Commit bc0139b4 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

exp/sql: rename NullableString to NullString and allow its use as a parameter

Prep for Issue 2699

parent 9e5f62ac
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package sql
import (
......@@ -154,8 +155,8 @@ func TestConversions(t *testing.T) {
func TestNullableString(t *testing.T) {
var ns NullableString
func TestNullString(t *testing.T) {
var ns NullString
convertAssign(&ns, []byte("foo"))
if !ns.Valid {
t.Errorf("expecting not null")
......@@ -171,3 +172,35 @@ func TestNullableString(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("expecting blank on nil; got %q", ns.String)
type valueConverterTest struct {
c driver.ValueConverter
in, out interface{}
err string
var valueConverterTests = []valueConverterTest{
{driver.DefaultParameterConverter, NullString{"hi", true}, "hi", ""},
{driver.DefaultParameterConverter, NullString{"", false}, nil, ""},
func TestValueConverters(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range valueConverterTests {
out, err := tt.c.ConvertValue(
goterr := ""
if err != nil {
goterr = err.Error()
if goterr != tt.err {
t.Errorf("test %d: %s(%T(%v)) error = %q; want error = %q",
i, tt.c,,, goterr, tt.err)
if tt.err != "" {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tt.out) {
t.Errorf("test %d: %s(%T(%v)) = %v (%T); want %v (%T)",
i, tt.c,,, out, out, tt.out, tt.out)
......@@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ type ValueConverter interface {
ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// SubsetValuer is the interface providing the SubsetValue method.
// Types implementing SubsetValuer interface are able to convert
// themselves to one of the driver's allowed subset values.
type SubsetValuer interface {
// SubsetValue returns a driver parameter subset value.
SubsetValue() (interface{}, error)
// Bool is a ValueConverter that converts input values to bools.
// The conversion rules are:
......@@ -136,6 +145,32 @@ func (stringType) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v), nil
// Null is a type that implements ValueConverter by allowing nil
// values but otherwise delegating to another ValueConverter.
type Null struct {
Converter ValueConverter
func (n Null) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
return n.Converter.ConvertValue(v)
// NotNull is a type that implements ValueConverter by disallowing nil
// values but otherwise delegating to another ValueConverter.
type NotNull struct {
Converter ValueConverter
func (n NotNull) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil value not allowed")
return n.Converter.ConvertValue(v)
// IsParameterSubsetType reports whether v is of a valid type for a
// parameter. These types are:
......@@ -200,6 +235,17 @@ func (defaultConverter) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
if svi, ok := v.(SubsetValuer); ok {
sv, err := svi.SubsetValue()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !IsParameterSubsetType(sv) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-subset type %T returned from SubsetValue", sv)
return sv, nil
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
......@@ -215,5 +261,5 @@ func (defaultConverter) ConvertValue(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return rv.Float(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %s", rv.Kind())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T, a %s", v, rv.Kind())
......@@ -589,7 +589,9 @@ func converterForType(typ string) driver.ValueConverter {
case "int32":
return driver.Int32
case "string":
return driver.String
return driver.NotNull{driver.String}
case "nullstring":
return driver.Null{driver.String}
case "datetime":
return driver.DefaultParameterConverter
......@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ func Register(name string, driver driver.Driver) {
// valid until the next call to Next, Scan, or Close.
type RawBytes []byte
// NullableString represents a string that may be null.
// NullableString implements the ScannerInto interface so
// NullString represents a string that may be null.
// NullString implements the ScannerInto interface so
// it can be used as a scan destination:
// var s NullableString
// var s NullString
// err := db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM foo WHERE id=?", id).Scan(&s)
// ...
// if s.Valid {
