-10)},
decodeTest{`[]`, []interface{}{}},
decodeTest{`[1,2,3,4]`, []interface{}{float64(1), float64(2), float64(3), float64(4)}},
decodeTest{`[1,2,"abc",null,true,false]`, []interface{}{float64(1), float64(2), "abc", nil, true, false}},
decodeTest{`{}`, map[string]interface{}{}},
decodeTest{`{"a":1}`, map[string]interface{}{"a": float64(1)}},
decodeTest{`"q\u0302"`, "q\u0302"},
func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
if val, err := Decode(test.s); err != nil || !reflect.DeepEqual(val, test.r) {
t.Errorf("Decode(%#q) = %v, %v want %v, nil", test.s, val, err, test.r)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import "fmt"
// ParseError aggregates information about a JSON parse error. It is
// compatible with the os.Error interface.
type ParseError struct {
Index int; // A byte index in JSON string where the error occurred
Token string; // An offending token
// Produce a string representation of this ParseError.
func (pe *ParseError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected JSON token at position %d: %q.", pe.Index, pe.Token)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Generic representation of JSON objects.
package json
import (
// Integers identifying the data type in the Json interface.
const (
StringKind = iota;
MapKind; // JSON term is "Object", but in Go, it's a map
// The Json interface is implemented by all JSON objects.
type Json interface {
Kind() int; // StringKind, NumberKind, etc.
String() string; // a string form (any kind)
Number() float64; // numeric form (NumberKind)
Bool() bool; // boolean (BoolKind)
Get(s string) Json; // field lookup (MapKind)
Elem(i int) Json; // element lookup (ArrayKind)
Len() int; // length (ArrayKind, MapKind)
Map() map[string]Json; // map form (MapKind)
// JsonToString returns the textual JSON syntax representation
// for the JSON object j.
// JsonToString differs from j.String() in the handling
// of string objects. If j represents the string abc,
// j.String() == `abc`, but JsonToString(j) == `"abc"`.
func JsonToString(j Json) string {
if j == nil {
return "null"
if j.Kind() == StringKind {
return Quote(j.String())
return j.String();
type _Null struct{}
// Null is the JSON object representing the null data object.
var Null Json = &_Null{}
func (*_Null) Kind() int { return NullKind }
func (*_Null) String() string { return "null" }
func (*_Null) Number() float64 { return 0 }
func (*_Null) Bool() bool { return false }
func (*_Null) Get(s string) Json { return Null }
func (*_Null) Elem(int) Json { return Null }
func (*_Null) Len() int { return 0 }
func (*_Null) Map() map[string]Json { return nil }
type _String struct {
s string;
func (j *_String) Kind() int { return StringKind }
func (j *_String) String() string { return j.s }
type _Number struct {
f float64;
func (j *_Number) Kind() int { return NumberKind }
func (j *_Number) Number() float64 { return j.f }
func (j *_Number) String() string {
if math.Floor(j.f) == j.f {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", j.f)
return fmt.Sprintf("%g", j.f);
type _Array struct {
a *vector.Vector;
func (j *_Array) Kind() int { return ArrayKind }
func (j *_Array) Len() int { return j.a.Len() }
func (j *_Array) Elem(i int) Json {
if i < 0 || i >= j.a.Len() {
return Null
return j.a.At(i).(Json);
func (j *_Array) String() string {
s := "[";
for i := 0; i < j.a.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
s += ","
s += JsonToString(j.a.At(i).(Json));
s += "]";
return s;
type _Bool struct {
b bool;
func (j *_Bool) Kind() int { return BoolKind }
func (j *_Bool) Bool() bool { return j.b }
func (j *_Bool) String() string {
if j.b {
return "true"
return "false";
type _Map struct {
m map[string]Json;
func (j *_Map) Kind() int { return MapKind }
func (j *_Map) Len() int { return len(j.m) }
func (j *_Map) Get(s string) Json {
if j.m == nil {
return Null
v, ok := j.m[s];
if !ok {
return Null
return v;
func (j *_Map) String() string {
s := "{";
first := true;
for k, v := range j.m {
if first {
first = false
} else {
s += ","
s += Quote(k);
s += ":";
s += JsonToString(v);
s += "}";
return s;
func (j *_Map) Map() map[string]Json { return j.m }
// Walk evaluates path relative to the JSON object j.
// Path is taken as a sequence of slash-separated field names
// or numbers that can be used to index into JSON map and
// array objects.
