Commit a3990402 authored by Mike Samuel's avatar Mike Samuel

exp/template/html: type fixed point computation in template

I found a simple test case that does require doing the fixed point TODO
in computeOutCtx.

I found a way though to do this and simplify away the escapeRange
hackiness that was added in

parent da551162
......@@ -38,14 +38,7 @@ func EscapeSet(s *template.Set, names ...string) (*template.Set, os.Error) {
// and use those instead.
return nil, &Error{ErrNoNames, "", 0, "must specify names of top level templates"}
e := escaper{
e := newEscaper(s)
for _, name := range names {
c, _ := e.escapeTree(context{}, name, 0)
var err os.Error
......@@ -115,6 +108,18 @@ type escaper struct {
templateNodeEdits map[*parse.TemplateNode]string
// newEscaper creates a blank escaper for the given set.
func newEscaper(s *template.Set) *escaper {
return &escaper{
// filterFailsafe is an innocuous word that is emitted in place of unsafe values
// by sanitizer functions. It is not a keyword in any programming language,
// contains no special characters, is not empty, and when it appears in output
......@@ -197,10 +202,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeAction(c context, n *parse.ActionNode) context {
s = append(s, "exp_template_html_attrescaper")
if _, ok := e.actionNodeEdits[n]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
e.actionNodeEdits[n] = s
e.editActionNode(n, s)
return c
......@@ -329,10 +331,8 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeBranch(c context, n *parse.BranchNode, nodeName string)
// The "true" branch of a "range" node can execute multiple times.
// We check that executing n.List once results in the same context
// as executing n.List twice.
ae, te := e.actionNodeEdits, e.templateNodeEdits
e.actionNodeEdits, e.templateNodeEdits = make(map[*parse.ActionNode][]string), make(map[*parse.TemplateNode]string)
c0 = join(c0, e.escapeList(c0, n.List), n.Line, nodeName)
e.actionNodeEdits, e.templateNodeEdits = ae, te
c1, _ := e.escapeListConditionally(c0, n.List, nil)
c0 = join(c0, c1, n.Line, nodeName)
if c0.state == stateError {
// Make clear that this is a problem on loop re-entry
// since developers tend to overlook that branch when
......@@ -357,14 +357,44 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeList(c context, n *parse.ListNode) context {
return c
// escapeListConditionally escapes a list node but only preserves edits and
// inferences in e if the inferences and output context satisfy filter.
// It returns the best guess at an output context, and the result of the filter
// which is the same as whether e was updated.
func (e *escaper) escapeListConditionally(c context, n *parse.ListNode, filter func(*escaper, context) bool) (context, bool) {
e1 := newEscaper(e.set)
// Make type inferences available to f.
for k, v := range e.output {
e1.output[k] = v
c = e1.escapeList(c, n)
ok := filter != nil && filter(e1, c)
if ok {
// Copy inferences and edits from e1 back into e.
for k, v := range e1.output {
e.output[k] = v
for k, v := range e1.derived {
e.derived[k] = v
for k, v := range e1.called {
e.called[k] = v
for k, v := range e1.actionNodeEdits {
e.editActionNode(k, v)
for k, v := range e1.templateNodeEdits {
e.editTemplateNode(k, v)
return c, ok
// escapeTemplate escapes a {{template}} call node.
func (e *escaper) escapeTemplate(c context, n *parse.TemplateNode) context {
c, name := e.escapeTree(c, n.Name, n.Line)
if name != n.Name {
if _, ok := e.templateNodeEdits[n]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
e.templateNodeEdits[n] = name
e.editTemplateNode(n, name)
return c
......@@ -404,37 +434,48 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, name string, line int) (context, string)
// computeOutCtx takes a template and its start context and computes the output
// context while storing any inferences in e.
func (e *escaper) computeOutCtx(c context, t *template.Template) context {
n := t.Name()
// We need to assume an output context so that recursive template calls
// do not infinitely recurse, but instead take the fast path out of
// escapeTree.
// Naively assume that the input context is the same as the output.
// This is true >90% of the time, and does not matter if the template
