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Commit b4c9829c authored by David Crawshaw's avatar David Crawshaw

runtime: check plugin-loaded moduledata addresses

Inspired by difficulties with plugin support on darwin.

Change-Id: I2cef8410837946454e75d00e94e46791f03f2267
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent 9d8522fd
......@@ -19,6 +19,22 @@ func plugin_lastmoduleinit() map[string]interface{} {
throw("runtime: plugin already initialized")
if fmd := &firstmoduledata; inRange(fmd.text, fmd.etext, md.text, md.etext) ||
inRange(fmd.bss, fmd.ebss, md.bss, md.ebss) ||
inRange(, fmd.edata,, md.edata) ||
inRange(fmd.types, fmd.etypes, md.types, md.etypes) {
println("plugin: new module data overlaps with firstmoduledata")
println("\tfirstmoduledata.text-etext=", hex(fmd.text), "-", hex(fmd.etext))
println("\tfirstmoduledata.bss-ebss=", hex(fmd.bss), "-", hex(fmd.ebss))
println("\", hex(, "-", hex(fmd.edata))
println("\tfirstmoduledata.types-etypes=", hex(fmd.types), "-", hex(fmd.etypes))
println("\tmd.text-etext=", hex(md.text), "-", hex(md.etext))
println("\tmd.bss-ebss=", hex(md.bss), "-", hex(md.ebss))
println("\", hex(, "-", hex(md.edata))
println("\tmd.types-etypes=", hex(md.types), "-", hex(md.etypes))
throw("plugin: new module data overlaps with firstmoduledata")
// Initialize the freshly loaded module.
md.gcdatamask = progToPointerMask((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(md.gcdata)),
......@@ -55,6 +71,11 @@ func plugin_lastmoduleinit() map[string]interface{} {
return syms
// inRange reports whether v0 or v1 are in the range [r0, r1].
func inRange(r0, r1, v0, v1 uintptr) bool {
return (v0 >= r0 && v0 <= r1) || (v1 >= r0 && v1 <= r1)
// A ptabEntry is generated by the compiler for each exported function
// and global variable in the main package of a plugin. It is used to
// initialize the plugin module's symbol map.
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