will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit cd6619d2 authored by Ian Lance Taylor's avatar Ian Lance Taylor

cmd/compile: remove remaining nodeSeqIterate calls

Mix in several other minor cleanups, including adding some new methods
to Nodes: Index, Addr, SetIndex, SetNodes.

Passes toolstash -cmp.

Update #14473.

Change-Id: I8bd4ae3fde7c5e20ba66e7dd1654fbc70c3ddeb8
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 862b9ddd
......@@ -806,24 +806,23 @@ func (p *exporter) inlinedBody(n *Node) {
func (p *exporter) nodeList(list Nodes) {
it := nodeSeqIterate(list)
if p.trace {
p.tracef("[ ")
if p.trace {
if it.Len() <= 1 {
if list.Len() == 0 {
p.tracef("] {}")
} else {
p.tracef("] {>")
defer p.tracef("<\n}")
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
for _, n := range list.Slice() {
if p.trace {
......@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ func bvgenjump(n, res *Node, wantTrue, geninit bool) {
Bgen(n, wantTrue, 0, p2)
Thearch.Gmove(Nodbool(false), res)
Patch(p3, Pc)
// bgenx is the backend for Bgen and Bvgen.
......@@ -2943,9 +2943,7 @@ func cgen_append(n, res *Node) {
// is not going to use a write barrier.
i := 0
var r2 Node
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
for _, n2 := range n.List.Slice()[1:] {
Regalloc(&r1, Types[Tptr], nil)
Thearch.Gmove(base, &r1)
Regalloc(&r2, Types[TUINT], nil)
......@@ -2966,7 +2964,7 @@ func cgen_append(n, res *Node) {
r1.Type = res.Type.Type
cgen_wb(it.N(), &r1, needwritebarrier(&r1, it.N()))
cgen_wb(n2, &r1, needwritebarrier(&r1, n2))
......@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ func colasdefn(left Nodes, defn *Node) {
declare(n, dclcontext)
n.Name.Defn = defn
defn.Ninit.Append(Nod(ODCL, n, nil))
left.Slice()[i2] = n
left.SetIndex(i2, n)
if nnew == 0 && nerr == 0 {
......@@ -833,9 +833,9 @@ func tostruct0(t *Type, l []*Node) {
Fatalf("struct expected")
for tp, it := &t.Type, nodeSeqIterate(l); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
f := structfield(it.N())
tp := &t.Type
for _, n := range l {
f := structfield(n)
*tp = f
tp = &f.Down
......@@ -860,13 +860,14 @@ func tofunargs(l []*Node) *Type {
t := typ(TSTRUCT)
t.Funarg = true
for tp, it := &t.Type, nodeSeqIterate(l); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
f = structfield(it.N())
tp := &t.Type
for _, n := range l {
f = structfield(n)
f.Funarg = true
// esc.go needs to find f given a PPARAM to add the tag.
if it.N().Left != nil && it.N().Left.Class == PPARAM {
it.N().Left.Name.Param.Field = f
if n.Left != nil && n.Left.Class == PPARAM {
n.Left.Name.Param.Field = f
*tp = f
......@@ -722,10 +722,9 @@ func esc(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
case OAS2: // x,y = a,b
if n.List.Len() == n.Rlist.Len() {
lrit := nodeSeqIterate(n.Rlist)
for _, n3 := range n.List.Slice() {
escassign(e, n3, lrit.N())
rs := n.Rlist.Slice()
for i, n := range n.List.Slice() {
escassign(e, n, rs[i])
......@@ -759,14 +758,14 @@ func esc(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
// esccall already done on n->rlist->n. tie it's escretval to n->list
case OAS2FUNC: // x,y = f()
lrit := nodeSeqIterate(e.nodeEscState(n.Rlist.First()).Escretval)
var llit nodeSeqIterator
for llit = nodeSeqIterate(n.List); !lrit.Done() && !llit.Done(); llit.Next() {
escassign(e, llit.N(), lrit.N())
rs := e.nodeEscState(n.Rlist.First()).Escretval.Slice()
for i, n := range n.List.Slice() {
if i >= len(rs) {
escassign(e, n, rs[i])
if !llit.Done() || !lrit.Done() {
if n.List.Len() != len(rs) {
Fatalf("esc oas2func")
......@@ -779,19 +778,19 @@ func esc(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
ll = e.nodeEscState(n.List.First()).Escretval
llit := nodeSeqIterate(ll)
i := 0
for _, lrn := range Curfn.Func.Dcl {
if llit.Done() {
if i >= ll.Len() {
if lrn.Op != ONAME || lrn.Class != PPARAMOUT {
escassign(e, lrn, llit.N())
escassign(e, lrn, ll.Index(i))
if !llit.Done() {
if i < ll.Len() {
Fatalf("esc return list")
......@@ -801,10 +800,8 @@ func esc(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
if !n.Isddd {
llit := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
for ; !llit.Done(); llit.Next() {
escassign(e, &e.theSink, llit.N()) // lose track of assign to dereference
for _, n := range n.List.Slice()[1:] {
escassign(e, &e.theSink, n) // lose track of assign to dereference
} else {
// append(slice1, slice2...) -- slice2 itself does not escape, but contents do.
