Commit c87fb208 authored by griesemer's avatar griesemer Committed by Robert Griesemer

cmd/compile/internal/syntax: remove some outdated comments (cleanup)

Change-Id: If242bb99d501420827b764c908580f2363e01ac4
Reviewed-on: default avatarMatthew Dempsky <>
parent 3a165bba
......@@ -484,20 +484,6 @@ func (p *parser) funcDeclOrNil() *FuncDecl {
return nil
// TODO(gri) check for regular functions only
// if name.Sym.Name == "init" {
// name = renameinit()
// if params != nil || result != nil {
// p.error("func init must have no arguments and no return values")
// }
// }
// if localpkg.Name == "main" && name.Name == "main" {
// if params != nil || result != nil {
// p.error("func main must have no arguments and no return values")
// }
// }
f.Name =
f.Type = p.funcType()
if p.tok == _Lbrace {
......@@ -506,14 +492,8 @@ func (p *parser) funcDeclOrNil() *FuncDecl {
checkBranches(f.Body, p.errh)
f.Pragma = p.pragma
// TODO(gri) deal with function properties
// if noescape && body != nil {
// p.error("can only use //go:noescape with external func implementations")
// }
return f
......@@ -1709,9 +1689,6 @@ func (p *parser) forStmt() Stmt {
return s
// TODO(gri) This function is now so heavily influenced by the keyword that
// it may not make sense anymore to combine all three cases. It
// may be simpler to just split it up for each statement kind.
func (p *parser) header(keyword token) (init SimpleStmt, cond Expr, post SimpleStmt) {
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