Commit c7534048 authored by Nigel Tao's avatar Nigel Tao

bytes: fix docs: s/array/slice/.

R=rsc, mdempsky, dave
parent 46811d27
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ func TestWriteTo(t *testing.T) {
func TestRuneIO(t *testing.T) {
const NRune = 1000
// Built a test array while we write the data
// Built a test slice while we write the data
b := make([]byte, utf8.UTFMax*NRune)
var buf Buffer
n := 0
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// Compare returns an integer comparing the two byte arrays lexicographically.
// Compare returns an integer comparing two byte slices lexicographically.
// The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b
// A nil argument is equivalent to an empty slice.
func Compare(a, b []byte) int {
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ func equalPortable(a, b []byte) bool {
return true
// explode splits s into an array of UTF-8 sequences, one per Unicode character (still arrays of bytes),
// up to a maximum of n byte arrays. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are chopped into individual bytes.
// explode splits s into a slice of UTF-8 sequences, one per Unicode character (still slices of bytes),
// up to a maximum of n byte slices. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are chopped into individual bytes.
func explode(s []byte, n int) [][]byte {
if n <= 0 {
n = len(s)
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ func LastIndexAny(s []byte, chars string) int {
// Generic split: splits after each instance of sep,
// including sepSave bytes of sep in the subarrays.
// including sepSave bytes of sep in the subslices.
func genSplit(s, sep []byte, sepSave, n int) [][]byte {
if n == 0 {
return nil
......@@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ func SplitAfter(s, sep []byte) [][]byte {
return genSplit(s, sep, len(sep), -1)
// Fields splits the array s around each instance of one or more consecutive white space
// characters, returning a slice of subarrays of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
// Fields splits the slice s around each instance of one or more consecutive white space
// characters, returning a slice of subslices of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
func Fields(s []byte) [][]byte {
return FieldsFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
// FieldsFunc interprets s as a sequence of UTF-8-encoded Unicode code points.
// It splits the array s at each run of code points c satisfying f(c) and
// returns a slice of subarrays of s. If no code points in s satisfy f(c), an
// It splits the slice s at each run of code points c satisfying f(c) and
// returns a slice of subslices of s. If no code points in s satisfy f(c), an
// empty slice is returned.
func FieldsFunc(s []byte, f func(rune) bool) [][]byte {
n := 0
......@@ -333,46 +333,46 @@ func FieldsFunc(s []byte, f func(rune) bool) [][]byte {
return a[0:na]
// Join concatenates the elements of a to create a new byte array. The separator
// sep is placed between elements in the resulting array.
func Join(a [][]byte, sep []byte) []byte {
if len(a) == 0 {
// Join concatenates the elements of s to create a new byte slice. The separator
// sep is placed between elements in the resulting slice.
func Join(s [][]byte, sep []byte) []byte {
if len(s) == 0 {
return []byte{}
if len(a) == 1 {
if len(s) == 1 {
// Just return a copy.
return append([]byte(nil), a[0]...)
return append([]byte(nil), s[0]...)
n := len(sep) * (len(a) - 1)
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
n += len(a[i])
n := len(sep) * (len(s) - 1)
for _, v := range s {
n += len(v)
b := make([]byte, n)
bp := copy(b, a[0])
for _, s := range a[1:] {
bp := copy(b, s[0])
for _, v := range s[1:] {
bp += copy(b[bp:], sep)
bp += copy(b[bp:], s)
bp += copy(b[bp:], v)
return b
// HasPrefix tests whether the byte array s begins with prefix.
// HasPrefix tests whether the byte slice s begins with prefix.
func HasPrefix(s, prefix []byte) bool {
return len(s) >= len(prefix) && Equal(s[0:len(prefix)], prefix)
// HasSuffix tests whether the byte array s ends with suffix.
