Commit dc08ad4f authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

remove lots of accumulated crud:

- delete utility files which contained functionality that is now elsewhere
  (or saved the files away for now)
- cleanup Makefile (remove unnecessary deps)
- minor adjustments to godoc, fixed a couple of bugs
- make pretty.go self-contained

DELTA=625  (81 added, 510 deleted, 34 changed)
parent f8931c6c
......@@ -23,28 +23,16 @@ smoketest: pretty
./ astprinter.go
install: pretty godoc untab
cp pretty $(HOME)/bin/pretty
cp godoc $(HOME)/bin/godoc
cp pretty $(HOME)/bin/pretty
cp untab $(HOME)/bin/untab
rm -f pretty untab godoc *.6 *.a 6.out *~
godoc.6: docprinter.6 compilation.6 comment.6
pretty.6: platform.6 astprinter.6 compilation.6
compilation.6: platform.6 typechecker.6
platform.6: utils.6
astprinter.6: utils.6 symboltable.6
docprinter.6: astprinter.6
godoc.6: astprinter.6 comment.6 docprinter.6
pretty.6: astprinter.6
%.6: %.go
$(G) $(F) $<
......@@ -5,17 +5,12 @@
package astPrinter
import (
......@@ -56,16 +51,9 @@ func assert(pred bool) {
// TODO this should be an AST method
func isExported(name *ast.Ident) bool {
ch, len := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name.Value, 0);
return unicode.IsUpper(ch);
func hasExportedNames(names []*ast.Ident) bool {
for i, name := range names {
if isExported(name) {
if name.IsExported() {
return true;
......@@ -315,7 +303,7 @@ func (P *Printer) TaggedString(pos token.Position, tag, s, endtag string) {
nlcount := 0;
if P.full {
for ; P.hasComment(pos); P.nextComments() {
// we have a comment group that comes before the string
// we have a comment that comes before the string
comment := P.comments[P.cindex];
ctext := string(comment.Text); // TODO get rid of string conversion here
......@@ -508,7 +496,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Idents(list []*ast.Ident, full bool) int {
P.separator = blank;
P.state = inside_list;
if full || isExported(x) {
if full || x.IsExported() {
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package Compilation
import (
func assert(b bool) {
if !b {
panic("assertion failed");
type Flags struct {
Verbose bool;
Deps bool;
Columns bool;
type Error struct {
Pos token.Position;
Msg string;
type ErrorList []Error
func (list ErrorList) Len() int { return len(list); }
func (list ErrorList) Less(i, j int) bool { return list[i].Pos.Offset < list[j].Pos.Offset; }
func (list ErrorList) Swap(i, j int) { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i]; }
type errorHandler struct {
filename string;
columns bool;
errline int;
errors vector.Vector;
func (h *errorHandler) Init(filename string, columns bool) {
h.filename = filename;
h.columns = columns;
func (h *errorHandler) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
// only report errors that are on a new line
// in the hope to avoid most follow-up errors
if pos.Line == h.errline {
// report error
fmt.Printf("%s:%d:", h.filename, pos.Line);
if h.columns {
fmt.Printf("%d:", pos.Column);
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", msg);
// collect the error
h.errors.Push(Error{pos, msg});
h.errline = pos.Line;
func Compile(filename string, flags *Flags) (*ast.Program, ErrorList) {
src, os_err := os.Open(filename, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
defer src.Close();
if os_err != nil {
fmt.Printf("cannot open %s (%s)\n", filename, os_err.String());
return nil, nil;
var err errorHandler;
err.Init(filename, flags.Columns);
mode := parser.ParseComments;
if flags.Verbose {
mode |= parser.Trace;
prog, ok2 := parser.Parse(src, &err, mode);
if ok2 {
TypeChecker.CheckProgram(&err, prog);
// convert error list and sort it
errors := make(ErrorList, err.errors.Len());
for i := 0; i < err.errors.Len(); i++ {
errors[i] = err.errors.At(i).(Error);
return prog, errors;
func fileExists(name string) bool {
dir, err := os.Stat(name);
return err == nil;
func printDep(localset map [string] bool, wset *vector.Vector, decl ast.Decl2) {
src := decl.Val.(*ast.BasicLit).Val;
src = src[1 : len(src) - 1]; // strip "'s
// ignore files when they are seen a 2nd time
dummy, found := localset[src];
if !found {
localset[src] = true;
if fileExists(src + ".go") {
fmt.Printf(" %s.6", src);
} else if
