Commit 9d854fd4 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

Merge branch 'dev.ssa' into mergebranch

Merge dev.ssa branch back into master.

Change-Id: Ie6fac3f8d355ab164f934415fe4fc7fcb8c3db16
parents dd0a128a 6b3462c7
......@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ var amd64OperandTests = []operandTest{
{"(SI)(BX*1)", "(SI)(BX*1)"},
{"(SI)(DX*1)", "(SI)(DX*1)"},
{"(SP)", "(SP)"},
{"(SP)(AX*4)", "(SP)(AX*4)"},
{"32(SP)(BX*2)", "32(SP)(BX*2)"},
{"32323(SP)(R8*4)", "32323(SP)(R8*4)"},
{"+3(PC)", "3(PC)"},
{"-1(DI)(BX*1)", "-1(DI)(BX*1)"},
{"-3(PC)", "-3(PC)"},
......@@ -127,5 +127,19 @@ loop:
MOVOA (AX), X1 // MOVO (AX), X1
// Tests for SP indexed addresses.
MOVQ foo(SP)(AX*1), BX // 488b1c04
MOVQ foo+32(SP)(CX*2), DX // 488b544c20
MOVQ foo+32323(SP)(R8*4), R9 // 4e8b8c84437e0000
MOVL foo(SP)(SI*8), DI // 8b3cf4
MOVL foo+32(SP)(R10*1), R11 // 468b5c1420
MOVL foo+32323(SP)(R12*2), R13 // 468bac64437e0000
MOVW foo(SP)(AX*4), R8 // 66448b0484
MOVW foo+32(SP)(R9*8), CX // 66428b4ccc20
MOVW foo+32323(SP)(AX*1), DX // 668b9404437e0000
MOVB foo(SP)(AX*2), AL // 8a0444
MOVB foo+32(SP)(CX*4), AH // 8a648c20
MOVB foo+32323(SP)(CX*8), R9 // 448a8ccc437e0000
// LTYPE0 nonnon { outcode($1, &$2); }
RET // c3
......@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
TEXT errors(SB),$0
MOVL foo<>(SB)(AX), AX // ERROR "invalid instruction"
MOVL foo<>(SB)(AX), AX // ERROR "invalid instruction"
MOVL (AX)(SP*1), AX // ERROR "invalid instruction"
......@@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ func (p *Package) writeDefsFunc(fgo2 io.Writer, n *Name) {
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, "\n")
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, "//go:cgo_unsafe_args\n")
conf.Fprint(fgo2, fset, d)
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, " {\n")
......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ var progtable = [x86.ALAST]obj.ProgInfo{
x86.AJPL: {Flags: gc.Cjmp | gc.UseCarry},
x86.AJPS: {Flags: gc.Cjmp | gc.UseCarry},
obj.AJMP: {Flags: gc.Jump | gc.Break | gc.KillCarry},
x86.ALEAW: {Flags: gc.LeftAddr | gc.RightWrite},
x86.ALEAL: {Flags: gc.LeftAddr | gc.RightWrite},
x86.ALEAQ: {Flags: gc.LeftAddr | gc.RightWrite},
x86.AMOVBLSX: {Flags: gc.SizeL | gc.LeftRead | gc.RightWrite | gc.Conv},
......@@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ var progtable = [x86.ALAST]obj.ProgInfo{
x86.AORW: {Flags: gc.SizeW | gc.LeftRead | RightRdwr | gc.SetCarry},
x86.APOPQ: {Flags: gc.SizeQ | gc.RightWrite},
x86.APUSHQ: {Flags: gc.SizeQ | gc.LeftRead},
x86.APXOR: {Flags: gc.SizeD | gc.LeftRead | RightRdwr},
x86.ARCLB: {Flags: gc.SizeB | gc.LeftRead | RightRdwr | gc.ShiftCX | gc.SetCarry | gc.UseCarry},
x86.ARCLL: {Flags: gc.SizeL | gc.LeftRead | RightRdwr | gc.ShiftCX | gc.SetCarry | gc.UseCarry},
x86.ARCLQ: {Flags: gc.SizeQ | gc.LeftRead | RightRdwr | gc.ShiftCX | gc.SetCarry | gc.UseCarry},
......@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ func makepartialcall(fn *Node, t0 *Type, meth *Node) *Node {
ptr.Ullman = 1
ptr.Used = true
ptr.Name.Curfn = xfunc
ptr.Xoffset = 0
xfunc.Func.Dcl = append(xfunc.Func.Dcl, ptr)
var body []*Node
if Isptr[rcvrtype.Etype] || Isinter(rcvrtype) {
......@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ var etnames = []string{
......@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ func newlab(n *Node) *Label {
return lab
// There is a copy of checkgoto in the new SSA backend.
// Please keep them in sync.
func checkgoto(from *Node, to *Node) {
if from.Sym == to.Sym {
......@@ -840,7 +842,7 @@ func gen(n *Node) {
case OAS:
if gen_as_init(n) {
if gen_as_init(n, false) {
Cgen_as(n.Left, n.Right)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ type Type struct {
Note *string // literal string annotation
Bound int64 // negative is dynamic array
Bound int64 // negative is slice
Bucket *Type // internal type representing a hash bucket
......@@ -759,4 +759,13 @@ var Panicindex *Node
var panicslice *Node
var panicdivide *Node
var throwreturn *Node
var growslice *Node
var writebarrierptr *Node
var typedmemmove *Node
var panicdottype *Node
......@@ -530,6 +530,16 @@ func newplist() *obj.Plist {
return pl
// nodarg does something that depends on the value of
// fp (this was previously completely undocumented).
