Commit a1723941 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand


parent 4408659e
......@@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ db4262ce882d8445764312d41547ee8f11a7f7a9 release.2010-02-04
4a0661b86e50eae734dbe43ed1312c4a0304676b release.2010-02-23
a215d03e7ee1013b2abe3f1e2c84457ec51c68e4 release.2010-03-04
194d473264c1a015803d07bed200e0c312aca43e release.2010-03-15
194d473264c1a015803d07bed200e0c312aca43e release
......@@ -5,6 +5,41 @@
<p>This page summarizes the changes between tagged releases of Go.
For full details, see the <a href="">Mercurial change log</a>.</p>
<h3 id="2010-03-22">2010-03-22</h3>
With this release we announce the launch of the Go Blog:
The first post is a brief update covering what has happened since the launch.
This release contains some new packages and functionality, and many fixes:
* 6g/8g: fix issues with complex data types, other bug fixes.
* Makefiles: refactored to make writing external Makefiles easier.
* crypto/rand: new package.
* godoc: implemented command-line search via RPC,
improved comment formatting: recognize URLs.
* gofmt: more consistent formatting of const/var decls.
* http: add Error helper function,
add ParseQuery (thanks Petar Maymounkov),
change RawPath to mean raw path, not raw everything-after-scheme.
* image/jpeg: fix typos.
* json: add MarshalIndent (accepts user-specified indent string).
* math: add Gamma function (thanks Charles L. Dorian).
* misc/bbedit: support for cmplx, real, imag (thanks Anthony Starks).
* misc/vim: add new complex types, functions and literals.
* net: fix IPMask.String not to crash on all-0xff mask.
* os: drop File finalizer after normal Close.
* runtime: add GOROOT and Version,
lock finalizer table accesses.
* sha512: add sha384 (truncated version) (thanks Conrad Meyer).
* syscall: add const ARCH, analogous to OS.
* syscall: further additions to mingw port (thanks Alex Brainman).
* template: fixed html formatter []byte input bug.
* utf16: new package.
* version.bash: cope with ancient Mercurial.
* websocket: use URL.RawPath to construct WebSocket-Location: header.
<h3 id="2010-03-15">2010-03-15</h3>
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