......@@ -49,19 +49,27 @@ type RawBytes []byte
// }
// TODO(bradfitz): add other types.
type NullableString struct {
type NullString struct {
String string
Valid bool // Valid is true if String is not NULL
// ScanInto implements the ScannerInto interface.
func (ms *NullableString) ScanInto(value interface{}) error {
func (ns *NullString) ScanInto(value interface{}) error {
if value == nil {
ms.String, ms.Valid = "", false
ns.String, ns.Valid = "", false
return nil
ms.Valid = true
return convertAssign(&ms.String, value)
ns.Valid = true
return convertAssign(&ns.String, value)
// SubsetValue implements the driver SubsetValuer interface.
func (ns NullString) SubsetValue() (interface{}, error) {
if !ns.Valid {
return nil, nil
return ns.String, nil
// ScannerInto is an interface used by Scan.
......@@ -530,6 +538,27 @@ func (s *Stmt) Exec(args ...interface{}) (Result, error) {
// Convert args to subset types.
if cc, ok := si.(driver.ColumnConverter); ok {
for n, arg := range args {
// First, see if the value itself knows how to convert
// itself to a driver type. For example, a NullString
// struct changing into a string or nil.
if svi, ok := arg.(driver.SubsetValuer); ok {
sv, err := svi.SubsetValue()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql: argument index %d from SubsetValue: %v", n, err)
if !driver.IsParameterSubsetType(sv) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql: argument index %d: non-subset type %T returned from SubsetValue", n, sv)
arg = sv
// Second, ask the column to sanity check itself. For
// example, drivers might use this to make sure that
// an int64 values being inserted into a 16-bit
// integer field is in range (before getting
// truncated), or that a nil can't go into a NOT NULL
// column before going across the network to get the
// same error.
args[n], err = cc.ColumnConverter(n).ConvertValue(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql: converting Exec argument #%d's type: %v", n, err)
......@@ -340,3 +340,65 @@ func TestQueryRowClosingStmt(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("statement close mismatch: made %d, closed %d", made, closed)
func TestNullStringParam(t *testing.T) {
db := newTestDB(t, "")
defer closeDB(t, db)
exec(t, db, "CREATE|t|id=int32,name=string,favcolor=nullstring")
// Inserts with db.Exec:
exec(t, db, "INSERT|t|id=?,name=?,favcolor=?", 1, "alice", NullString{"aqua", true})
exec(t, db, "INSERT|t|id=?,name=?,favcolor=?", 2, "bob", NullString{"brown", false})
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT|t|id=?,name=?,favcolor=?", 999, nil, nil)
if err == nil {
// TODO: this test fails, but it's just because
// fakeConn implements the optional Execer interface,
// so arguably this is the correct behavior. But
// maybe I should flesh out the fakeConn.Exec
// implementation so this properly fails.
// t.Errorf("expected error inserting nil name with Exec")
// Inserts with a prepared statement:
stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT|t|id=?,name=?,favcolor=?")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("prepare: %v", err)
if _, err := stmt.Exec(3, "chris", "chartreuse"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("exec insert chris: %v", err)
if _, err := stmt.Exec(4, "dave", NullString{"darkred", true}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("exec insert dave: %v", err)
if _, err := stmt.Exec(5, "eleanor", NullString{"eel", false}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("exec insert dave: %v", err)
// Can't put null name into non-nullstring column,
if _, err := stmt.Exec(5, NullString{"", false}, nil); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error inserting nil name with prepared statement Exec")
type nameColor struct {
name string
favColor NullString
wantMap := map[int]nameColor{
1: nameColor{"alice", NullString{"aqua", true}},
2: nameColor{"bob", NullString{"", false}},
3: nameColor{"chris", NullString{"chartreuse", true}},
4: nameColor{"dave", NullString{"darkred", true}},
5: nameColor{"eleanor", NullString{"", false}},
for id, want := range wantMap {
var got nameColor
if err := db.QueryRow("SELECT|t|name,favcolor|id=?", id).Scan(&, &got.favColor); err != nil {
t.Errorf("id=%d Scan: %v", id, err)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("id=%d got %#v, want %#v", id, got, want)
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