// fp=1 corresponds to input args
// fp=0 corresponds to output args
// fp=-1 is a special case of output args for a
// specific call from walk that previously (and
// incorrectly) passed a 1; the behavior is exactly
// the same as it is for 1, except that PARAMOUT is
// generated instead of PARAM.
func nodarg(t *Type, fp int) *Node {
var n *Node
......@@ -555,7 +565,7 @@ func nodarg(t *Type, fp int) *Node {
Fatalf("nodarg: not field %v", t)
if fp == 1 {
if fp == 1 || fp == -1 {
for _, n := range Curfn.Func.Dcl {
if (n.Class == PPARAM || n.Class == PPARAMOUT) && !isblanksym(t.Sym) && n.Sym == t.Sym {
return n
......@@ -592,6 +602,9 @@ fp:
case 1: // input arg
n.Class = PPARAM
case -1: // output arg from paramstoheap
case 2: // offset output arg
Fatalf("shouldn't be used")
......@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func renameinit() *Sym {
// hand-craft the following initialization code
// var initdone· uint8 (1)
// func init() (2)
// if initdone· != 0 { (3)
// if initdone· == 2 (4)
// return
// throw(); (5)
// if initdone· > 1 { (3)
// return (3a)
// if initdone· == 1 { (4)
// throw(); (4a)
// }
// initdone· = 1; (6)
// // over all matching imported symbols
......@@ -118,22 +118,21 @@ func fninit(n *NodeList) {
// (3)
a := Nod(OIF, nil, nil)
a.Left = Nod(ONE, gatevar, Nodintconst(0))
a.Left = Nod(OGT, gatevar, Nodintconst(1))
a.Likely = 1
r = append(r, a)
// (3a)
a.Nbody.Set([]*Node{Nod(ORETURN, nil, nil)})
// (4)
b := Nod(OIF, nil, nil)
b.Left = Nod(OEQ, gatevar, Nodintconst(2))
b.Nbody.Set([]*Node{Nod(ORETURN, nil, nil)})
// (5)
b = syslook("throwinit", 0)
b = Nod(OCALL, b, nil)
b.Left = Nod(OEQ, gatevar, Nodintconst(1))
// this actually isn't likely, but code layout is better
// like this: no JMP needed after the call.
b.Likely = 1
r = append(r, b)
// (4a)
b.Nbody.Set([]*Node{Nod(OCALL, syslook("throwinit", 0), nil)})
// (6)
a = Nod(OAS, gatevar, Nodintconst(1))
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
package gc
import (
......@@ -286,6 +287,23 @@ func Main() {
// special case for ssa for now
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "ssa/") {
// expect form ssa/phase/flag
// e.g. -d=ssa/generic_cse/time
// _ in phase name also matches space
phase := name[4:]
flag := "debug" // default flag is debug
if i := strings.Index(phase, "/"); i >= 0 {
flag = phase[i+1:]
phase = phase[:i]
err := ssa.PhaseOption(phase, flag, val)
if err != "" {
continue Split
log.Fatalf("unknown debug key -d %s\n", name)
......@@ -844,7 +862,7 @@ func plan9quote(s string) string {
return s
type Pragma uint8
type Pragma uint16
const (
Nointerface Pragma = 1 << iota
......@@ -855,6 +873,7 @@ const (
Systemstack // func must run on system stack
Nowritebarrier // emit compiler error instead of write barrier
Nowritebarrierrec // error on write barrier in this or recursive callees
CgoUnsafeArgs // treat a pointer to one arg as a pointer to them all
type lexer struct {
......@@ -1677,6 +1696,8 @@ func (l *lexer) getlinepragma() rune {
Yyerror("//go:nowritebarrierrec only allowed in runtime")
l.pragma |= Nowritebarrierrec | Nowritebarrier // implies Nowritebarrier
case "go:cgo_unsafe_args":
l.pragma |= CgoUnsafeArgs
return c
......@@ -160,5 +160,9 @@ var opnames = []string{
......@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ func cleantempnopop(mark ordermarker, order *Order, out *[]*Node) {
n := order.temp[i]
if n.Name.Keepalive {
n.Name.Keepalive = false
n.Addrtaken = true // ensure SSA keeps the n variable
kill = Nod(OVARLIVE, n, nil)
typecheck(&kill, Etop)
*out = append(*out, kill)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package gc
import (
......@@ -341,7 +342,12 @@ func compile(fn *Node) {
Deferreturn = Sysfunc("deferreturn")
Panicindex = Sysfunc("panicindex")
panicslice = Sysfunc("panicslice")
panicdivide = Sysfunc("panicdivide")
throwreturn = Sysfunc("throwreturn")
growslice = Sysfunc("growslice")
writebarrierptr = Sysfunc("writebarrierptr")
typedmemmove = Sysfunc("typedmemmove")
panicdottype = Sysfunc("panicdottype")
lno := setlineno(fn)
......@@ -358,6 +364,7 @@ func compile(fn *Node) {
var nam *Node
var gcargs *Sym
var gclocals *Sym
var ssafn *ssa.Func
if len(fn.Nbody.Slice()) == 0 {
if pure_go != 0 || strings.HasPrefix(fn.Func.Nname.Sym.Name, "init.") {
Yyerror("missing function body for %q", fn.Func.Nname.Sym.Name)
......@@ -409,6 +416,11 @@ func compile(fn *Node) {
goto ret
// Build an SSA backend function.