fileExists(Platform.GOROOT + "/pkg/" + src + ".6") ||
fileExists(Platform.GOROOT + "/pkg/" + src + ".a") {
} else {
// TODO should collect these and print later
//print("missing file: ", src, "\n");
func addDeps(globalset map [string] bool, wset *vector.Vector, src_file string, flags *Flags) {
dummy, found := globalset[src_file];
if !found {
globalset[src_file] = true;
prog, errors := Compile(src_file, flags);
if errors == nil || len(errors) > 0 {
nimports := len(prog.Decls);
if nimports > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s.6:\t", src_file);
localset := make(map [string] bool);
for i := 0; i < nimports; i++ {
decl := prog.Decls[i];
assert(decl.Tok == scanner.IMPORT);
if decl.List == nil {
printDep(localset, wset, decl);
} else {
for j := 0; j < decl.List.Len(); j++ {
printDep(localset, wset, decl.List.At(j).(*ast.Decl));
func ComputeDeps(src_file string, flags *Flags) {
panic("dependency printing currently disabled");
globalset := make(map [string] bool);
wset := vector.New(0);
wset.Push(Utils.TrimExt(src_file, ".go"));
for wset.Len() > 0 {
addDeps(globalset, wset, wset.Pop().(string), flags);
......@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ import (
......@@ -53,36 +53,30 @@ import (
// - uniform use of path, filename, dirname, pakname, etc.
// - fix weirdness with double-/'s in paths
// - split http service into its own source file
// TODO: tell flag package about usage string
const usageString =
"usage: godoc package [name ...]\n"
" godoc -http=:6060\n"
var (
goroot string;
const Pkg = "/pkg/" // name for auto-generated package documentation tree
var (
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose mode");
// server control
httpaddr = flag.String("http", "", "HTTP service address (e.g., ':6060')");
// file system roots
goroot string;
pkgroot = flag.String("pkgroot", "src/lib", "root package source directory (if unrooted, relative to goroot)");
// layout control
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("tabs", false, "align with tabs instead of spaces");
html = flag.Bool("html", false, "print HTML in command-line mode");
pkgroot = flag.String("pkgroot", "src/lib", "root package source directory (if unrooted, relative to goroot)");
// server control
httpaddr = flag.String("http", "", "HTTP service address (e.g., ':6060')");
const (
Pkg = "/pkg/" // name for auto-generated package documentation tree
func init() {
var err os.Error;
......@@ -140,13 +134,16 @@ type rawError struct {
msg string;
type rawErrorVector struct {
func (v *rawErrorVector) At(i int) rawError { return v.Vector.At(i).(rawError) }
func (v *rawErrorVector) Less(i, j int) bool { return v.At(i).pos.Offset < v.At(j).pos.Offset; }
func (v *rawErrorVector) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
// only collect errors that are on a new line
// in the hope to avoid most follow-up errors
......@@ -167,17 +164,20 @@ type parseError struct {
msg string; // error message
// All the errors in the parsed file, plus surrounding source code.
// Each error has a slice giving the source text preceding it
// (starting where the last error occurred). The final element in list[]
// has msg = "", to give the remainder of the source code.
// This data structure is handed to the templates parseerror.txt and parseerror.html.
type parseErrors struct {
filename string; // path to file
list []parseError; // the errors
src []byte; // the file's entire source code
// Parses a file (path) and returns the corresponding AST and
// a sorted list (by file position) of errors, if any.
......@@ -425,12 +425,15 @@ func serveFile(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
case req.Url.Path == "/doc/root.html":
// hide landing page from its real name
// TODO why - there is no reason for this (remove eventually)
http.NotFound(c, req);
case pathutil.Ext(req.Url.Path) == ".go":
serveGoSource(c, req.Url.Path[1:len(req.Url.Path)]);
serveGoSource(c, req.Url.Path[1 : len(req.Url.Path)]); // strip leading '/' from name
// TODO not good enough - don't want to download files
// want to see them
fileServer.ServeHTTP(c, req);
......@@ -611,13 +614,13 @@ func servePackageList(c *http.Conn, info *pakInfo) {
// Return package or packages named by name.
