Commit c50a8416 authored by Paul Marks's avatar Paul Marks Committed by Mikio Hara

net: dialChannel should not treat an expired deadline as noDeadline.

Now, only a zero deadline is interpreted as noDeadline.  Any other time
in the past yields an immediate timeout.

TestConnectDeadlineInThePast already covers this case.  We just need to
un-skip it for plan9, where dialChannel is used.

Change-Id: I995fd1a632c31f8004dac772c3d7c43a2a5853b0
Reviewed-on: default avatarMikio Hara <>
parent 5242d2ce
......@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ import "time"
// used on operating systems where the deadline hasn't been pushed
// down into the pollserver. (Plan 9 and some old versions of Windows)
func dialChannel(net string, ra Addr, dialer func(time.Time) (Conn, error), deadline time.Time) (Conn, error) {
var timeout time.Duration
if !deadline.IsZero() {
timeout = deadline.Sub(time.Now())
if deadline.IsZero() {
return dialer(noDeadline)
timeout := deadline.Sub(time.Now())
if timeout <= 0 {
return dialer(noDeadline)
return nil, &OpError{Op: "dial", Net: net, Addr: ra, Err: errTimeout}
t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer t.Stop()
......@@ -682,11 +682,6 @@ func TestAcceptDeadlineConnectionAvailable(t *testing.T) {
// TestConnectDeadlineInThePast tests that connect deadlines work, even
// if the connection can be established w/o blocking.
func TestConnectDeadlineInThePast(t *testing.T) {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "plan9":
t.Skipf("skipping test on %q", runtime.GOOS)
ln := newLocalListener(t).(*TCPListener)
defer ln.Close()
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