if shouldssa(Curfn) {
ssafn = buildssa(Curfn)
continpc = nil
breakpc = nil
......@@ -471,6 +483,14 @@ func compile(fn *Node) {
if ssafn != nil {
genssa(ssafn, ptxt, gcargs, gclocals)
if Curfn.Func.Endlineno != 0 {
lineno = Curfn.Func.Endlineno
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
const (
......@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
bb := newblock(firstp)
cfg = append(cfg, bb)
for p := firstp; p != nil; p = p.Link {
for p := firstp; p != nil && p.As != obj.AEND; p = p.Link {
if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_BRANCH {
if p.To.Val == nil {
......@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
// contained instructions until a label is reached. Add edges
// for branches and fall-through instructions.
for _, bb := range cfg {
for p := bb.last; p != nil; p = p.Link {
for p := bb.last; p != nil && p.As != obj.AEND; p = p.Link {
if p.Opt != nil && p != bb.last {
......@@ -447,6 +448,8 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
// Stop before an unreachable RET, to avoid creating
// unreachable control flow nodes.
if p.Link != nil && p.Link.As == obj.ARET && p.Link.Mode == 1 {
// TODO: remove after SSA is done. SSA does not
// generate any unreachable RET instructions.
......@@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@ func livenessepilogue(lv *Liveness) {
n = lv.vars[j]
if n.Class != PPARAM {
yyerrorl(int(p.Lineno), "internal error: %v %v recorded as live on entry", Curfn.Func.Nname, Nconv(n, obj.FmtLong))
yyerrorl(int(p.Lineno), "internal error: %v %v recorded as live on entry, p.Pc=%v", Curfn.Func.Nname, Nconv(n, obj.FmtLong), p.Pc)
......@@ -1389,8 +1392,13 @@ func livenessepilogue(lv *Liveness) {
if msg != nil {
fmt_ = ""
fmt_ += fmt.Sprintf("%v: live at ", p.Line())
if p.As == obj.ACALL && p.To.Node != nil {
fmt_ += fmt.Sprintf("call to %s:", ((p.To.Node).(*Node)).Sym.Name)
if p.As == obj.ACALL && p.To.Sym != nil {
name := p.To.Sym.Name
i := strings.Index(name, ".")
if i >= 0 {
name = name[i+1:]
fmt_ += fmt.Sprintf("call to %s:", name)
} else if p.As == obj.ACALL {
fmt_ += "indirect call:"
} else {
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
// For flag_race it modifies the function as follows:
// 1. It inserts a call to racefuncenter at the beginning of each function.
// 1. It inserts a call to racefuncenterfp at the beginning of each function.
// 2. It inserts a call to racefuncexit at the end of each function.
// 3. It inserts a call to raceread before each memory read.
// 4. It inserts a call to racewrite before each memory write.
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import (
// at best instrumentation would cause infinite recursion.
var omit_pkgs = []string{"runtime/internal/atomic", "runtime/internal/sys", "runtime", "runtime/race", "runtime/msan"}
// Only insert racefuncenter/racefuncexit into the following packages.
// Only insert racefuncenterfp/racefuncexit into the following packages.
// Memory accesses in the packages are either uninteresting or will cause false positives.
var norace_inst_pkgs = []string{"sync", "sync/atomic"}
......@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ const (
func makefield(name string, t *Type) *Type {
f := typ(TFIELD)
f.Type = t
f.Sym = new(Sym)
f.Sym.Name = name
f.Sym = nopkg.Lookup(name)
return f
......@@ -1209,6 +1209,7 @@ func getlit(lit *Node) int {
return -1
// stataddr sets nam to the static address of n and reports whether it succeeeded.
func stataddr(nam *Node, n *Node) bool {
if n == nil {
return false
......@@ -1376,7 +1377,9 @@ func entry(p *InitPlan) *InitEntry {
return &p.E[len(p.E)-1]
func gen_as_init(n *Node) bool {
// gen_as_init attempts to emit static data for n and reports whether it succeeded.
// If reportOnly is true, it does not emit static data and does not modify the AST.
func gen_as_init(n *Node, reportOnly bool) bool {
var nr *Node
var nl *Node
var nam Node
......@@ -1425,7 +1428,6 @@ func gen_as_init(n *Node) bool {
if nr.Right.Op == OKEY && nr.Right.Left == nil && nr.Right.Right == nil {
nr = nr.Left
gused(nil) // in case the data is the dest of a goto
nl := nr
if nr == nil || nr.Op != OADDR {
goto no
......@@ -1440,16 +1442,18 @@ func gen_as_init(n *Node) bool {
goto no
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_array)
gdata(&nam, nl, int(Types[Tptr].Width))
if !reportOnly {
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_array)
gdata(&nam, nl, int(Types[Tptr].Width))
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_nel) - int64(Array_array)
var nod1 Node
Nodconst(&nod1, Types[TINT], nr.Type.Bound)
gdata(&nam, &nod1, Widthint)
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_nel) - int64(Array_array)
var nod1 Node
Nodconst(&nod1, Types[TINT], nr.Type.Bound)
gdata(&nam, &nod1, Widthint)
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_cap) - int64(Array_nel)
gdata(&nam, &nod1, Widthint)
nam.Xoffset += int64(Array_cap) - int64(Array_nel)
gdata(&nam, &nod1, Widthint)
return true
......@@ -1480,13 +1484,19 @@ func gen_as_init(n *Node) bool {
gdata(&nam, nr, int(nr.Type.Width))
if !reportOnly {
gdata(&nam, nr, int(nr.Type.Width))
gdatacomplex(&nam, nr.Val().U.(*Mpcplx))
if !reportOnly {
gdatacomplex(&nam, nr.Val().U.(*Mpcplx))
gdatastring(&nam, nr.Val().U.(string))
if !reportOnly {
gdatastring(&nam, nr.Val().U.(string))
return true
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// TODO: move all these tests elsewhere?