......@@ -1229,8 +1226,8 @@ func escassignfromtag(e *EscState, note *string, dsts Nodes, src *Node) uint16 {
em0 := em
it := nodeSeqIterate(dsts)
for em >>= EscReturnBits; em != 0 && !it.Done(); em = em >> bitsPerOutputInTag {
dstsi := 0
for em >>= EscReturnBits; em != 0 && dstsi < dsts.Len(); em = em >> bitsPerOutputInTag {
// Prefer the lowest-level path to the reference (for escape purposes).
// Two-bit encoding (for example. 1, 3, and 4 bits are other options)
// 01 = 0-level
......@@ -1242,15 +1239,15 @@ func escassignfromtag(e *EscState, note *string, dsts Nodes, src *Node) uint16 {
for i := uint16(0); i < embits-1; i++ {
n = e.addDereference(n) // encode level>0 as indirections
escassign(e, it.N(), n)
escassign(e, dsts.Index(dstsi), n)
// If there are too many outputs to fit in the tag,
// that is handled at the encoding end as EscHeap,
// so there is no need to check here.
if em != 0 && it.Done() {
if em != 0 && dstsi >= dsts.Len() {
Fatalf("corrupt esc tag %q or messed up escretval list\n", note)
return em0
......@@ -1419,36 +1416,37 @@ func esccall(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
var src *Node
llit := nodeSeqIterate(ll)
for lrit := nodeSeqIterate(fn.Name.Param.Ntype.List); !llit.Done() && !lrit.Done(); llit.Next() {
src = llit.N()
if lrit.N().Isddd && !n.Isddd {
lls := ll.Slice()
lrs := fn.Name.Param.Ntype.List.Slice()
i := 0
for ; i < len(lls) && i < len(lrs); i++ {
src = lls[i]
if lrs[i].Isddd && !n.Isddd {
// Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation.
src = Nod(ODDDARG, nil, nil)
src.Type = typ(TARRAY)
src.Type.Type = lrit.N().Type.Type
src.Type.Bound = int64(llit.Len())
src.Type.Type = lrs[i].Type.Type
src.Type.Bound = int64(len(lls) - i)
src.Type = Ptrto(src.Type) // make pointer so it will be tracked
src.Lineno = n.Lineno
n.Right = src
if lrit.N().Left != nil {
escassign(e, lrit.N().Left, src)
if lrs[i].Left != nil {
escassign(e, lrs[i].Left, src)
if src != llit.N() {
if src != lls[i] {
// "..." arguments are untracked
for ; !llit.Done(); llit.Next() {
for ; i < len(lls); i++ {
if Debug['m'] > 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(llit.N(), obj.FmtShort))
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(lls[i], obj.FmtShort))
escassign(e, &e.theSink, llit.N())
escassign(e, &e.theSink, lls[i])
......@@ -1478,16 +1476,17 @@ func esccall(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
var src *Node
it := nodeSeqIterate(ll)
for t := fntype.Params().Type; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
src = it.N()
i := 0
lls := ll.Slice()
for t := fntype.Params().Type; i < len(lls); i++ {
src = lls[i]
if t.Isddd && !n.Isddd {
// Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation.