// is not reentrant.
e.output[n] = c
// Start with a fresh called map so e.called[n] below is true iff t is
// reentrant.
called := e.called
e.called = make(map[string]bool)
// Propagate context over the body.
d := e.escapeList(c, t.Tree.Root)
// If t was called, then our assumption above that e.output[n] = c
// was incorporated into d, so we have to check that assumption.
if e.called[n] && d.state != stateError && !c.eq(d) {
d = context{
c1, ok := e.escapeTemplateBody(c, t)
if !ok {
// Look for a fixed point by assuming c1 as the output context.
if c2, ok2 := e.escapeTemplateBody(c1, t); ok2 {
c1, ok = c2, true
// Use c1 as the error context if neither assumption worked.
if !ok && c1.state != stateError {
return context{
state: stateError,
// TODO: Find the first node with a line in t.Tree.Root
err: errorf(ErrOutputContext, 0, "cannot compute output context for template %s", n),
err: errorf(ErrOutputContext, 0, "cannot compute output context for template %s", t.Name()),
// TODO: If necessary, compute a fixed point by assuming d
// as the input context, and recursing to escapeList with a
// different escaper and seeing if starting at d ends in d.
for k, v := range e.called {
called[k] = v
return c1
// escapeTemplateBody escapes the given template assuming the given output
// context, and returns the best guess at the output context and whether the
// assumption was correct.
func (e *escaper) escapeTemplateBody(c context, t *template.Template) (context, bool) {
filter := func(e1 *escaper, c1 context) bool {
if c1.state == stateError {
// Do not update the input escaper, e.
return false
if !e1.called[t.Name()] {
// If t is not recursively called, then c1 is an
// accurate output context.
return true
// c1 is accurate if it matches our assumed output context.
return c.eq(c1)
e.called = called
return d
// We need to assume an output context so that recursive template calls
// take the fast path out of escapeTree instead of infinitely recursing.
// Naively assuming that the input context is the same as the output
// works >90% of the time.
e.output[t.Name()] = c
return e.escapeListConditionally(c, t.Tree.Root, filter)
// delimEnds maps each delim to a string of characters that terminate it.
......@@ -484,6 +525,22 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeText(c context, s []byte) context {
return c
// editActionNode records a change to an action pipeline for later commit.
func (e *escaper) editActionNode(n *parse.ActionNode, cmds []string) {
if _, ok := e.actionNodeEdits[n]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
e.actionNodeEdits[n] = cmds
// editTemplateNode records a change to a {{template}} callee for later commit.
func (e *escaper) editTemplateNode(n *parse.TemplateNode, callee string) {
if _, ok := e.templateNodeEdits[n]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
e.templateNodeEdits[n] = callee
// commit applies changes to actions and template calls needed to contextually
// autoescape content and adds any derived templates to the set.
func (e *escaper) commit() {
......@@ -503,6 +503,14 @@ func TestEscapeSet(t *testing.T) {
`<script>var x= 126 /"42";</script>`,
// A recursive template that ends in a similar context.
"main": `<script>var x=[{{template "countdown" 4}}];</script>`,
"countdown": `{{.}}{{if .}},{{template "countdown" . | pred}}{{end}}`,
`<script>var x=[ 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 ];</script>`,
// A recursive template that ends in a different context.
......@@ -514,11 +522,26 @@ func TestEscapeSet(t *testing.T) {
// pred is a template function that returns the predecessor of a
// natural number for testing recursive templates.
fns := template.FuncMap{"pred": func(a ...interface{}) (interface{}, os.Error) {
if len(a) == 1 {
if i, _ := a[0].(int); i > 0 {
return i - 1, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined pred(%v)", a)
for _, test := range tests {
var s template.Set
for name, src := range test.inputs {
t := template.New(name)
if _, err := EscapeSet(&s, "main"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s for input:\n%v", err, test.inputs)
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