Commit a6c7a80b authored by Steve Newman's avatar Steve Newman

Add a ReplaceAll method to Regexp.

DELTA=189  (187 added, 0 deleted, 2 changed)
parent 1b9734b9
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ os.install: once.install syscall.install
path.install: io.install
reflect.install: strconv.install sync.install utf8.install
regexp.install: container/vector.install os.install runtime.install utf8.install
regexp.install: container/vector.install io.install os.install runtime.install utf8.install
strconv.install: bytes.install math.install os.install utf8.install
......@@ -233,3 +233,125 @@ func TestMatchFunction(t *testing.T) {
matchFunctionTest(t,, test.text, test.match)
type ReplaceTest struct {
pattern, replacement, input, output string;
var replaceTests = []ReplaceTest {
// Test empty input and/or replacement, with pattern that matches the empty string.
ReplaceTest{"", "", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"", "x", "", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"", "", "abc", "abc"},
ReplaceTest{"", "x", "abc", "xaxbxcx"},
// Test empty input and/or replacement, with pattern that does not match the empty string.
ReplaceTest{"b", "", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"b", "x", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"b", "", "abc", "ac"},
ReplaceTest{"b", "x", "abc", "axc"},
ReplaceTest{"y", "", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"y", "x", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"y", "", "abc", "abc"},
ReplaceTest{"y", "x", "abc", "abc"},
// Multibyte characters -- verify that we don't try to match in the middle
// of a character.
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "\u65e5", "x\u65e5x"},
ReplaceTest{"[^\u65e5]", "x", "abc\u65e5def", "xxx\u65e5xxx"},
// Start and end of a string.
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "abcdabc", "xdabc"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdx"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdabc"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "dabce", "xdabce"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "dabce", "dabcex"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "abcdabc", "xdabc"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdx"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdabc"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "dabce", "dabce"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "", ""},
// Other cases.
ReplaceTest{"abc", "def", "abcdefg", "defdefg"},
ReplaceTest{"bc", "BC", "abcbcdcdedef", "aBCBCdcdedef"},
ReplaceTest{"abc", "", "abcdabc", "d"},
ReplaceTest{"x", "xXx", "xxxXxxx", "xXxxXxxXxXxXxxXxxXx"},
ReplaceTest{"abc", "d", "", ""},
ReplaceTest{"abc", "d", "abc", "d"},
ReplaceTest{".+", "x", "abc", "x"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "def", "xdxexfx"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+", "x", "abcbcdcdedef", "xdxdedef"},
ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "abcbcdcdedef", "xdxdxexdxexfx"},
func TestReplaceAll(t *testing.T) {
for i, tc := range replaceTests {
re, err := Compile(tc.pattern);
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error compiling %q: %v", tc.pattern, err);
actual := re.ReplaceAll(tc.input, tc.replacement);
if actual != tc.output {
t.Errorf("%q.Replace(%q,%q) = %q; want %q",
tc.pattern, tc.input, tc.replacement, actual, tc.output);
type QuoteMetaTest struct {
pattern, output string;
var quoteMetaTests = []QuoteMetaTest {
QuoteMetaTest{``, ``},
QuoteMetaTest{`foo`, `foo`},
QuoteMetaTest{`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[{]}\|,<.>/?~`, `!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)_\+-=\[{\]}\\\|,<\.>/\?~`},
func TestQuoteMeta(t *testing.T) {
for i, tc := range quoteMetaTests {
// Verify that QuoteMeta returns the expected string.
quoted := QuoteMeta(tc.pattern);
if quoted != tc.output {
t.Errorf("QuoteMeta(`%s`) = `%s`; want `%s`",
tc.pattern, quoted, tc.output);
// Verify that the quoted string is in fact treated as expected
// by Compile -- i.e. that it matches the original, unquoted string.
if tc.pattern != "" {
re, err := Compile(quoted);
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error compiling QuoteMeta(`%s`): %v", tc.pattern, err);
src := "abc" + tc.pattern + "def";
repl := "xyz";
replaced := re.ReplaceAll(src, repl);
expected := "abcxyzdef";
if replaced != expected {
t.Errorf("QuoteMeta(`%s`).Replace(`%s`,`%s`) = `%s`; want `%s`",
tc.pattern, src, repl, replaced, expected);
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ package regexp
import (
......@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ func (p *parser) regexp() (start, end instr)
var iNULL instr
func special(c int) bool {
s := `\.+*?()|[]`;
s := `\.+*?()|[]^$`;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if c == int(s[i]) {
return true
......@@ -762,3 +763,67 @@ func Match(pattern string, s string) (matched bool, error os.Error) {
return re.Match(s), nil
// ReplaceAll returns a copy of src in which all matches for the Regexp
// have been replaced by repl. No support is provided for expressions
// (e.g. \1 or $1) in the replacement string.
func (re *Regexp) ReplaceAll(src, repl string) string {
lastMatchEnd := 0; // end position of the most recent match
searchPos := 0; // position where we next look for a match
buf := new(io.ByteBuffer);
for searchPos <= len(src) {
a := re.doExecute(src, searchPos);
if len(a) == 0 {
break; // no more matches
// Copy the unmatched characters before this match.
io.WriteString(buf, src[lastMatchEnd:a[0]]);
// Now insert a copy of the replacement string, but not for a
// match of the empty string immediately after another match.
// (Otherwise, we get double replacement for patterns that
// match both empty and nonempty strings.)
if a[1] > lastMatchEnd || a[0] == 0 {
io.WriteString(buf, repl);
lastMatchEnd = a[1];
// Advance past this match; always advance at least one character.
rune, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(src[searchPos:len(src)]);
if searchPos + width > a[1] {
searchPos += width;
} else if searchPos + 1 > a[1] {
// This clause is only needed at the end of the input
// string. In that case, DecodeRuneInString returns width=0.
} else {
searchPos = a[1];
// Copy the unmatched characters after the last match.
io.WriteString(buf, src[lastMatchEnd:len(src)]);
return string(buf.Data());
// QuoteMeta returns a string that quotes all regular expression metacharacters
// inside the argument text; the returned string is a regular expression matching
// the literal text. For example, QuoteMeta(`[foo]`) returns `\[foo\]`.
func QuoteMeta(s string) string {
b := make([]byte, 2 * len(s));
// A byte loop is correct because all metacharacters are ASCII.
j := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if special(int(s[i])) {
b[j] = '\\';
b[j] = s[i];
return string(b[0:j]);
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