// Perhaps teach test/run.go how to run them with a new action verb.
func runTest(t *testing.T, filename string) {
doTest(t, filename, "run")
func buildTest(t *testing.T, filename string) {
doTest(t, filename, "build")
func doTest(t *testing.T, filename string, kind string) {
if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
t.Skipf("skipping SSA tests on %s for now", runtime.GOARCH)
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command("go", kind, filepath.Join("testdata", filename))
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed: %v:\nOut: %s\nStderr: %s\n", err, &stdout, &stderr)
if s := stdout.String(); s != "" {
t.Errorf("Stdout = %s\nWant empty", s)
if s := stderr.String(); strings.Contains(s, "SSA unimplemented") {
t.Errorf("Unimplemented message found in stderr:\n%s", s)
// TestShortCircuit tests OANDAND and OOROR expressions and short circuiting.
func TestShortCircuit(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "short_ssa.go") }
// TestBreakContinue tests that continue and break statements do what they say.
func TestBreakContinue(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "break_ssa.go") }
// TestTypeAssertion tests type assertions.
func TestTypeAssertion(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "assert_ssa.go") }
// TestArithmetic tests that both backends have the same result for arithmetic expressions.
func TestArithmetic(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "arith_ssa.go") }
// TestFP tests that both backends have the same result for floating point expressions.
func TestFP(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "fp_ssa.go") }
// TestArithmeticBoundary tests boundary results for arithmetic operations.
func TestArithmeticBoundary(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "arithBoundary_ssa.go") }
// TestArithmeticConst tests results for arithmetic operations against constants.
func TestArithmeticConst(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "arithConst_ssa.go") }
func TestChan(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "chan_ssa.go") }
func TestCompound(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "compound_ssa.go") }
func TestCtl(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "ctl_ssa.go") }
func TestFp(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "fp_ssa.go") }
func TestLoadStore(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "loadstore_ssa.go") }
func TestMap(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "map_ssa.go") }
func TestRegalloc(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "regalloc_ssa.go") }
func TestString(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "string_ssa.go") }
func TestDeferNoReturn(t *testing.T) { buildTest(t, "deferNoReturn_ssa.go") }
// TestClosure tests closure related behavior.
func TestClosure(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "closure_ssa.go") }
func TestArray(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "array_ssa.go") }
func TestAppend(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "append_ssa.go") }
func TestZero(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "zero_ssa.go") }
func TestAddressed(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "addressed_ssa.go") }
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "copy_ssa.go") }
func TestUnsafe(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "unsafe_ssa.go") }
func TestPhi(t *testing.T) { runTest(t, "phi_ssa.go") }
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type Param struct {
// Func holds Node fields used only with function-like nodes.
type Func struct {
Shortname *Node
Enter Nodes
Enter Nodes // for example, allocate and initialize memory for escaping parameters
Exit Nodes
Cvars Nodes // closure params
Dcl []*Node // autodcl for this func/closure
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "fmt"
var output string
func mypanic(s string) {
func assertEqual(x, y int) {
if x != y {
mypanic("assertEqual failed")
func main() {
x := f1_ssa(2, 3)
output += fmt.Sprintln("*x is", *x)
output += fmt.Sprintln("Gratuitously use some stack")
output += fmt.Sprintln("*x is", *x)
assertEqual(*x, 9)
w := f3a_ssa(6)
output += fmt.Sprintln("*w is", *w)
output += fmt.Sprintln("Gratuitously use some stack")
output += fmt.Sprintln("*w is", *w)
assertEqual(*w, 6)
y := f3b_ssa(12)
output += fmt.Sprintln("*y.(*int) is", *y.(*int))
output += fmt.Sprintln("Gratuitously use some stack")
output += fmt.Sprintln("*y.(*int) is", *y.(*int))
assertEqual(*y.(*int), 12)
z := f3c_ssa(8)
output += fmt.Sprintln("*z.(*int) is", *z.(*int))
output += fmt.Sprintln("Gratuitously use some stack")
output += fmt.Sprintln("*z.(*int) is", *z.(*int))
assertEqual(*z.(*int), 8)
func f1_ssa(x, y int) *int {
switch {
} //go:noinline
x = x*y + y
return &x
func f3a_ssa(x int) *int {
switch {
} //go:noinline
return &x
func f3b_ssa(x int) interface{} { // ./foo.go:15: internal error: f3b_ssa ~r1 (type interface {}) recorded as live on entry
switch {
} //go:noinline
return &x
func f3c_ssa(y int) interface{} {
switch {
} //go:noinline
x := y
return &x
type V struct {
p *V
w, x int64
func args() {
v := V{p: nil, w: 1, x: 1}
a := V{p: &v, w: 2, x: 2}
b := V{p: &v, w: 0, x: 0}
i := v.args_ssa(a, b)
output += fmt.Sprintln("i=", i)
assertEqual(int(i), 2)
func (v V) args_ssa(a, b V) int64 {
switch {
} //go:noinline
if v.w == 0 {
return v.x
if v.w == 1 {
return a.x
if v.w == 2 {
return b.x
b.p.p = &a // v.p in caller = &a
return -1
func test_autos() {
func test(which int64) {
output += fmt.Sprintln("test", which)
v1 := V{w: 30, x: 3, p: nil}
v2, v3 := v1.autos_ssa(which, 10, 1, 20, 2)
if which != v2.val() {
output += fmt.Sprintln("Expected which=", which, "got v2.val()=", v2.val())
mypanic("Failure of expected V value")
if v2.p.val() != v3.val() {
output += fmt.Sprintln("Expected v2.p.val()=", v2.p.val(), "got v3.val()=", v3.val())
mypanic("Failure of expected V.p value")
if which != v3.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.val() {
output += fmt.Sprintln("Expected which=", which, "got v3.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.val()=", v3.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.val())
mypanic("Failure of expected V.p value")
func (v V) val() int64 {
return v.w + v.x
// autos_ssa uses contents of v and parameters w1, w2, x1, x2
// to initialize a bunch of locals, all of which have their
// address taken to force heap allocation, and then based on
// the value of which a pair of those locals are copied in
// various ways to the two results y, and z, which are also
// addressed. Which is expected to be one of 11-13, 21-23, 31, 32,
// and y.val() should be equal to which and y.p.val() should
// be equal to z.val(). Also, x(.p)**8 == x; that is, the
// autos are all linked into a ring.
