Commit 9d6ed4af authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

[] cmd/asm: add end to end test for amd64

Change-Id: I40839c2d1c0c105a5ba9aadcb55a13693bf4afa6
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 264c099b
......@@ -77,3 +77,7 @@ func TestPPC64EndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
func TestARMEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
testEndToEnd(t, "arm")
func TestAMD64EndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
testEndToEnd(t, "amd64")
5 00001 (testdata/amd64.s:5) TEXT foo+0(SB),$0
8 00002 (testdata/amd64.s:8) NEGQ ,R11
9 00003 (testdata/amd64.s:9) NEGQ ,4(R11)
10 00004 (testdata/amd64.s:10) NEGQ ,foo+4(SB)
13 00005 (testdata/amd64.s:13) INT $4,
14 00006 (testdata/amd64.s:14) DIVB R11,
15 00007 (testdata/amd64.s:15) DIVB 4(R11),
16 00008 (testdata/amd64.s:16) DIVB foo+4(SB),
19 00009 (testdata/amd64.s:19) SUBQ $4,DI
20 00010 (testdata/amd64.s:20) SUBQ R11,DI
21 00011 (testdata/amd64.s:21) SUBQ 4(R11),DI
22 00012 (testdata/amd64.s:22) SUBQ foo+4(SB),DI
23 00013 (testdata/amd64.s:23) SUBQ $4,8(R12)
24 00014 (testdata/amd64.s:24) SUBQ R11,8(R12)
25 00015 (testdata/amd64.s:25) SUBQ R11,foo+4(SB)
28 00016 (testdata/amd64.s:28) CMPB CX,$4
32 00017 (testdata/amd64.s:32) JCS ,13(PC)
33 00018 (testdata/amd64.s:33) JCS ,17
36 00019 (testdata/amd64.s:36) JMP ,15(PC)
37 00020 (testdata/amd64.s:37) JMP ,17
38 00021 (testdata/amd64.s:38) JMP ,foo+4(SB)
39 00022 (testdata/amd64.s:39) JMP ,bar<>+4(SB)
40 00023 (testdata/amd64.s:40) JMP ,bar<>+4(SB)(R11*4)
41 00024 (testdata/amd64.s:41) JMP ,4(SP)
42 00025 (testdata/amd64.s:42) JMP ,(R12)
44 00026 (testdata/amd64.s:44) JMP ,(R12)(R13*4)
45 00027 (testdata/amd64.s:45) JMP ,(AX)
46 00028 (testdata/amd64.s:46) JMP ,(SP)
48 00029 (testdata/amd64.s:48) JMP ,(AX)(AX*4)
49 00030 (testdata/amd64.s:49) JMP ,4(SP)
50 00031 (testdata/amd64.s:50) JMP ,(R12)
52 00032 (testdata/amd64.s:52) JMP ,(R12)(R13*4)
53 00033 (testdata/amd64.s:53) JMP ,(AX)
54 00034 (testdata/amd64.s:54) JMP ,(SP)
56 00035 (testdata/amd64.s:56) JMP ,(AX)(AX*4)
57 00036 (testdata/amd64.s:57) JMP ,R13
60 00037 (testdata/amd64.s:60) NOP ,
61 00038 (testdata/amd64.s:61) NOP AX,
62 00039 (testdata/amd64.s:62) NOP foo+4(SB),
65 00040 (testdata/amd64.s:65) SHLL R11,R12
66 00041 (testdata/amd64.s:66) SHLL R11,foo+4(SB)
67 00042 (testdata/amd64.s:67) SHLL R11,R11:AX
70 00043 (testdata/amd64.s:70) MOVL AX,R11
71 00044 (testdata/amd64.s:71) MOVL $4,R11
72 00045 (testdata/amd64.s:72) MOVL AX,AX:CS
75 00046 (testdata/amd64.s:75) IMULB $4,
76 00047 (testdata/amd64.s:76) IMULB R11,
77 00048 (testdata/amd64.s:77) IMULB $4,R11
78 00049 (testdata/amd64.s:78) IMULB R11,R12
79 00050 (testdata/amd64.s:79) IMULB R11,foo+4(SB)
82 00051 (testdata/amd64.s:82) CMPPD R11,$4,R12
83 00052 (testdata/amd64.s:83) CMPPD R11,foo+4(SB)
86 00053 (testdata/amd64.s:86) PINSRW R11,$4,AX
87 00054 (testdata/amd64.s:87) PINSRW foo+4(SB),$4,AX
90 00055 (testdata/amd64.s:90) RETFL $4,
93 00056 (testdata/amd64.s:93) RET ,
// This input was created by taking the instruction productions in
// the old assembler's (6a's) grammar and hand-writing complete
// instructions for each rule, to guarantee we cover the same space.