// HasSuffix tests whether the byte slice s ends with suffix.
func HasSuffix(s, suffix []byte) bool {
return len(s) >= len(suffix) && Equal(s[len(s)-len(suffix):], suffix)
// Map returns a copy of the byte array s with all its characters modified
// Map returns a copy of the byte slice s with all its characters modified
// according to the mapping function. If mapping returns a negative value, the character is
// dropped from the string with no replacement. The characters in s and the
// output are interpreted as UTF-8-encoded Unicode code points.
func Map(mapping func(r rune) rune, s []byte) []byte {
// In the worst case, the array can grow when mapped, making
// In the worst case, the slice can grow when mapped, making
// things unpleasant. But it's so rare we barge in assuming it's
// fine. It could also shrink but that falls out naturally.
maxbytes := len(s) // length of b
......@@ -413,28 +413,28 @@ func Repeat(b []byte, count int) []byte {
return nb
// ToUpper returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
// ToUpper returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
func ToUpper(s []byte) []byte { return Map(unicode.ToUpper, s) }
// ToLower returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
// ToLower returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
func ToLower(s []byte) []byte { return Map(unicode.ToLower, s) }
// ToTitle returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their title case.
// ToTitle returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their title case.
func ToTitle(s []byte) []byte { return Map(unicode.ToTitle, s) }
// ToUpperSpecial returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// ToUpperSpecial returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// upper case, giving priority to the special casing rules.
func ToUpperSpecial(_case unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte {
return Map(func(r rune) rune { return _case.ToUpper(r) }, s)
// ToLowerSpecial returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// ToLowerSpecial returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// lower case, giving priority to the special casing rules.
func ToLowerSpecial(_case unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte {
return Map(func(r rune) rune { return _case.ToLower(r) }, s)
// ToTitleSpecial returns a copy of the byte array s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// ToTitleSpecial returns a copy of the byte slice s with all Unicode letters mapped to their
// title case, giving priority to the special casing rules.
func ToTitleSpecial(_case unicode.SpecialCase, s []byte) []byte {
return Map(func(r rune) rune { return _case.ToTitle(r) }, s)
......@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ func eq(a, b []string) bool {
return true
func arrayOfString(a [][]byte) []string {
result := make([]string, len(a))
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
result[j] = string(a[j])
func sliceOfString(s [][]byte) []string {
result := make([]string, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
result[i] = string(v)
return result
// For ease of reading, the test cases use strings that are converted to byte
// arrays before invoking the functions.
// slices before invoking the functions.
var abcd = "abcd"
var faces = "☺☻☹"
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ var explodetests = []ExplodeTest{
func TestExplode(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range explodetests {
a := SplitN([]byte(tt.s), nil, tt.n)
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf(`Explode("%s", %d) = %v; want %v`, tt.s, tt.n, result, tt.a)
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ var splittests = []SplitTest{
func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range splittests {
a := SplitN([]byte(tt.s), []byte(tt.sep), tt.n)
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf(`Split(%q, %q, %d) = %v; want %v`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, result, tt.a)
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ var splitaftertests = []SplitTest{
func TestSplitAfter(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range splitaftertests {
a := SplitAfterN([]byte(tt.s), []byte(tt.sep), tt.n)
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf(`Split(%q, %q, %d) = %v; want %v`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, result, tt.a)
......@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ var fieldstests = []FieldsTest{
func TestFields(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range fieldstests {
a := Fields([]byte(tt.s))
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf("Fields(%q) = %v; want %v", tt.s, a, tt.a)
......@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ func TestFields(t *testing.T) {
func TestFieldsFunc(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range fieldstests {
a := FieldsFunc([]byte(tt.s), unicode.IsSpace)
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf("FieldsFunc(%q, unicode.IsSpace) = %v; want %v", tt.s, a, tt.a)
......@@ -585,15 +585,15 @@ func TestFieldsFunc(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range fieldsFuncTests {
a := FieldsFunc([]byte(tt.s), pred)
result := arrayOfString(a)
result := sliceOfString(a)
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf("FieldsFunc(%q) = %v, want %v", tt.s, a, tt.a)
// Test case for any function which accepts and returns a byte array.
// For ease of creation, we write the byte arrays as strings.
// Test case for any function which accepts and returns a byte slice.
// For ease of creation, we write the byte slices as strings.
type StringTest struct {
in, out string
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