Commit b5d94b7d authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

math/big: add test cases for min/max exponent values

Change-Id: I2e74e39628285e2fecaab712be6cff230619a6c2
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent 16b3675b
......@@ -367,10 +367,20 @@ func TestFloatText(t *testing.T) {
// make sure "stupid" exponents don't stall the machine
{"1e1000000", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.88b3a28a05eade3ap+3321929"},
{"1e646456992", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.e883a0c5c8c7c42ap+2147483644"},
{"1e646456993", 64, 'p', 0, "+Inf"},
{"1e1000000000", 64, 'p', 0, "+Inf"},
{"1e-1000000", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.efb4542cc8ca418ap-3321928"},
{"1e-646456993", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.e17c8956983d9d59p-2147483647"},
{"1e-646456994", 64, 'p', 0, "0"},
{"1e-1000000000", 64, 'p', 0, "0"},
// minimum and maximum values
{"1p2147483646", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.8p+2147483647"},
{"0x.8p2147483647", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.8p+2147483647"},
{"0x.8p-2147483647", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.8p-2147483647"},
{"1p-2147483649", 64, 'p', 0, "0x.8p-2147483648"},
// TODO(gri) need tests for actual large Floats
{"0", 53, 'b', 0, "0"},
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