func (v V) autos_ssa(which, w1, x1, w2, x2 int64) (y, z V) {
switch {
} //go:noinline
fill_ssa(v.w, v.x, &v, v.p) // gratuitous no-op to force addressing
var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h V
fill_ssa(w1, x1, &a, &b)
fill_ssa(w1, x2, &b, &c)
fill_ssa(w1, v.x, &c, &d)
fill_ssa(w2, x1, &d, &e)
fill_ssa(w2, x2, &e, &f)
fill_ssa(w2, v.x, &f, &g)
fill_ssa(v.w, x1, &g, &h)
fill_ssa(v.w, x2, &h, &a)
switch which {
case 11:
y = a
case 12:
z = c
case 13:
z = d
case 21:
case 22:
y = e
z = f
case 23:
case 31:
y = g
case 32:
z = a
// gets is an address-mentioning way of implementing
// structure assignment.
func (to *V) gets(from *V) {
switch {
} //go:noinline
*to = *from
// gets is an address-and-interface-mentioning way of
// implementing structure assignment.
func (to *V) getsI(from interface{}) {
switch {
} //go:noinline
*to = *from.(*V)
// fill_ssa initializes r with V{w:w, x:x, p:p}
func fill_ssa(w, x int64, r, p *V) {
switch {
} //go:noinline
*r = V{w: w, x: x, p: p}
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// append_ssa.go tests append operations.
package main
import "fmt"
var failed = false
func appendOne_ssa(a []int, x int) []int {
return append(a, x)
func appendThree_ssa(a []int, x, y, z int) []int {
return append(a, x, y, z)
func eq(a, b []int) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
func expect(got, want []int) {
if eq(got, want) {
fmt.Printf("expected %v, got %v\n", want, got)
failed = true
func testAppend() {
var store [7]int
a := store[:0]
a = appendOne_ssa(a, 1)
expect(a, []int{1})
a = appendThree_ssa(a, 2, 3, 4)
expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4})
a = appendThree_ssa(a, 5, 6, 7)
expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
if &a[0] != &store[0] {
fmt.Println("unnecessary grow")
failed = true
a = appendOne_ssa(a, 8)
expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
if &a[0] == &store[0] {
fmt.Println("didn't grow")
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
package main
var failed = false
func testSliceLenCap12_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
b := a[i:j]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap1_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
b := a[i:]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap2_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
b := a[:j]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap() {
a := [10]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
tests := [...]struct {
fn func(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int)
i, j int // slice range
l, c int // len, cap
// -1 means the value is not used.
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 0, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 1, 1, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 10, 10, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 10, 10, 0, 0},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 5, 5, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 5, 5, 0, 5},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 5, 10, 5, 5},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 0, -1, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 5, -1, 5, 5},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 10, -1, 0, 0},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 0, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 5, 5, 10},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 10, 10, 10},
for i, t := range tests {
if l, c := t.fn(a, t.i, t.j); l != t.l && c != t.c {
println("#", i, " len(a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "]), cap(a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "]) =", l, c,
", want", t.l, t.c)
failed = true
func testSliceGetElement_ssa(a [10]int, i, j, p int) int {
return a[i:j][p]
func testSliceGetElement() {
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
tests := [...]struct {
i, j, p int
want int // a[i:j][p]
{0, 10, 2, 20},
{0, 5, 4, 40},
{5, 10, 3, 80},
{1, 9, 7, 80},
for i, t := range tests {
if got := testSliceGetElement_ssa(a, t.i, t.j, t.p); got != t.want {
println("#", i, " a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "][", t.p, "] = ", got, " wanted ", t.want)
failed = true
func testSliceSetElement_ssa(a *[10]int, i, j, p, x int) {
(*a)[i:j][p] = x
func testSliceSetElement() {
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
tests := [...]struct {
i, j, p int
want int // a[i:j][p]
{0, 10, 2, 17},
{0, 5, 4, 11},
{5, 10, 3, 28},
{1, 9, 7, 99},
for i, t := range tests {
testSliceSetElement_ssa(&a, t.i, t.j, t.p, t.want)
if got := a[t.i+t.p]; got != t.want {
println("#", i, " a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "][", t.p, "] = ", got, " wanted ", t.want)
failed = true
func testSlicePanic1() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("paniced as expected")
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
testSliceLenCap12_ssa(a, 3, 12)
println("expected to panic, but didn't")
failed = true
func testSlicePanic2() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("paniced as expected")
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
testSliceGetElement_ssa(a, 3, 7, 4)
println("expected to panic, but didn't")
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
// run