src = Nod(ODDDARG, nil, nil)
src.Lineno = n.Lineno
src.Type = typ(TARRAY)
src.Type.Type = t.Type.Type
src.Type.Bound = int64(it.Len())
src.Type.Bound = int64(len(lls) - i)
src.Type = Ptrto(src.Type) // make pointer so it will be tracked
n.Right = src
......@@ -1520,18 +1519,18 @@ func esccall(e *EscState, n *Node, up *Node) {
if src != it.N() {
if src != lls[i] {
// This occurs when function parameter type Isddd and n not Isddd
t = t.Down
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
for ; i < len(lls); i++ {
if Debug['m'] > 2 {
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(it.N(), obj.FmtShort))
fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v\n", linestr(lineno), Nconv(lls[i], obj.FmtShort))
escassign(e, src, it.N()) // args to slice
escassign(e, src, lls[i]) // args to slice
......@@ -1257,10 +1257,10 @@ func exprfmt(n *Node, prec int) string {
} else {
f += fmt.Sprintf("(%v{", n.Type)
for it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
f += fmt.Sprintf(" %v:%v", Sconv(it.N().Left.Sym, obj.FmtShort|obj.FmtByte), it.N().Right)
for i1, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {
f += fmt.Sprintf(" %v:%v", Sconv(n1.Left.Sym, obj.FmtShort|obj.FmtByte), n1.Right)
if it.Len() > 1 {
if i1+1 < n.List.Len() {
f += ","
} else {
f += " "
......@@ -1725,9 +1725,9 @@ func Hconv(l Nodes, flag int) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for it := nodeSeqIterate(l); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
buf.WriteString(Nconv(it.N(), 0))
if it.Len() > 1 {
for i, n := range l.Slice() {
buf.WriteString(Nconv(n, 0))
if i+1 < l.Len() {
......@@ -325,8 +325,9 @@ func inlconv2list(n *Node) []*Node {
func inlnodelist(l Nodes) {
for i := range l.Slice() {
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
......@@ -411,9 +412,10 @@ func inlnode(np **Node) {
for i3, n3 := range n.List.Slice() {
if n3.Op == OINLCALL {
s := n.List.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range s {
if n1.Op == OINLCALL {
......@@ -431,12 +433,13 @@ func inlnode(np **Node) {
for i4, n4 := range n.Rlist.Slice() {
if n4.Op == OINLCALL {
s := n.Rlist.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range s {
if n1.Op == OINLCALL {
if n.Op == OIF {
} else {
......@@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
as = Nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
li := 0
// TODO: if len(nlist) == 1 but multiple args, check that n->list->n is a call?
if fn.Type.Thistuple != 0 && n.Left.Op != ODOTMETH {
......@@ -689,7 +692,7 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
Fatalf("method call unknown receiver type: %v", Nconv(n, obj.FmtSign))
it.Next() // track argument count.
// append ordinary arguments to LHS.
......@@ -703,7 +706,7 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
for t, it2 := IterFields(fn.Type.Params()); t != nil; t = it2.Next() {
if variadic && t.Isddd {
vararg = tinlvar(t)
for i = 0; i < varargcount && it.Len() != 0; i++ {
for i = 0; i < varargcount && li < n.List.Len(); i++ {
m = argvar(varargtype, i)
varargs = append(varargs, m)
......@@ -718,7 +721,7 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
// match arguments except final variadic (unless the call is dotted itself)
var t *Type
for t = fn.Type.Params().Type; t != nil; {
if it.Done() {
if li >= n.List.Len() {
if variadic && t.Isddd {
......@@ -726,18 +729,18 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
t = t.Down
// match varargcount arguments with variadic parameters.
if variadic && t != nil && t.Isddd {
vararg = tinlvar(t)
var i int
for i = 0; i < varargcount && !it.Done(); i++ {
for i = 0; i < varargcount && li < n.List.Len(); i++ {
m = argvar(varargtype, i)
varargs = append(varargs, m)
if i == varargcount {
......@@ -745,7 +748,7 @@ func mkinlcall1(np **Node, fn *Node, isddd bool) {
if !it.Done() || t != nil {
if li < n.List.Len() || t != nil {
Fatalf("arg count mismatch: %v vs %v\n", Tconv(fn.Type.Params(), obj.FmtSharp), Hconv(n.List, obj.FmtComma))
......@@ -376,14 +376,17 @@ func ordercall(n *Node, order *Order) {
if n.Op == OCALLFUNC {
t := n.Left.Type.Params().Type
for it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List); !it.Done() && t != nil; it.Next() {
for i := range n.List.Slice() {
// Check for "unsafe-uintptr" tag provided by escape analysis.
// If present and the argument is really a pointer being converted
// to uintptr, arrange for the pointer to be kept alive until the call
// returns, by copying it into a temp and marking that temp
// still alive when we pop the temp stack.