TEXT foo(SB), 0, $0
// LTYPE1 nonrem { outcode($1, &$2); }
NEGQ 4(R11)
NEGQ foo+4(SB)
// LTYPE2 rimnon { outcode($1, &$2); }
INT $4
DIVB 4(R11)
DIVB foo+4(SB)
// LTYPE3 rimrem { outcode($1, &$2); }
SUBQ 4(R11), DI
SUBQ foo+4(SB), DI
SUBQ $4, 8(R12)
SUBQ R11, 8(R12)
SUBQ R11, foo+4(SB)
// LTYPE4 remrim { outcode($1, &$2); }
// LTYPER nonrel { outcode($1, &$2); }
JB -4(PC)
JB label
// LTYPEC spec3 { outcode($1, &$2); }
JMP -4(PC)
JMP label
JMP foo+4(SB)
JMP bar<>+4(SB)
JMP bar<>+4(SB)(R11*4)
JMP *4(SP)
JMP *(R12)
JMP *(R12*4)
JMP *(R12)(R13*4)
JMP *(AX*4)
JMP *(AX)(AX*4)
JMP (R12)
JMP (R12*4)
JMP (R12)(R13*4)
JMP (AX*4)
JMP (AX)(AX*4)
// LTYPEN spec4 { outcode($1, &$2); }
NOP foo+4(SB)
// LTYPES spec5 { outcode($1, &$2); }
SHLL R11, R12
SHLL R11, foo+4(SB)
SHLL R11, R11:AX
// LTYPEM spec6 { outcode($1, &$2); }
MOVL $4, R11
// LTYPEI spec7 { outcode($1, &$2); }
IMULB $4, R11
IMULB R11, R12
IMULB R11, foo+4(SB)
// LTYPEXC spec8 { outcode($1, &$2); }
CMPPD R11, R12, 4
CMPPD R11, foo+4(SB), 4
// LTYPEX spec9 { outcode($1, &$2); }
PINSRW $4, R11, AX
PINSRW $4, foo+4(SB), AX
// LTYPERT spec10 { outcode($1, &$2); }
// LTYPE0 nonnon { outcode($1, &$2); }
1 00001 (testdata/arm.s:1) TEXT foo+0(SB),0,$0
10 00002 (testdata/arm.s:10) ADD $1,R2,R3
11 00003 (testdata/arm.s:11) ADD R1<<R2,R3,R4
12 00004 (testdata/arm.s:12) ADD R1>>R2,R3,R4
13 00005 (testdata/arm.s:13) ADD R1@>R2,R3,R4
14 00006 (testdata/arm.s:14) ADD R1->R2,R3,R4
15 00007 (testdata/arm.s:15) ADD R1,R2,R3
16 00008 (testdata/arm.s:16) ADD R1<<R2,R3,R4
26 00009 (testdata/arm.s:26) ADD $1,R2
27 00010 (testdata/arm.s:27) ADD R1<<R2,R3
28 00011 (testdata/arm.s:28) ADD R1>>R2,R3
29 00012 (testdata/arm.s:29) ADD R1@>R2,R3
30 00013 (testdata/arm.s:30) ADD R1->R2,R3
31 00014 (testdata/arm.s:31) ADD R1,R2
40 00015 (testdata/arm.s:40) CLZ.S R1,R2
49 00016 (testdata/arm.s:49) MOVW.S R1,R2
50 00017 (testdata/arm.s:50) MOVW.S $1,R2
51 00018 (testdata/arm.s:51) MOVW.S R1<<R2,R3
60 00019 (testdata/arm.s:60) JMP.S ,20(PC)
66 00020 (testdata/arm.s:66) JMP.S ,0(R2)
67 00021 (testdata/arm.s:67) JMP.S ,foo+0(SB)
68 00022 (testdata/arm.s:68) JMP.S ,bar<>+0(SB)
77 00023 (testdata/arm.s:77) BX 0(R2),
86 00024 (testdata/arm.s:86) BEQ ,25(PC)