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests type assertion expressions and statements
package main
import (
type (
S struct{}
T struct{}
I interface {
var (
s *S
t *T
func (s *S) F() {}
func (t *T) F() {}
func e2t_ssa(e interface{}) *T {
return e.(*T)
func i2t_ssa(i I) *T {
return i.(*T)
func testAssertE2TOk() {
if got := e2t_ssa(t); got != t {
fmt.Printf("e2t_ssa(t)=%v want %v", got, t)
failed = true
func testAssertE2TPanic() {
var got *T
defer func() {
if got != nil {
fmt.Printf("e2t_ssa(s)=%v want nil", got)
failed = true
e := recover()
err, ok := e.(*runtime.TypeAssertionError)
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("e2t_ssa(s) panic type %T", e)
failed = true
want := "interface conversion: interface {} is *main.S, not *main.T"
if err.Error() != want {
fmt.Printf("e2t_ssa(s) wrong error, want '%s', got '%s'\n", want, err.Error())
failed = true
got = e2t_ssa(s)
fmt.Printf("e2t_ssa(s) should panic")
failed = true
func testAssertI2TOk() {
if got := i2t_ssa(t); got != t {
fmt.Printf("i2t_ssa(t)=%v want %v", got, t)
failed = true
func testAssertI2TPanic() {
var got *T
defer func() {
if got != nil {
fmt.Printf("i2t_ssa(s)=%v want nil", got)
failed = true
e := recover()
err, ok := e.(*runtime.TypeAssertionError)
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("i2t_ssa(s) panic type %T", e)
failed = true
want := "interface conversion: main.I is *main.S, not *main.T"
if err.Error() != want {
fmt.Printf("i2t_ssa(s) wrong error, want '%s', got '%s'\n", want, err.Error())
failed = true
got = i2t_ssa(s)
fmt.Printf("i2t_ssa(s) should panic")
failed = true
func e2t2_ssa(e interface{}) (*T, bool) {
t, ok := e.(*T)
return t, ok
func i2t2_ssa(i I) (*T, bool) {
t, ok := i.(*T)
return t, ok
func testAssertE2T2() {
if got, ok := e2t2_ssa(t); !ok || got != t {
fmt.Printf("e2t2_ssa(t)=(%v, %v) want (%v, %v)", got, ok, t, true)
failed = true
if got, ok := e2t2_ssa(s); ok || got != nil {
fmt.Printf("e2t2_ssa(s)=(%v, %v) want (%v, %v)", got, ok, nil, false)
failed = true
func testAssertI2T2() {
if got, ok := i2t2_ssa(t); !ok || got != t {
fmt.Printf("i2t2_ssa(t)=(%v, %v) want (%v, %v)", got, ok, t, true)
failed = true
if got, ok := i2t2_ssa(s); ok || got != nil {
fmt.Printf("i2t2_ssa(s)=(%v, %v) want (%v, %v)", got, ok, nil, false)
failed = true
var failed = false
func main() {
if failed {
// run
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests continue and break.
package main
func continuePlain_ssa() int {
var n int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
n = i
return n
func continueLabeled_ssa() int {
var n int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
continue Next
n = i
return n
func continuePlainInner_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
n = i
n += j
return n
func continueLabeledInner_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
continue Next
n = i
n += j
return n
func continueLabeledOuter_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
continue Next
n = i
n += j
return n
func breakPlain_ssa() int {
var n int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
n = i
return n
func breakLabeled_ssa() int {
var n int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
break Next
n = i
return n
func breakPlainInner_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
n = i
n += j
return n
func breakLabeledInner_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
break Next
n = i
n += j
return n
func breakLabeledOuter_ssa() int {
var n int
for j := 0; j < 30; j += 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if i == 6 {
break Next
n = i
n += j
return n
var g, h int // globals to ensure optimizations don't collapse our switch statements
func switchPlain_ssa() int {
var n int
switch g {
case 0:
n = 1
n = 2
return n
func switchLabeled_ssa() int {
var n int
switch g {
case 0:
n = 1
break Done
n = 2
return n
func switchPlainInner_ssa() int {
var n int
switch g {
case 0:
n = 1
switch h {
case 0:
n += 10
n = 2
return n
func switchLabeledInner_ssa() int {
var n int
switch g {
case 0:
n = 1
switch h {
case 0:
n += 10
break Done
n = 2
return n
func switchLabeledOuter_ssa() int {
var n int
switch g {
case 0:
n = 1
switch h {
case 0:
n += 10
break Done
n = 2
return n
func main() {
tests := [...]struct {
name string
fn func() int
want int
{"continuePlain_ssa", continuePlain_ssa, 9},
{"continueLabeled_ssa", continueLabeled_ssa, 9},
{"continuePlainInner_ssa", continuePlainInner_ssa, 29},
{"continueLabeledInner_ssa", continueLabeledInner_ssa, 29},
{"continueLabeledOuter_ssa", continueLabeledOuter_ssa, 5},
{"breakPlain_ssa", breakPlain_ssa, 5},
{"breakLabeled_ssa", breakLabeled_ssa, 5},
{"breakPlainInner_ssa", breakPlainInner_ssa, 25},
{"breakLabeledInner_ssa", breakLabeledInner_ssa, 25},
{"breakLabeledOuter_ssa", breakLabeledOuter_ssa, 5},
{"switchPlain_ssa", switchPlain_ssa, 1},
{"switchLabeled_ssa", switchLabeled_ssa, 1},
{"switchPlainInner_ssa", switchPlainInner_ssa, 2},
{"switchLabeledInner_ssa", switchLabeledInner_ssa, 2},
{"switchLabeledOuter_ssa", switchLabeledOuter_ssa, 11},
// no select tests; they're identical to switch
var failed bool
for _, test := range tests {
if got := test.fn(); test.fn() != test.want {
print(, "()=", got, ", want ", test.want, "\n")
failed = true
if failed {
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// chan_ssa.go tests chan operations.
