Commit b7d3f4c0 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/doc: adapt directory search for modules

Previously, cmd/doc treated GOROOT/src and GOPATH/src
as the roots of the directory trees holding packages, assuming
that the import path would be the path elements after the src directory.

With modules, each module serves as its own root of a file tree,
and the import path prefix starts with the module path before
adding the path elements after the module root.

There are ways we could make this more efficient,
but for now this is a fairly small adjustment to get 'go doc'
working OK for modules for Go 1.11.

Fixes #26635.

Change-Id: Ifdee4194601312846c7b1fc67f2fe7a4a44269cc
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRob Pike <>
parent b8f42d74
......@@ -5,32 +5,41 @@
package main
import (
// A Dir describes a directory holding code by specifying
// the expected import path and the file system directory.
type Dir struct {
importPath string // import path for that dir
dir string // file system directory
// Dirs is a structure for scanning the directory tree.
// Its Next method returns the next Go source directory it finds.
// Although it can be used to scan the tree multiple times, it
// only walks the tree once, caching the data it finds.
type Dirs struct {
scan chan string // directories generated by walk.
paths []string // Cache of known paths.
offset int // Counter for Next.
scan chan Dir // Directories generated by walk.
hist []Dir // History of reported Dirs.
offset int // Counter for Next.
var dirs Dirs
// dirsInit starts the scanning of package directories in GOROOT and GOPATH. Any
// extra paths passed to it are included in the channel.
func dirsInit(extra ...string) {
dirs.paths = make([]string, 0, 1000)
dirs.paths = append(dirs.paths, extra...)
dirs.scan = make(chan string)
go dirs.walk()
func dirsInit(extra ...Dir) {
dirs.hist = make([]Dir, 0, 1000)
dirs.hist = append(dirs.hist, extra...)
dirs.scan = make(chan Dir)
go dirs.walk(codeRoots())
// Reset puts the scan back at the beginning.
......@@ -40,25 +49,24 @@ func (d *Dirs) Reset() {
// Next returns the next directory in the scan. The boolean
// is false when the scan is done.
func (d *Dirs) Next() (string, bool) {
if d.offset < len(d.paths) {
path := d.paths[d.offset]
func (d *Dirs) Next() (Dir, bool) {
if d.offset < len(d.hist) {
dir := d.hist[d.offset]
return path, true
return dir, true
path, ok := <-d.scan
dir, ok := <-d.scan
if !ok {
return "", false
return Dir{}, false
d.paths = append(d.paths, path)
d.hist = append(d.hist, dir)
return path, ok
return dir, ok
// walk walks the trees in GOROOT and GOPATH.
func (d *Dirs) walk() {
for _, root := range splitGopath() {
func (d *Dirs) walk(roots []Dir) {
for _, root := range roots {
......@@ -66,13 +74,13 @@ func (d *Dirs) walk() {
// bfsWalkRoot walks a single directory hierarchy in breadth-first lexical order.
// Each Go source directory it finds is delivered on d.scan.
func (d *Dirs) bfsWalkRoot(root string) {
root = path.Join(root, "src")
func (d *Dirs) bfsWalkRoot(root Dir) {
root.dir = filepath.Clean(root.dir) // because filepath.Join will do it anyway
// this is the queue of directories to examine in this pass.
this := []string{}
// next is the queue of directories to examine in the next pass.
next := []string{root}
next := []string{root.dir}
for len(next) > 0 {
this, next = next, this[0:0]
......@@ -105,14 +113,83 @@ func (d *Dirs) bfsWalkRoot(root string) {
if name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '_' || name == "testdata" {
// Ignore vendor when using modules.
if usingModules && name == "vendor" {
// Remember this (fully qualified) directory for the next pass.
next = append(next, filepath.Join(dir, name))
if hasGoFiles {
// It's a candidate.
d.scan <- dir
importPath := root.importPath
if len(dir) > len(root.dir) {
if importPath != "" {
importPath += "/"
importPath += filepath.ToSlash(dir[len(root.dir)+1:])
d.scan <- Dir{importPath, dir}
var testGOPATH = false // force GOPATH use for testing
// codeRoots returns the code roots to search for packages.
// In GOPATH mode this is GOROOT/src and GOPATH/src, with empty import paths.
// In module mode, this is each module root, with an import path set to its module path.
func codeRoots() []Dir {
codeRootsCache.once.Do(func() {
codeRootsCache.roots = findCodeRoots()
return codeRootsCache.roots
var codeRootsCache struct {
once sync.Once
roots []Dir
var usingModules bool
func findCodeRoots() []Dir {
list := []Dir{{"", filepath.Join(buildCtx.GOROOT, "src")}}
if !testGOPATH {
// Check for use of modules by 'go env GOMOD',
// which reports a go.mod file path if modules are enabled.