95 00025 (testdata/arm.s:95) SWI.S ,R1
96 00026 (testdata/arm.s:96) SWI.S ,0(R1)
97 00027 (testdata/arm.s:97) SWI.S ,foo+0(SB)
106 00028 (testdata/arm.s:106) CMP.S $1,R2,
107 00029 (testdata/arm.s:107) CMP.S R1<<R2,R3,
108 00030 (testdata/arm.s:108) CMP.S R1,R2,
122 00031 (testdata/arm.s:122) MOVM 0(R1),[R2,R5,R8,R10]
123 00032 (testdata/arm.s:123) MOVM 0(R1),[R2,R3,R4,R5]
124 00033 (testdata/arm.s:124) MOVM.S 0(R1),[R2]
135 00034 (testdata/arm.s:135) MOVM [R2,R5,R8,R10],0(R1)
136 00035 (testdata/arm.s:136) MOVM [R2,R3,R4,R5],0(R1)
137 00036 (testdata/arm.s:137) MOVM.S [R2],0(R1)
146 00037 (testdata/arm.s:146) STREX.S 0(R2),R1,R3
152 00038 (testdata/arm.s:152) STREX.S 0(R2),R1,R1
158 00039 (testdata/arm.s:158) STREX.S 0(R2),R3,R3
166 00040 (testdata/arm.s:166) CASE.S R1,
175 00041 (testdata/arm.s:175) WORD ,$1234
184 00042 (testdata/arm.s:184) ABSF.S F1,F2
190 00043 (testdata/arm.s:190) ADDD.S F1,F2
191 00044 (testdata/arm.s:191) ADDD.S $0.5,F2
197 00045 (testdata/arm.s:197) ADDD.S F1,F2,F3
198 00046 (testdata/arm.s:198) ADDD.S $0.5,F2,F3
204 00047 (testdata/arm.s:204) CMPD.S F1,F2
238 00048 (testdata/arm.s:238) MULL R1,R2,(R3, R4)
250 00049 (testdata/arm.s:250) MULAWT R1,R2,R3, R4
258 00050 (testdata/arm.s:258) PLD 0(R1),
259 00051 (testdata/arm.s:259) PLD 4(R1),
268 00052 (testdata/arm.s:268) RET ,
277 00053 (testdata/arm.s:277) END ,
5 00001 (testdata/arm.s:5) TEXT foo+0(SB),0,$0
14 00002 (testdata/arm.s:14) ADD $1,R2,R3
15 00003 (testdata/arm.s:15) ADD R1<<R2,R3,R4
16 00004 (testdata/arm.s:16) ADD R1>>R2,R3,R4
17 00005 (testdata/arm.s:17) ADD R1@>R2,R3,R4
18 00006 (testdata/arm.s:18) ADD R1->R2,R3,R4
19 00007 (testdata/arm.s:19) ADD R1,R2,R3
20 00008 (testdata/arm.s:20) ADD R1<<R2,R3,R4
30 00009 (testdata/arm.s:30) ADD $1,R2
31 00010 (testdata/arm.s:31) ADD R1<<R2,R3
32 00011 (testdata/arm.s:32) ADD R1>>R2,R3
33 00012 (testdata/arm.s:33) ADD R1@>R2,R3
34 00013 (testdata/arm.s:34) ADD R1->R2,R3
35 00014 (testdata/arm.s:35) ADD R1,R2
44 00015 (testdata/arm.s:44) CLZ.S R1,R2
53 00016 (testdata/arm.s:53) MOVW.S R1,R2
54 00017 (testdata/arm.s:54) MOVW.S $1,R2
55 00018 (testdata/arm.s:55) MOVW.S R1<<R2,R3
64 00019 (testdata/arm.s:64) JMP.S ,20(PC)