// For example, if j is the JSON object for
// {"abc": [true, false]}, then Walk(j, "abc/1") returns the
// JSON object for true.
func Walk(j Json, path string) Json {
for len(path) > 0 {
var elem string;
if i := strings.Index(path, "/"); i >= 0 {
elem = path[0:i];
path = path[i+1:];
} else {
elem = path;
path = "";
switch j.Kind() {
case ArrayKind:
indx, err := strconv.Atoi(elem);
if err != nil {
return Null
j = j.Elem(indx);
case MapKind:
j = j.Get(elem)
return Null
return j;
// Equal returns whether a and b are indistinguishable JSON objects.
func Equal(a, b Json) bool {
switch {
case a == nil && b == nil:
return true
case a == nil || b == nil:
return false
case a.Kind() != b.Kind():
return false
switch a.Kind() {
case NullKind:
return true
case StringKind:
return a.String() == b.String()
case NumberKind:
return a.Number() == b.Number()
case BoolKind:
return a.Bool() == b.Bool()
case ArrayKind:
if a.Len() != b.Len() {
return false
for i := 0; i < a.Len(); i++ {
if !Equal(a.Elem(i), b.Elem(i)) {
return false
return true;
case MapKind:
m := a.(*_Map).m;
if len(m) != len(b.(*_Map).m) {
return false
for k, v := range m {
if !Equal(v, b.Get(k)) {
return false
return true;
// invalid kind
return false;
// Parse builder for JSON objects.
type _JsonBuilder struct {
// either writing to *ptr
ptr *Json;
// or to a[i] (can't set ptr = &a[i])
a *vector.Vector;
i int;
// or to m[k] (can't set ptr = &m[k])
m map[string]Json;
k string;
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Put(j Json) {
switch {
case b.ptr != nil:
*b.ptr = j
case b.a != nil:
b.a.Set(b.i, j)
case b.m != nil:
b.m[b.k] = j
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Get() Json {
switch {
case b.ptr != nil:
return *b.ptr
case b.a != nil:
return b.a.At(b.i).(Json)
case b.m != nil:
return b.m[b.k]
return nil;
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Float64(f float64) { b.Put(&_Number{f, _Null{}}) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Int64(i int64) { b.Float64(float64(i)) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Uint64(i uint64) { b.Float64(float64(i)) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Bool(tf bool) { b.Put(&_Bool{tf, _Null{}}) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Null() { b.Put(Null) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) String(s string) { b.Put(&_String{s, _Null{}}) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Array() { b.Put(&_Array{new(vector.Vector), _Null{}}) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Map() { b.Put(&_Map{make(map[string]Json), _Null{}}) }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Elem(i int) Builder {
bb := new(_JsonBuilder);
bb.a = b.Get().(*_Array).a;
bb.i = i;
for i >= bb.a.Len() {
return bb;
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Key(k string) Builder {
bb := new(_JsonBuilder);
bb.m = b.Get().(*_Map).m;
bb.k = k;
bb.m[k] = Null;
return bb;
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Flush() {}
// StringToJson parses the string s as a JSON-syntax string
// and returns the generic JSON object representation.
// On success, StringToJson returns with ok set to true and errtok empty.
// If StringToJson encounters a syntax error, it returns with
// ok set to false and errtok set to a fragment of the offending syntax.
func StringToJson(s string) (json Json, ok bool, errtok string) {
var j Json;
b := new(_JsonBuilder);
b.ptr = &j;
ok, _, errtok = Parse(s, b);
if !ok {
return nil, false, errtok
return j, true, "";
// BUG(rsc): StringToJson should return an os.Error instead of a bool.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
var jsontests = []string{
func TestJson(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(jsontests); i++ {
val, ok, errtok := StringToJson(jsontests[i]);
if !ok {
t.Errorf("StringToJson(%#q) => error near %v", jsontests[i], errtok);
str := JsonToString(val);
if str != jsontests[i] {
t.Errorf("JsonToString(StringToJson(%#q)) = %#q", jsontests[i], str);
func TestJsonMap(t *testing.T) {
values := make(map[string]Json);
mapstr := "{";
for i := 0; i < len(jsontests); i++ {
val, ok, errtok := StringToJson(jsontests[i]);
if !ok {
t.Errorf("StringToJson(%#q) => error near %v", jsontests[i], errtok)
if i > 0 {
mapstr += ","
values[jsontests[i]] = val;
mapstr += Quote(jsontests[i]);
mapstr += ":";
mapstr += JsonToString(val);
mapstr += "}";
mapv, ok, errtok := StringToJson(mapstr);
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("StringToJson(%#q) => error near %v", mapstr, errtok)
if mapv == nil {
t.Fatalf("StringToJson(%#q) => nil, %v, %v", mapstr, ok, errtok)
if cnt := mapv.Len(); cnt != len(jsontests) {
t.Errorf("StringToJson(%#q).Len() => %v, want %v", mapstr, cnt,
for k, v := range values {
if v1 := mapv.Get(k); !Equal(v1, v) {
t.Errorf("MapTest: Walk(%#q) => %v, want %v", k, v1, v)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(values, mapv.Map()) {
t.Errorf("DeepEqual(values, mapv.Map()) failed")
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