if t == nil {
if t.Note != nil && *t.Note == unsafeUintptrTag {
xp := it.P()
xp := n.List.Addr(i)
for (*xp).Op == OCONVNOP && !Isptr[(*xp).Type.Etype] {
xp = &(*xp).Left
......@@ -452,14 +455,15 @@ func ordermapassign(n *Node, order *Order) {
if !istemp(m.Right) {
m.Right = ordercopyexpr(m.Right, m.Right.Type, order, 0)
n.List.Slice()[i1] = ordertemp(m.Type, order, false)
a = Nod(OAS, m, n.List.Slice()[i1])
n.List.SetIndex(i1, ordertemp(m.Type, order, false))
a = Nod(OAS, m, n.List.Index(i1))
typecheck(&a, Etop)
post = append(post, a)
} else if instrumenting && n.Op == OAS2FUNC && !isblank(n.List.Slice()[i1]) {
m = n.List.Slice()[i1]
n.List.Slice()[i1] = ordertemp(m.Type, order, false)
a = Nod(OAS, m, n.List.Slice()[i1])
} else if instrumenting && n.Op == OAS2FUNC && !isblank(n.List.Index(i1)) {
m = n.List.Index(i1)
t := ordertemp(m.Type, order, false)
n.List.SetIndex(i1, t)
a = Nod(OAS, m, t)
typecheck(&a, Etop)
post = append(post, a)
......@@ -651,9 +655,7 @@ func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
orderexprlist(n.Left.List, order)
t1 := marktemp(order)
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.Left.List)
np := it.P() // map key
np := n.Left.List.Addr(1) // map key
*np = ordercopyexpr(*np, (*np).Type, order, 0)
poptemp(t1, order)
......@@ -666,11 +668,9 @@ func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
t := marktemp(order)
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
orderexpr(it.P(), order, nil)
orderexpr(it.P(), order, nil)
orderaddrtemp(it.P(), order) // map key
orderexpr(n.List.Addr(0), order, nil)
orderexpr(n.List.Addr(1), order, nil)
orderaddrtemp(n.List.Addr(1), order) // map key
order.out = append(order.out, n)
cleantemp(t, order)
......@@ -771,8 +771,8 @@ func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
// n->alloc is the temp for the iterator.
prealloc[n] = ordertemp(Types[TUINT8], order, true)
for i1 := range n.List.Slice() {
orderexprinplace(&n.List.Slice()[i1], order)
for i := range n.List.Slice() {
orderexprinplace(n.List.Addr(i), order)
order.out = append(order.out, n)
......@@ -815,20 +815,20 @@ func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
Yyerror("unknown op in select %v", Oconv(r.Op, 0))
Dump("select case", r)
// If this is case x := <-ch or case x, y := <-ch, the case has
// If this is case x := <-ch or case x, y := <-ch, the case has
// the ODCL nodes to declare x and y. We want to delay that
// declaration (and possible allocation) until inside the case body.
// Delete the ODCL nodes here and recreate them inside the body below.
if r.Colas {
itinit := nodeSeqIterate(r.Ninit)
if itinit.Len() != 0 && itinit.N().Op == ODCL && itinit.N().Left == r.Left {
i := 0
if r.Ninit.Len() != 0 && r.Ninit.First().Op == ODCL && r.Ninit.First().Left == r.Left {
if itinit.Len() != 0 && itinit.N().Op == ODCL && r.List.Len() != 0 && itinit.N().Left == r.List.First() {
if i < r.Ninit.Len() && r.Ninit.Index(i).Op == ODCL && r.List.Len() != 0 && r.Ninit.Index(i).Left == r.List.First() {
if itinit.Done() {
if i >= r.Ninit.Len() {
......@@ -967,16 +967,18 @@ func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
// Orderexprlist orders the expression list l into order.
func orderexprlist(l Nodes, order *Order) {
for i := range l.Slice() {
orderexpr(&l.Slice()[i], order, nil)
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
orderexpr(&s[i], order, nil)
// Orderexprlist orders the expression list l but saves
// the side effects on the individual expression ninit lists.
func orderexprlistinplace(l Nodes, order *Order) {
for i := range l.Slice() {
orderexprinplace(&l.Slice()[i], order)
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
orderexprinplace(&s[i], order)
......@@ -87,11 +87,12 @@ func instrument(fn *Node) {
func instrumentlist(l Nodes, init *Nodes) {
for i := range l.Slice() {
s := l.Slice()
for i := range s {
var instr Nodes
instrumentnode(&l.Slice()[i], &instr, 0, 0)
instrumentnode(&s[i], &instr, 0, 0)
if init == nil {
} else {
......@@ -146,25 +147,26 @@ func instrumentnode(np **Node, init *Nodes, wr int, skip int) {
case OBLOCK:
var out []*Node
for it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
switch it.N().Op {
ls := n.List.Slice()
for i := 0; i < len(ls); i++ {
switch ls[i].Op {
instrumentnode(it.P(), &it.N().Ninit, 0, 0)
out = append(out, it.N())
instrumentnode(&ls[i], &ls[i].Ninit, 0, 0)
out = append(out, ls[i])
// Scan past OAS nodes copying results off stack.
// Those must not be instrumented, because the
// instrumentation calls will smash the results.