70 00020 (testdata/arm.s:70) JMP.S ,0(R2)
71 00021 (testdata/arm.s:71) JMP.S ,foo+0(SB)
72 00022 (testdata/arm.s:72) JMP.S ,bar<>+0(SB)
81 00023 (testdata/arm.s:81) BX 0(R2),
90 00024 (testdata/arm.s:90) BEQ ,25(PC)
99 00025 (testdata/arm.s:99) SWI.S ,R1
100 00026 (testdata/arm.s:100) SWI.S ,0(R1)
101 00027 (testdata/arm.s:101) SWI.S ,foo+0(SB)
110 00028 (testdata/arm.s:110) CMP.S $1,R2,
111 00029 (testdata/arm.s:111) CMP.S R1<<R2,R3,
112 00030 (testdata/arm.s:112) CMP.S R1,R2,
126 00031 (testdata/arm.s:126) MOVM 0(R1),[R2,R5,R8,R10]
127 00032 (testdata/arm.s:127) MOVM 0(R1),[R2,R3,R4,R5]
128 00033 (testdata/arm.s:128) MOVM.S 0(R1),[R2]
139 00034 (testdata/arm.s:139) MOVM [R2,R5,R8,R10],0(R1)
140 00035 (testdata/arm.s:140) MOVM [R2,R3,R4,R5],0(R1)
141 00036 (testdata/arm.s:141) MOVM.S [R2],0(R1)
150 00037 (testdata/arm.s:150) STREX.S 0(R2),R1,R3
156 00038 (testdata/arm.s:156) STREX.S 0(R2),R1,R1
162 00039 (testdata/arm.s:162) STREX.S 0(R2),R3,R3
170 00040 (testdata/arm.s:170) CASE.S R1,
179 00041 (testdata/arm.s:179) WORD ,$1234
188 00042 (testdata/arm.s:188) ABSF.S F1,F2
194 00043 (testdata/arm.s:194) ADDD.S F1,F2
195 00044 (testdata/arm.s:195) ADDD.S $0.5,F2
201 00045 (testdata/arm.s:201) ADDD.S F1,F2,F3
202 00046 (testdata/arm.s:202) ADDD.S $0.5,F2,F3
208 00047 (testdata/arm.s:208) CMPD.S F1,F2
242 00048 (testdata/arm.s:242) MULL R1,R2,(R3, R4)
254 00049 (testdata/arm.s:254) MULAWT R1,R2,R3, R4
262 00050 (testdata/arm.s:262) PLD 0(R1),
263 00051 (testdata/arm.s:263) PLD 4(R1),
272 00052 (testdata/arm.s:272) RET ,
281 00053 (testdata/arm.s:281) END ,
// This input was created by taking the instruction productions in
// the old assembler's (5a's) grammar and hand-writing complete
// instructions for each rule, to guarantee we cover the same space.
TEXT foo(SB), 0, $0
// ADD
// This input was created by taking the instruction productions in
// the old assembler's (9a's) grammar and hand-writing one complete
// instruction for each rule, to guarantee we cover the same space.
// the old assembler's (9a's) grammar and hand-writing complete
// instructions for each rule, to guarantee we cover the same space.
TEXT foo(SB),0,$0
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