Commit bc1f9d20 authored by Meng Zhuo's avatar Meng Zhuo Committed by Brad Fitzpatrick

cmd/go: use shallow clones for new git checkouts

Currently go get will clone the full history of git repos.
We can improve the download waiting time/size by passing depth argument.

The docs about shallow clones and the --depth argument are here:

Fixes #13078

Change-Id: Ie891d905d9c77f6ecadf7dcd5b44b477f4e079e0
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 880a6891
......@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ var vcsGit = &vcsCmd{
name: "Git",
cmd: "git",
createCmd: []string{"clone {repo} {dir}", "--git-dir={dir}/.git submodule update --init --recursive"},
downloadCmd: []string{"pull --ff-only", "submodule update --init --recursive"},
createCmd: []string{"clone --depth=1 {repo} {dir}", "--git-dir={dir}/.git submodule update --init --recursive"},
downloadCmd: []string{"pull --depth=1 --ff-only", "submodule update --init --recursive"},
tagCmd: []tagCmd{
// tags/xxx matches a git tag named xxx
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