// The assignments are to temporaries, so they cannot
// be involved in races and need not be instrumented.
for it.Len() > 1 && nodeSeqSecond(it.Seq()).Op == OAS && iscallret(nodeSeqSecond(it.Seq()).Right) {
out = append(out, it.N())
for i+1 < len(ls) && ls[i+1].Op == OAS && iscallret(ls[i+1].Right) {
out = append(out, ls[i])
var outn Nodes
instrumentnode(it.P(), &outn, 0, 0)
out = append(outn.Slice(), it.N())
instrumentnode(&ls[i], &outn, 0, 0)
out = append(outn.Slice(), ls[i])
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ func typecheckrange(n *Node) {
var t2 *Type
var v1 *Node
var v2 *Node
var ls []*Node
// Typechecking order is important here:
// 0. first typecheck range expression (slice/map/chan),
......@@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ func typecheckrange(n *Node) {
goto out
// delicate little dance. see typecheckas2
for i1, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {
ls = n.List.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range ls {
if n1.Name == nil || n1.Name.Defn != n {
typecheck(&n.List.Slice()[i1], Erv|Easgn)
typecheck(&ls[i1], Erv|Easgn)
......@@ -119,9 +121,10 @@ func typecheckrange(n *Node) {
// second half of dance
n.Typecheck = 1
for i2, n2 := range n.List.Slice() {
if n2.Typecheck == 0 {
typecheck(&n.List.Slice()[i2], Erv|Easgn)
ls = n.List.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range ls {
if n1.Typecheck == 0 {
typecheck(&ls[i1], Erv|Easgn)
......@@ -342,10 +345,10 @@ func memclrrange(n, v1, v2, a *Node) bool {
if v1 == nil || v2 != nil {
return false
if len(n.Nbody.Slice()) == 0 || n.Nbody.Slice()[0] == nil || len(n.Nbody.Slice()) > 1 {
if n.Nbody.Len() == 0 || n.Nbody.First() == nil || n.Nbody.Len() > 1 {
return false
stmt := n.Nbody.Slice()[0] // only stmt in body
stmt := n.Nbody.First() // only stmt in body
if stmt.Op != OAS || stmt.Left.Op != OINDEX {
return false
......@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ func typecheckselect(sel *Node) {
} else if ncase.List.Len() > 1 {
Yyerror("select cases cannot be lists")
} else {
it2 := nodeSeqIterate(ncase.List)
n = typecheck(it2.P(), Etop)
n = typecheck(ncase.List.Addr(0), Etop)
ncase.Left = n
......@@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ func walkselect(sel *Node) {
var n *Node
var var_ *Node
var selv *Node
var cas *Node
if i == 0 {
sel.Nbody.Set([]*Node{mkcall("block", nil, nil)})
goto out
......@@ -172,8 +170,7 @@ func walkselect(sel *Node) {
// convert case value arguments to addresses.
// this rewrite is used by both the general code and the next optimization.
for it := nodeSeqIterate(sel.List); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
cas = it.N()
for _, cas := range sel.List.Slice() {
n = cas.Left
if n == nil {
......@@ -189,9 +186,8 @@ func walkselect(sel *Node) {
if n.Op == OSELRECV2 {
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
*it.P() = Nod(OADDR, it.N(), nil)
typecheck(it.P(), Erv)
n.List.SetIndex(0, Nod(OADDR, n.List.First(), nil))
typecheck(n.List.Addr(0), Erv)
if n.Left == nil {
......@@ -268,7 +264,7 @@ func walkselect(sel *Node) {
typecheck(&r, Etop)
init = append(init, r)
// register cases
for _, cas = range sel.List.Slice() {
for _, cas := range sel.List.Slice() {
n = cas.Left
r = Nod(OIF, nil, nil)
......@@ -2066,14 +2066,12 @@ func (s *state) expr(n *Node) *ssa.Value {
// Evaluate args
args := make([]*ssa.Value, 0, nargs)
store := make([]bool, 0, nargs)
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
if canSSAType(it.N().Type) {
args = append(args, s.expr(it.N()))
for _, n := range n.List.Slice()[1:] {
if canSSAType(n.Type) {
args = append(args, s.expr(n))
store = append(store, true)
} else {
args = append(args, s.addr(it.N(), false))
args = append(args, s.addr(n, false))
store = append(store, false)
......@@ -115,30 +115,33 @@ func typecheckswitch(n *Node) {
def = ncase
} else {
for i1, n1 := range ncase.List.Slice() {
ls := ncase.List.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range ls {
typecheck(&ncase.List.Slice()[i1], Erv|Etype)
if ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type == nil || t == nil {
typecheck(&ls[i1], Erv|Etype)
n1 = ls[i1]
if n1.Type == nil || t == nil {
switch top {
// expression switch
case Erv:
defaultlit(&ncase.List.Slice()[i1], t)
defaultlit(&ls[i1], t)
n1 = ls[i1]
switch {
case ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Op == OTYPE:
Yyerror("type %v is not an expression", ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type)
case ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type != nil && assignop(ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, t, nil) == 0 && assignop(t, ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, nil) == 0:
case n1.Op == OTYPE:
Yyerror("type %v is not an expression", n1.Type)
case n1.Type != nil && assignop(n1.Type, t, nil) == 0 && assignop(t, n1.Type, nil) == 0:
if n.Left != nil {
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch on %v (mismatched types %v and %v)", ncase.List.Slice()[i1], n.Left, ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, t)
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch on %v (mismatched types %v and %v)", n1, n.Left, n1.Type, t)
} else {
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (mismatched types %v and bool)", ncase.List.Slice()[i1], ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type)
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (mismatched types %v and bool)", n1, n1.Type)
case nilonly != "" && !isnil(ncase.List.Slice()[i1]):
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (can only compare %s %v to nil)", ncase.List.Slice()[i1], nilonly, n.Left)
case Isinter(t) && !Isinter(ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type) && algtype1(ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, nil) == ANOEQ:
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (incomparable type)", Nconv(ncase.List.Slice()[i1], obj.FmtLong))
case nilonly != "" && !isnil(n1):
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (can only compare %s %v to nil)", n1, nilonly, n.Left)
case Isinter(t) && !Isinter(n1.Type) && algtype1(n1.Type, nil) == ANOEQ:
Yyerror("invalid case %v in switch (incomparable type)", Nconv(n1, obj.FmtLong))
// type switch
......@@ -146,16 +149,17 @@ func typecheckswitch(n *Node) {
var missing, have *Type
var ptr int
switch {
case ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Op == OLITERAL && Istype(ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, TNIL):
case ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Op != OTYPE && ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type != nil: // should this be ||?
Yyerror("%v is not a type", Nconv(ncase.List.Slice()[i1], obj.FmtLong))
case n1.Op == OLITERAL && Istype(n1.Type, TNIL):
case n1.Op != OTYPE && n1.Type != nil: // should this be ||?
Yyerror("%v is not a type", Nconv(n1, obj.FmtLong))
// reset to original type
ncase.List.Slice()[i1] = n.Left.Right
case ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type.Etype != TINTER && t.Etype == TINTER && !implements(ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, t, &missing, &have, &ptr):
n1 = n.Left.Right
ls[i1] = n1
case n1.Type.Etype != TINTER && t.Etype == TINTER && !implements(n1.Type, t, &missing, &have, &ptr):
if have != nil && !missing.Broke && !have.Broke {
Yyerror("impossible type switch case: %v cannot have dynamic type %v"+" (wrong type for %v method)\n\thave %v%v\n\twant %v%v", Nconv(n.Left.Right, obj.FmtLong), ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, missing.Sym, have.Sym, Tconv(have.Type, obj.FmtShort), missing.Sym, Tconv(missing.Type, obj.FmtShort))
Yyerror("impossible type switch case: %v cannot have dynamic type %v"+" (wrong type for %v method)\n\thave %v%v\n\twant %v%v", Nconv(n.Left.Right, obj.FmtLong), n1.Type, missing.Sym, have.Sym, Tconv(have.Type, obj.FmtShort), missing.Sym, Tconv(missing.Type, obj.FmtShort))
} else if !missing.Broke {
Yyerror("impossible type switch case: %v cannot have dynamic type %v"+" (missing %v method)", Nconv(n.Left.Right, obj.FmtLong), ncase.List.Slice()[i1].Type, missing.Sym)
Yyerror("impossible type switch case: %v cannot have dynamic type %v"+" (missing %v method)", Nconv(n.Left.Right, obj.FmtLong), n1.Type, missing.Sym)
......@@ -175,8 +179,7 @@ func typecheckswitch(n *Node) {
typecheck(&nvar, Erv|Easgn)
rit := nodeSeqIterate(ncase.Rlist)
*rit.P() = nvar
ncase.Rlist.SetIndex(0, nvar)
......@@ -344,8 +347,7 @@ func casebody(sw *Node, typeswvar *Node) {
var def *Node // defaults
br := Nod(OBREAK, nil, nil)
for it := nodeSeqIterate(sw.List); !it.Done(); it.Next() {
n := it.N()
for i, n := range sw.List.Slice() {
if n.Op != OXCASE {
Fatalf("casebody %v", Oconv(n.Op, 0))
......@@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ func casebody(sw *Node, typeswvar *Node) {
Yyerror("cannot fallthrough in type switch")
if it.Len() <= 1 {
if i+1 >= sw.List.Len() {
Yyerror("cannot fallthrough final case in switch")
......@@ -437,14 +437,20 @@ func (n *Nodes) Len() int {
return len(*n.slice)
// First returns the first element of Nodes.
