Commit deff22dd authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

build: add bootstrap.bash for bootstrapping new systems

Change-Id: Ic74830608fe077b4e97e8ce8009017c1e273c672
Reviewed-on: default avatarRob Pike <>
parent 86a7c85f
# Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# When run as (for example)
# GOOS=linux GOARCH=ppc64 bootstrap.bash
# this script cross-compiles a toolchain for that GOOS/GOARCH
# combination, leaving the resulting tree in ../../go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap.
# That tree can be copied to a machine of the given target type
# and used as $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP to bootstrap a local build.
# Only changes that have been committed to Git (at least locally,
# not necessary reviewed and submitted to master) are included in the tree.
set -e
if [ "$GOOS" = "" -o "$GOARCH" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: GOOS=os GOARCH=arch ./bootstrap.bash" >&2
exit 2
if [ -e $targ ]; then
echo "$targ already exists; remove before continuing"
exit 2
unset GOROOT
src=$(cd .. && pwd)
echo "#### Copying to $targ"
cp -R "$src" "$targ"
cd "$targ"
echo "#### Cleaning $targ"
rm .gitignore
git clean -f -d
echo "#### Building $targ"
cd src
./make.bash --no-banner
gohostos="$(../bin/go env GOHOSTOS)"
gohostarch="$(../bin/go env GOHOSTARCH)"
goos="$(../bin/go env GOOS)"
goarch="$(../bin/go env GOARCH)"
# NOTE: Cannot invoke go command after this point.
# We're about to delete all but the cross-compiled binaries.
cd ..
if [ "$goos" = "$gohostos" -a "$goarch" = "$gohostarch" ]; then
# cross-compile for local system. nothing to copy.
# useful if you've bootstrapped yourself but want to
# prepare a clean toolchain for others.
mv bin/*_*/* bin
rmdir bin/*_*
rm -rf "pkg/${gohostos}_${gohostarch}" "pkg/tool/${gohostos}_${gohostarch}"
rm -rf pkg/bootstrap pkg/obj .git
echo ----
echo Bootstrap toolchain for "$GOOS/$GOARCH" installed in "$(pwd)".
echo Building tbz.
cd ..
tar cf - "go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap" | bzip2 -9 >"go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap.tbz"
ls -l "$(pwd)/go-${GOOS}-${GOARCH}-bootstrap.tbz"
exit 0
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