Commit acd82d50 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

strconv: minor internal comment fix

Change-Id: I590ac9e976d4044d1f4f280137ea9b38851a9fc2
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent 553f45a6
......@@ -223,9 +223,8 @@ func formatDigits(dst []byte, shortest bool, neg bool, digs decimalSlice, prec i
return append(dst, '%', fmt)
// Round d (= mant * 2^exp) to the shortest number of digits
// that will let the original floating point value be precisely
// reconstructed. Size is original floating point size (64 or 32).
// roundShortest rounds d (= mant * 2^exp) to the shortest number of digits
// that will let the original floating point value be precisely reconstructed.
func roundShortest(d *decimal, mant uint64, exp int, flt *floatInfo) {
// If mantissa is zero, the number is zero; stop now.
if mant == 0 {
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