package main
import "fmt"
var failed = false
func lenChan_ssa(v chan int) int {
return len(v)
func capChan_ssa(v chan int) int {
return cap(v)
func testLenChan() {
v := make(chan int, 10)
v <- 1
v <- 1
v <- 1
if want, got := 3, lenChan_ssa(v); got != want {
fmt.Printf("expected len(chan) = %d, got %d", want, got)
failed = true
func testLenNilChan() {
var v chan int
if want, got := 0, lenChan_ssa(v); got != want {
fmt.Printf("expected len(nil) = %d, got %d", want, got)
failed = true
func testCapChan() {
v := make(chan int, 25)
if want, got := 25, capChan_ssa(v); got != want {
fmt.Printf("expected cap(chan) = %d, got %d", want, got)
failed = true
func testCapNilChan() {
var v chan int
if want, got := 0, capChan_ssa(v); got != want {
fmt.Printf("expected cap(nil) = %d, got %d", want, got)
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// map_ssa.go tests map operations.
package main
import "fmt"
var failed = false
func testCFunc_ssa() int {
a := 0
b := func() {
switch {
return a
func testCFunc() {
if want, got := 2, testCFunc_ssa(); got != want {
fmt.Printf("expected %d, got %d", want, got)
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// cmp_ssa.go tests compare simplification operations.
package main
import "fmt"
var failed = false
func eq_ssa(a int64) bool {
return 4+a == 10
func neq_ssa(a int64) bool {
return 10 != a+4
func testCmp() {
if wanted, got := true, eq_ssa(6); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("eq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := false, eq_ssa(7); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("eq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := false, neq_ssa(6); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("neq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := true, neq_ssa(7); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("neq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
// run
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test compound objects
package main
import "fmt"
func string_ssa(a, b string, x bool) string {
s := ""
if x {
s = a
} else {
s = b
return s
func testString() {
a := "foo"
b := "barz"
if want, got := a, string_ssa(a, b, true); got != want {
fmt.Printf("string_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
if want, got := b, string_ssa(a, b, false); got != want {
fmt.Printf("string_ssa(%v, %v, false) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
func complex64_ssa(a, b complex64, x bool) complex64 {
switch {
var c complex64
if x {
c = a
} else {
c = b
return c
func complex128_ssa(a, b complex128, x bool) complex128 {
switch {
var c complex128
if x {
c = a
} else {
c = b
return c
func testComplex64() {
var a complex64 = 1 + 2i
var b complex64 = 3 + 4i
if want, got := a, complex64_ssa(a, b, true); got != want {
fmt.Printf("complex64_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
if want, got := b, complex64_ssa(a, b, false); got != want {
fmt.Printf("complex64_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
func testComplex128() {
var a complex128 = 1 + 2i
var b complex128 = 3 + 4i
if want, got := a, complex128_ssa(a, b, true); got != want {
fmt.Printf("complex128_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
if want, got := b, complex128_ssa(a, b, false); got != want {
fmt.Printf("complex128_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
func slice_ssa(a, b []byte, x bool) []byte {
var s []byte
if x {
s = a
} else {
s = b
return s
func testSlice() {
a := []byte{3, 4, 5}
b := []byte{7, 8, 9}
if want, got := byte(3), slice_ssa(a, b, true)[0]; got != want {
fmt.Printf("slice_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
if want, got := byte(7), slice_ssa(a, b, false)[0]; got != want {
fmt.Printf("slice_ssa(%v, %v, false) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
func interface_ssa(a, b interface{}, x bool) interface{} {
var s interface{}
if x {
s = a
} else {
s = b
return s
func testInterface() {
a := interface{}(3)
b := interface{}(4)
if want, got := 3, interface_ssa(a, b, true).(int); got != want {
fmt.Printf("interface_ssa(%v, %v, true) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
if want, got := 4, interface_ssa(a, b, false).(int); got != want {
fmt.Printf("interface_ssa(%v, %v, false) = %v, want %v\n", a, b, got, want)
failed = true
var failed = false
func main() {
if failed {
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
// run
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test control flow
package main
// nor_ssa calculates NOR(a, b).