// It panics if Nodes has no elements.
// Index returns the i'th element of Nodes.
// It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
func (n *Nodes) Index(i int) *Node {
return (*n.slice)[i]
// First returns the first element of Nodes (same as n.Index(0)).
// It panics if n has no elements.
func (n *Nodes) First() *Node {
return (*n.slice)[0]
// Second returns the second element of Nodes.
// It panics if Nodes has fewer than two elements.
// Second returns the second element of Nodes (same as n.Index(1)).
// It panics if n has fewer than two elements.
func (n *Nodes) Second() *Node {
return (*n.slice)[1]
......@@ -464,7 +470,7 @@ func (n *Nodes) NodeList() *NodeList {
return ret
// Set sets Nodes to a slice.
// Set sets n to a slice.
// This takes ownership of the slice.
func (n *Nodes) Set(s []*Node) {
if len(s) == 0 {
......@@ -474,6 +480,24 @@ func (n *Nodes) Set(s []*Node) {
// MoveNodes sets n to the contents of n2, then clears n2.
func (n *Nodes) MoveNodes(n2 *Nodes) {
n.slice = n2.slice
n2.slice = nil
// SetIndex sets the i'th element of Nodes to node.
// It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
func (n *Nodes) SetIndex(i int, node *Node) {
(*n.slice)[i] = node
// Addr returns the address of the i'th element of Nodes.
// It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
func (n *Nodes) Addr(i int) **Node {
return &(*n.slice)[i]
// Append appends entries to Nodes.
// If a slice is passed in, this will take ownership of it.
func (n *Nodes) Append(a ...*Node) {
......@@ -530,106 +554,6 @@ type nodesOrNodeList interface{}
// to a generic value.
type nodesOrNodeListPtr interface{}
// nodeSeqIterator is an interface used to iterate over a sequence of nodes.
// TODO(iant): Remove after conversion from NodeList to Nodes is complete.
type nodeSeqIterator interface {
// Return whether iteration is complete.
Done() bool
// Advance to the next node.
// Return the current node.
N() *Node
// Return the address of the current node.
P() **Node
// Return the number of items remaining in the iteration.
Len() int
// Return the remaining items as a sequence.
// This will have the same type as that passed to nodeSeqIterate.
Seq() nodesOrNodeList
// nodeListIterator is a type that implements nodeSeqIterator using a
// *NodeList.
type nodeListIterator struct {
l *NodeList
func (nli *nodeListIterator) Done() bool {
return nli.l == nil
func (nli *nodeListIterator) Next() {
nli.l = nli.l.Next
func (nli *nodeListIterator) N() *Node {
return nli.l.N
func (nli *nodeListIterator) P() **Node {
return &nli.l.N
func (nli *nodeListIterator) Len() int {
return count(nli.l)
func (nli *nodeListIterator) Seq() nodesOrNodeList {
return nli.l
// nodesIterator implements nodeSeqIterator using a Nodes.
type nodesIterator struct {
n Nodes
i int
func (ni *nodesIterator) Done() bool {
return ni.i >= len(ni.n.Slice())
func (ni *nodesIterator) Next() {
func (ni *nodesIterator) N() *Node {
return ni.n.Slice()[ni.i]
func (ni *nodesIterator) P() **Node {
return &ni.n.Slice()[ni.i]
func (ni *nodesIterator) Len() int {
return len(ni.n.Slice()[ni.i:])
func (ni *nodesIterator) Seq() nodesOrNodeList {
var r Nodes
return r
// nodeSeqIterate returns an iterator over a *NodeList, a Nodes,
// a []*Node, or nil.
func nodeSeqIterate(ns nodesOrNodeList) nodeSeqIterator {
switch ns := ns.(type) {
case *NodeList:
return &nodeListIterator{ns}
case Nodes:
return &nodesIterator{ns, 0}
case []*Node:
var r Nodes
return &nodesIterator{r, 0}
case nil:
var r Nodes
return &nodesIterator{r, 0}
panic("can't happen")
// nodeSeqLen returns the length of a *NodeList, a Nodes, a []*Node, or nil.