// Name is either an import string or a directory,
// like you'd see in $GOROOT/pkg/ once the 6g
// tools can handle a hierarchy there.
// like you'd see in $GOROOT/pkg/.
// Examples:
// "math" - single package made up of directory
// "container" - directory listing
// "container/vector" - single package in container directory
func findPackages(name string) *pakInfo {
info := new(pakInfo);
......@@ -733,6 +736,7 @@ func main() {
log.Stderrf("Go Documentation Server\n");
log.Stderrf("address = %s\n", *httpaddr);
log.Stderrf("goroot = %s\n", goroot);
log.Stderrf("pkgroot = %s\n", *pkgroot);
handler = LoggingHandler(handler);
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
{.section Types}
<hr />
{.repeated section @}
<hr />
<h2>type {.section Type}{Name|html}{.end}</h2>
{.repeated section Factories}
<h3>func {Name|html}</h3>
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package Platform
import IO "io"
import OS "os"
import Utils "utils"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Environment
USER string;
func init() {
var e OS.Error;
GOARCH, e = OS.Getenv("GOARCH");
GOOS, e = OS.Getenv("GOOS");
GOROOT, e = OS.Getenv("GOROOT");
USER, e = OS.Getenv("USER");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// I/O
const (
MAGIC_obj_file = "@gri-go.7@v0"; // make it clear that it cannot be a source file
Src_file_ext = ".go";
Obj_file_ext = ".7";
func readfile(filename string) ([]byte, OS.Error) {
f, err := OS.Open(filename, OS.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err;
var buf [1<<20]byte;
n, err1 := IO.FullRead(f, &buf);
if err1 == IO.ErrEOF {
err1 = nil;
return buf[0:n], err1;
func writefile(name, data string) OS.Error {
fd, err := OS.Open(name, OS.O_WRONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
n, err1 := IO.WriteString(fd, data);
return err1;
func ReadObjectFile(filename string) ([]byte, bool) {
data, err := readfile(filename + Obj_file_ext);
magic := MAGIC_obj_file; // TODO remove once len(constant) works
if err == nil && len(data) >= len(magic) && string(data[0 : len(magic)]) == magic {
return data, true;
return []byte{}, false;
func ReadSourceFile(name string) ([]byte, bool) {
name = Utils.TrimExt(name, Src_file_ext) + Src_file_ext;
data, err := readfile(name);
return data, err == nil;
func WriteObjectFile(name string, data string) bool {
name = Utils.TrimExt(Utils.BaseName(name), Src_file_ext) + Obj_file_ext;
return writefile(name, data) != nil;
......@@ -5,31 +5,37 @@
package main
import (
var (
flags Compilation.Flags;
columnsDefault bool;
// operation modes
columns = flag.Bool("columns", columnsDefault, "report column no. in error messages");
silent = flag.Bool("s", false, "silent mode: no pretty print output");
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose mode: trace parsing");
// layout control
html = flag.Bool("html", false, "generate html");
tabwidth = flag.Int("pretty_tabwidth", 4, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("pretty_usetabs", false, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("usetabs", false, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&flags.Verbose, "v", false, "verbose mode: trace parsing");
flag.BoolVar(&flags.Deps, "d", false, "print dependency information only");
flag.BoolVar(&flags.Columns, "columns", Platform.USER == "gri", "print column info in error messages");
user, err := os.Getenv("USER");
columnsDefault = user == "gri";
......@@ -40,47 +46,90 @@ func usage() {
func print(prog *ast.Program) {
// initialize tabwriter for nicely aligned output
// TODO(gri) use library function for this once it exists
func readFile(filename string) ([]byte, os.Error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
defer f.Close();
var b io.ByteBuffer;
if n, err := io.Copy(f, &b); err != nil {
return nil, err;
return b.Data(), nil;
// TODO(gri) move this function into tabwriter.go? (also used in godoc)
func makeTabwriter(writer io.Write) *tabwriter.Writer {
padchar := byte(' ');
if *usetabs {
padchar = '\t';
writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, *tabwidth, 1, padchar, tabwriter.FilterHTML);