stdout, _ := exec.Command("go", "env", "GOMOD").Output()
usingModules = bytes.Contains(stdout, []byte("go.mod"))
if !usingModules {
for _, root := range splitGopath() {
list = append(list, Dir{"", filepath.Join(root, "src")})
return list
// Find module root directories from go list.
// Eventually we want
// to handle the entire file system search and become go/packages,
// but for now enumerating the module roots lets us fit modules
// into the current code with as few changes as possible.
cmd := exec.Command("go", "list", "-m", "-f={{.Path}}\t{{.Dir}}", "all")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
out, _ := cmd.Output()
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
i := strings.Index(line, "\t")
if i < 0 {
path, dir := line[:i], line[i+1:]
if dir != "" {
list = append(list, Dir{path, dir})
return list
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Clear GOPATH so we don't access the user's own packages in the test.
buildCtx.GOPATH = ""
testGOPATH = true // force GOPATH mode; module test is in cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_doc.txt
// Add $GOROOT/src/cmd/doc/testdata explicitly so we can access its contents in the test.
// Normally testdata directories are ignored, but sending it to dirs.scan directly is
......@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if err != nil {
dirsInit(testdataDir, filepath.Join(testdataDir, "nested"), filepath.Join(testdataDir, "nested", "nested"))
dirsInit(Dir{"testdata", testdataDir}, Dir{"testdata/nested", filepath.Join(testdataDir, "nested")}, Dir{"testdata/nested/nested", filepath.Join(testdataDir, "nested", "nested")})
......@@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ func TestDoc(t *testing.T) {
var flagSet flag.FlagSet
err := do(&b, &flagSet, test.args)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %s\n",, err)
t.Fatalf("%s %v: %s\n",, test.args, err)
output := b.Bytes()
failed := false
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import (
......@@ -189,6 +190,10 @@ func parseArgs(args []string) (pkg *build.Package, path, symbol string, more boo
// Done below.
case 2:
// Package must be findable and importable.
pkg, err := build.Import(args[0], "", build.ImportComment)
if err == nil {
return pkg, args[0], args[1], false
for {
packagePath, ok := findNextPackage(arg)
if !ok {
......@@ -355,14 +360,22 @@ func findNextPackage(pkg string) (string, bool) {
if pkg == "" || isUpper(pkg) { // Upper case symbol cannot be a package name.
return "", false
pkgString := filepath.Clean(string(filepath.Separator) + pkg)
if filepath.IsAbs(pkg) {
if dirs.offset == 0 {
dirs.offset = -1
return pkg, true
return "", false
pkg = path.Clean(pkg)
pkgSuffix := "/" + pkg
for {
path, ok := dirs.Next()
d, ok := dirs.Next()
if !ok {
return "", false
if strings.HasSuffix(path, pkgString) {
return path, true
if d.importPath == pkg || strings.HasSuffix(d.importPath, pkgSuffix) {
return d.dir, true
......@@ -425,12 +425,36 @@ func (pkg *Package) packageClause(checkUserPath bool) {
importPath :=
if importPath == "" {
importPath =
// If we're using modules, the import path derived from module code locations wins.
// If we did a file system scan, we knew the import path when we found the directory.
// But if we started with a directory name, we never knew the import path.
// Either way, we don't know it now, and it's cheap to (re)compute it.
if usingModules {
for _, root := range codeRoots() {
if == root.dir {
importPath = root.importPath
if strings.HasPrefix(, root.dir+string(filepath.Separator)) {
suffix := filepath.ToSlash([len(root.dir)+1:])
if root.importPath == "" {
importPath = suffix
} else {
importPath = root.importPath + "/" + suffix
pkg.Printf("package %s // import %q\n\n",, importPath)
if importPath != {
if !usingModules && importPath != {
pkg.Printf("WARNING: package source is installed in %q\n",
# go doc should find module documentation
env GO111MODULE=on
go doc y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
stdout 'import "x/y"'
go doc x/y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
! go doc quote.Hello
stderr 'doc: symbol quote is not a type' # because quote is not in local cache
go list # now it is
go doc quote.Hello
stdout 'Hello returns a greeting'
go doc quote
stdout 'Package quote collects pithy sayings.'
# Double-check go doc y when y is not in GOPATH/src.
env GOPATH=$WORK/altgopath
go doc x/y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
go doc y
stdout 'Package y is.*alphabet'
-- go.mod --
module x
require v1.5.2
-- y/y.go --
// Package y is the next to last package of the alphabet.
package y
-- x.go --
package x
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