// It is implemented in a way that generates
// phi control values.
func nor_ssa(a, b bool) bool {
var c bool
if a {
c = true
if b {
c = true
if c {
return false
return true
func testPhiControl() {
tests := [...][3]bool{ // a, b, want
{false, false, true},
{true, false, false},
{false, true, false},
{true, true, false},
for _, test := range tests {
a, b := test[0], test[1]
got := nor_ssa(a, b)
want := test[2]
if want != got {
print("nor(", a, ", ", b, ")=", want, " got ", got, "\n")
failed = true
func emptyRange_ssa(b []byte) bool {
for _, x := range b {
_ = x
return true
func testEmptyRange() {
if !emptyRange_ssa([]byte{}) {
println("emptyRange_ssa([]byte{})=false, want true")
failed = true
func switch_ssa(a int) int {
ret := 0
switch a {
case 5:
ret += 5
case 4:
ret += 4
case 3:
ret += 3
case 2:
ret += 2
case 1:
ret += 1
return ret
func fallthrough_ssa(a int) int {
ret := 0
switch a {
case 5:
case 4:
case 3:
case 2:
case 1:
return ret
func testFallthrough() {
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
if got := fallthrough_ssa(i); got != i {
println("fallthrough_ssa(i) =", got, "wanted", i)
failed = true
func testSwitch() {
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
if got := switch_ssa(i); got != i {
println("switch_ssa(i) =", got, "wanted", i)
failed = true
type junk struct {
step int
// flagOverwrite_ssa is intended to reproduce an issue seen where a XOR
// was scheduled between a compare and branch, clearing flags.
func flagOverwrite_ssa(s *junk, c int) int {
switch {
if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
s.step = 0
return 1
if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
s.step = 0
return 2
s.step = 0
return 3
func testFlagOverwrite() {
j := junk{}
if got := flagOverwrite_ssa(&j, ' '); got != 3 {
println("flagOverwrite_ssa =", got, "wanted 3")
failed = true
var failed = false
func main() {
if failed {
// compile
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that a defer in a function with no return
// statement will compile correctly.
package foo
func deferNoReturn_ssa() {
defer func() { println("returned") }()
for {
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// This program generates tests to verify that copying operations
// copy the data they are supposed to and clobber no adjacent values.
// run as `go run copyGen.go`. A file called copy_ssa.go
// will be written into the parent directory containing the tests.
var sizes = [...]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1024 + 7, 1024 + 8, 1024 + 9, 1024 + 15, 1024 + 16, 1024 + 17}
func main() {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// run\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// autogenerated from gen/copyGen.go - do not edit!\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "package main\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "import \"fmt\"\n")
for _, s := range sizes {
// type for test
fmt.Fprintf(w, "type T%d struct {\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pre [8]byte\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " mid [%d]byte\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " post [8]byte\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// function being tested
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func t%dcopy_ssa(y, x *[%d]byte) {\n", s, s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " switch{}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " *y = *x\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// testing harness
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func testCopy%d() {\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " a := T%d{[8]byte{201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208},[%d]byte{", s, s)
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d,", i%100)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "},[8]byte{211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218}}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " x := [%d]byte{", s)
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d,", 100+i%100)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " t%dcopy_ssa(&a.mid, &x)\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " want := T%d{[8]byte{201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208},[%d]byte{", s, s)
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d,", 100+i%100)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "},[8]byte{211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218}}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if a != want {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " fmt.Printf(\"t%dcopy got=%%v, want %%v\\n\", a, want)\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " failed=true\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// boilerplate at end
fmt.Fprintf(w, "var failed bool\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func main() {\n")
for _, s := range sizes {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " testCopy%d()\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if failed {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " panic(\"failed\")\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// gofmt result
b := w.Bytes()
src, err := format.Source(b)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)
// write to file
err = ioutil.WriteFile("../copy_ssa.go", src, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't write output: %v\n", err)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// This program generates tests to verify that zeroing operations
// zero the data they are supposed to and clobber no adjacent values.
// run as `go run zeroGen.go`. A file called zero_ssa.go
// will be written into the parent directory containing the tests.
var sizes = [...]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 1023, 1024, 1025}
func main() {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// run\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// autogenerated from gen/zeroGen.go - do not edit!\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "package main\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "import \"fmt\"\n")
for _, s := range sizes {
// type for test
fmt.Fprintf(w, "type T%d struct {\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " pre [8]byte\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " mid [%d]byte\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " post [8]byte\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// function being tested
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func zero%d_ssa(x *[%d]byte) {\n", s, s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " switch{}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " *x = [%d]byte{}\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// testing harness
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func testZero%d() {\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " a := T%d{[8]byte{255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255},[%d]byte{", s, s)
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "255,")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "},[8]byte{255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255}}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " zero%d_ssa(&a.mid)\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " want := T%d{[8]byte{255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255},[%d]byte{", s, s)
for i := 0; i < s; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "0,")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "},[8]byte{255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255}}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if a != want {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " fmt.Printf(\"zero%d got=%%v, want %%v\\n\", a, want)\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " failed=true\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// boilerplate at end
fmt.Fprintf(w, "var failed bool\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "func main() {\n")
for _, s := range sizes {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " testZero%d()\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " if failed {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " panic(\"failed\")\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, " }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// gofmt result
b := w.Bytes()
src, err := format.Source(b)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)
// write to file
err = ioutil.WriteFile("../zero_ssa.go", src, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't write output: %v\n", err)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2566,7 +2566,7 @@ func paramstoheap(argin **Type, out int) []*Node {
// Defer might stop a panic and show the
// return values as they exist at the time of panic.
// Make sure to zero them on entry to the function.
nn = append(nn, Nod(OAS, nodarg(t, 1), nil))
nn = append(nn, Nod(OAS, nodarg(t, -1), nil))
if v == nil || v.Class&PHEAP == 0 {
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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
This package generates opcode tables, rewrite rules, etc. for the ssa compiler.
Run it with:
go run *.go
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// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ssa
// machine-independent optimization
func opt(f *Func) {
applyRewrite(f, rewriteBlockgeneric, rewriteValuegeneric)
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