Commit d608b15d authored by Jean-Marc Eurin's avatar Jean-Marc Eurin Committed by Sameer Ajmani

misc/emacs: Fix the automatic gofmt when creating a new file.

Patching the buffer with the output from gofmt -d only works if
the file already exists. If it doesn't, replace the content with
the output of gofmt.

parent 1d609f9b
......@@ -777,43 +777,59 @@ Replace the current buffer on success; display errors on failure."
(let (deactivate-mark)
(if (= 0 (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "gofmt -d"
patchbuf nil errbuf))
; gofmt succeeded: apply patch hunks.
(kill-buffer errbuf)
(gofmt-apply-patch filename srcbuf patchbuf)
(set-window-configuration currconf))
; If this is a new file, diff-mode can't apply a
; patch to a non-exisiting file, so replace the buffer
; completely with the output of 'gofmt'.
; If the file exists, patch it to keep the 'undo' list happy.
(let* ((newfile (not (file-exists-p filename)))
(flag (if newfile "" " -d")))
(if (= 0 (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max)
(concat "gofmt" flag)
patchbuf nil errbuf))
; gofmt succeeded: replace buffer or apply patch hunks.
(let ((old-point (point))
(old-mark (mark t)))
(kill-buffer errbuf)
(if newfile
; New file, replace it (diff-mode won't work)
(gofmt-replace-buffer srcbuf patchbuf)
; Existing file, patch it
(gofmt-apply-patch filename srcbuf patchbuf))
(goto-char (min old-point (point-max)))
;; Restore the mark and point
(if old-mark (push-mark (min old-mark (point-max)) t))
(set-window-configuration currconf))
;; gofmt failed: display the errors
(gofmt-process-errors filename errbuf)))))
(gofmt-process-errors filename errbuf))))))
;; Collapse any window opened on outbuf if shell-command-on-region
;; displayed it.
(delete-windows-on patchbuf)))
(kill-buffer patchbuf))))
(defun gofmt-replace-buffer (srcbuf patchbuf)
(with-current-buffer srcbuf
(insert-buffer-substring patchbuf)))
(defconst gofmt-stdin-tag "<standard input>")
(defun gofmt-apply-patch (filename srcbuf patchbuf)
(require 'diff-mode)
;; apply all the patch hunks and restore the mark and point
(let ((old-point (point))
(old-mark (mark t)))
(with-current-buffer patchbuf
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory filename))
(min (point-min)))
(replace-string gofmt-stdin-tag filename nil min (point-max))
(replace-regexp "^--- /tmp/gofmt[0-9]*" (concat "--- /tmp/" filename)
nil min (point-max)))
(condition-case nil
(while t
;; When there's no more hunks, diff-hunk-next signals an error, ignore it
(error nil)))
(goto-char (min old-point (point-max)))
(if old-mark (push-mark (min old-mark (point-max)) t))))
(with-current-buffer patchbuf
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory filename))
(min (point-min)))
(replace-string gofmt-stdin-tag filename nil min (point-max))
(replace-regexp "^--- /tmp/gofmt[0-9]*" (concat "--- /tmp/" filename)
nil min (point-max)))
(condition-case nil
(while t
;; When there's no more hunks, diff-hunk-next signals an error, ignore it
(error nil))))
(defun gofmt-process-errors (filename errbuf)
;; Convert the gofmt stderr to something understood by the compilation mode.
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