return tabwriter.NewWriter(writer, *tabwidth, 1, padchar, tabwriter.FilterHTML);
// initialize printer
var printer astPrinter.Printer;
printer.Init(writer, nil, prog.Comments, *html);
// TODO(gri) move this into parser as default handler
type ErrorHandler struct {
filename string;
lastline int;
columns bool;
// flush any pending output
func (h *ErrorHandler) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
// only report errors that are on a new line
// in the hope to avoid most follow-up errors
if pos.Line == h.lastline {
// report error
fmt.Printf("%s:%d:", h.filename, pos.Line);
if h.columns {
fmt.Printf("%d:", pos.Column);
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", msg);
func main() {
// handle flags
if flag.NFlag() == 0 && flag.NArg() == 0 {
// determine parsing mode
mode := parser.ParseComments;
if *verbose {
mode |= parser.Trace;
// process files
for i := 0; i < flag.NArg(); i++ {
src_file := flag.Arg(i);
if flags.Deps {
Compilation.ComputeDeps(src_file, &flags);
} else {
prog, errors := Compilation.Compile(src_file, &flags);
if errors == nil || len(errors) > 0 {
if !*silent {
filename := flag.Arg(i);
src, err := readFile(filename);
if err != nil {
log.Stderrf("ReadFile %s: %v", filename, err);
prog, ok := parser.Parse(src, &ErrorHandler{filename, 0, false}, mode);
if !ok {
log.Stderr("Parse %s: syntax errors", filename);
if !*silent {
var printer astPrinter.Printer;
writer := makeTabwriter(os.Stdout);
printer.Init(writer, nil, nil /*prog.Comments*/, false);
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
package main
import (
"vector"; // not needed
"container/vector"; // not needed
"utf8"; // not needed
Fmt "fmt"
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package TypeChecker
import (
type state struct {
// setup
err scanner.ErrorHandler;
func (s *state) Init(err scanner.ErrorHandler) {
s.err = err;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support
func unimplemented() {
func unreachable() {
func assert(pred bool) {
if !pred {
panic("assertion failed");
func (s *state) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
s.err.Error(pos, msg);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (s *state) CheckType() {
func (s *state) CheckDeclaration(d *AST.Decl) {
if d.Tok != token.FUNC && d.List != nil {
// group of parenthesized declarations
for i := 0; i < d.List.Len(); i++ {
} else {
// single declaration
switch d.Tok {
case token.IMPORT:
case token.CONST:
case token.VAR:
case token.TYPE:
case token.FUNC:
func (s *state) CheckProgram(p *ast.Program) {
for i := 0; i < len(p.Decls); i++ {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func CheckProgram(err scanner.ErrorHandler, p *ast.Program) {
var s state;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package Utils
func BaseName(s string) string {
// TODO this is not correct for non-ASCII strings!
i := len(s) - 1;
for i >= 0 && s[i] != '/' {
if s[i] > 128 {
panic("non-ASCII string");
return s[i + 1 : len(s)];
func cleanPath(s string) string {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '/' {
j := i;
for j < len(s) && s[j] == '/' {
if j > i { // more then one '/'
return s[0 : i] + cleanPath(s[j : len(s)]);
return s;
// Reduce sequences of multiple '/'s into a single '/' and
// strip any trailing '/' (may result in the empty string).
func SanitizePath(s string) string {
s = cleanPath(s);
if s[len(s)-1] == '/' { // strip trailing '/'
s = s[0 : len(s)-1];
return s;
func Contains(s, sub string, pos int) bool {
end := pos + len(sub);
return pos >= 0 && end <= len(s) && s[pos : end] == sub;
func TrimExt(s, ext string) string {
i := len(s) - len(ext);
if i >= 0 && s[i : len(s)] == ext {
s = s[0 : i];
return s;
func IntToString(x, base int) string {
x0 := x;
if x < 0 {
x = -x;
if x < 0 {
panic("smallest int not handled");
} else if x == 0 {
return "0";
// x > 0
hex := "0123456789ABCDEF";
var buf [32] byte;
i := len(buf);
for x > 0 {
buf[i] = hex[x % base];
x /= base;
if x0 < 0 {
buf[i] = '-';
return string(buf[i : len(buf)]);
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