func nodeSeqLen(ns nodesOrNodeList) int {
switch ns := ns.(type) {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -321,8 +321,9 @@ func walkstmt(np **Node) {
ll := ascompatee(n.Op, rl, n.List.Slice(), &n.Ninit)
for i1 := range n.List.Slice() {
n.List.Slice()[i1] = applywritebarrier(n.List.Slice()[i1])
ls := n.List.Slice()
for i, n := range ls {
ls[i] = applywritebarrier(n)
......@@ -884,8 +885,7 @@ opswitch:
if !isblank(a) {
var_ := temp(Ptrto(t.Type))
var_.Typecheck = 1
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
*it.P() = var_
n.List.SetIndex(0, var_)
walkexpr(&n, init)
n = Nod(OAS, a, Nod(OIND, var_, nil))
......@@ -1661,20 +1661,20 @@ func ascompatee(op Op, nl, nr []*Node, init *Nodes) []*Node {
var nn []*Node
nlit := nodeSeqIterate(nl)
nrit := nodeSeqIterate(nr)
for ; !nlit.Done() && !nrit.Done(); nlit.Next() {
i := 0
for ; i < len(nl); i++ {
if i >= len(nr) {
// Do not generate 'x = x' during return. See issue 4014.
if op == ORETURN && nlit.N() == nrit.N() {
if op == ORETURN && nl[i] == nr[i] {
nn = append(nn, ascompatee1(op, nlit.N(), nrit.N(), init))
nn = append(nn, ascompatee1(op, nl[i], nr[i], init))
// cannot happen: caller checked that lists had same length
if !nlit.Done() || !nrit.Done() {
if i < len(nl) || i < len(nr) {
var nln, nrn Nodes
......@@ -1714,12 +1714,12 @@ func ascompatet(op Op, nl Nodes, nr **Type, fp int, init *Nodes) []*Node {
var nn []*Node
var mm []*Node
ucount := 0
it := nodeSeqIterate(nl)
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
var i int
for i = 0; i < nl.Len(); i++ {
if r == nil {
l = it.N()
l = nl.Index(i)
if isblank(l) {
r = saver.Next()
......@@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ func ascompatet(op Op, nl Nodes, nr **Type, fp int, init *Nodes) []*Node {
r = saver.Next()
if !it.Done() || r != nil {
if i < nl.Len() || r != nil {
Yyerror("ascompatet: assignment count mismatch: %d = %d", nl.Len(), structcount(*nr))
......@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ func walkprint(nn *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
defaultlit(&n, Types[TINT64])
defaultlit(&n, nil)
all.Slice()[i1] = n
all.SetIndex(i1, n)
if n.Type == nil || n.Type.Etype == TFORW {
......@@ -2811,14 +2811,13 @@ func addstr(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
// l2 is allowed to be a string.
func appendslice(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
walkexprlistsafe(n.List.Slice(), init)
for i1 := range
// walkexprlistsafe will leave OINDEX (s[n]) alone if both s
// and n are name or literal, but those may index the slice we're
// modifying here. Fix explicitly.
n.List.Slice() {
n.List.Slice()[i1] = cheapexpr(n.List.Slice()[i1],
ls := n.List.Slice()
for i1, n1 := range ls {
ls[i1] = cheapexpr(n1, init)
l1 := n.List.First()
......@@ -2933,9 +2932,8 @@ func appendslice(n *Node, init *Nodes) *Node {
// s
func walkappend(n *Node, init *Nodes, dst *Node) *Node {
if !samesafeexpr(dst, n.List.First()) {
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
*it.P() = safeexpr(it.N(), init)
walkexpr(it.P(), init)
n.List.SetIndex(0, safeexpr(n.List.Index(0), init))
walkexpr(n.List.Addr(0), init)
walkexprlistsafe(n.List.Slice()[1:], init)
......@@ -2945,10 +2943,9 @@ func walkappend(n *Node, init *Nodes, dst *Node) *Node {
// Using cheapexpr also makes sure that the evaluation
// of all arguments (and especially any panics) happen
// before we begin to modify the slice in a visible way.
it := nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
*it.P() = cheapexpr(it.N(), init)
ls := n.List.Slice()[1:]
for i, n := range ls {
ls[i] = cheapexpr(n, init)
nsrc := n.List.First()
......@@ -2991,13 +2988,12 @@ func walkappend(n *Node, init *Nodes, dst *Node) *Node {
nx.Etype = 1
l = append(l, Nod(OAS, ns, nx)) // s = s[:n+argc]
it = nodeSeqIterate(n.List)
for ; !it.Done(); it.Next() {
ls = n.List.Slice()[1:]
for i, n := range ls {
nx = Nod(OINDEX, ns, nn) // s[n] ...
nx.Bounded = true
l = append(l, Nod(OAS, nx, it.N())) // s[n] = arg
if it.Len() > 1 {
l = append(l, Nod(OAS, nx, n)) // s[n] = arg
if i+1 < len(ls) {
l = append(l, Nod(OAS, nn, Nod(OADD, nn, Nodintconst(1)))) // n = n + 1
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