Commit df218d33 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

math/big: implement/rename accessors for precision and rounding mode

Also: remove NewFloat - not needed anymore. Work-around for places
where has been used so far:

NewFloat(x, prec, mode) === new(Float).SetMode(mode).SetPrec(prec).SetFloat64(x)

However, if mode == ToNearestEven, SetMode is not needed. SetPrec
is needed if the default precision (53 after SetFloat64) is not

TBR adonovan

Change-Id: Ifda12c479ba157f2dea306c32b47c7afbf31e759
Reviewed-on: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
parent 31e85240
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const debugFloat = true // enable for debugging
// Each Float value also has a precision, rounding mode, and accuracy.
// The precision is the (maximum) number of mantissa bits available to
// The precision is the maximum number of mantissa bits available to
// represent the value. The rounding mode specifies how a result should
// be rounded to fit into the mantissa bits, and accuracy describes the
// rounding error with respect to the exact result.
......@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ const debugFloat = true // enable for debugging
// and according to its rounding mode, unless specified otherwise. If the
// result precision is 0 (see below), it is set to the precision of the
// argument with the largest precision value before any rounding takes
// place.
// TODO(gri) should the rounding mode also be copied in this case?
// place. The rounding mode remains unchanged, thus uninitialized Floats
// provided as result arguments will "inherit" a reasonble precision from
// the incoming arguments and their mode is the zero value for RoundingMode
// (ToNearestEven).
// By setting the desired precision to 24 or 53 and using ToNearestEven
// rounding, Float operations produce the same results as the corresponding
......@@ -69,24 +71,6 @@ type Float struct {
// of the the Word size _W, x.mant[0] has trailing zero bits. Zero and Inf
// values have an empty mantissa and a 0 or infExp exponent, respectively.
// NewFloat returns a new Float with value x rounded
// to prec bits according to the given rounding mode.
// If prec == 0, the result has value 0.0 independent
// of the value of x.
// BUG(gri) For prec == 0 and x == Inf, the result
// should be Inf as well.
// TODO(gri) rethink this signature.
func NewFloat(x float64, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
var z Float
if prec > 0 {
// TODO(gri) should make this more efficient
return z.Round(&z, prec, mode)
z.mode = mode // TODO(gri) don't do this twice for prec > 0
return &z
const (
MaxExp = math.MaxInt32 // largest supported exponent magnitude
infExp = -MaxExp - 1 // exponent for Inf values
......@@ -158,14 +142,33 @@ func (mode RoundingMode) String() string {
// Precision returns the mantissa precision of x in bits.
// The precision may be 0 for |x| == 0 or |x| == Inf.
func (x *Float) Precision() uint {
// SetPrec sets z's precision to prec and returns the (possibly) rounded
// value of z. Rounding occurs according to z's rounding mode if the mantissa
// cannot be represented in prec bits without loss of precision.
func (z *Float) SetPrec(prec uint) *Float {
old := z.prec
z.prec = prec
if prec < old {
return z
// SetMode sets z's rounding mode to mode and returns z.
// z remains unchanged otherwise.
func (z *Float) SetMode(mode RoundingMode) *Float {
z.mode = mode
return z
// Prec returns the mantissa precision of x in bits.
// The result may be 0 for |x| == 0 or |x| == Inf.
func (x *Float) Prec() uint {
return uint(x.prec)
// Accuracy returns the accuracy of x produced by the most recent operation.
func (x *Float) Accuracy() Accuracy {
// Acc returns the accuracy of x produced by the most recent operation.
func (x *Float) Acc() Accuracy {
return x.acc
......@@ -37,16 +37,18 @@ func TestFloatZeroValue(t *testing.T) {
// zero value has precision 0
if prec := x.Precision(); prec != 0 {
if prec := x.Prec(); prec != 0 {
t.Errorf("prec = %d; want 0", prec)
// zero value can be used in any and all positions of binary operations
make := func(x int) *Float {
if x == 0 {
return new(Float) // 0 translates into the zero value
var f Float
if x != 0 {
return NewFloat(float64(x), 10, 0)
// x == 0 translates into the zero value
return &f
for _, test := range []struct {
z, x, y, want int
......@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ func makeFloat(s string) *Float {
return NewInf(-1)
var x Float
x.prec = 1000 // TODO(gri) find a better way to do this
if _, ok := x.SetString(s); !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a valid float", s))
......@@ -266,8 +268,8 @@ func testFloatRound(t *testing.T, x, r int64, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) {
// check result
r1 := f.int64()
p1 := f.Precision()
a1 := f.Accuracy()
p1 := f.Prec()
a1 := f.Acc()
if r1 != r || p1 != prec || a1 != a {
t.Errorf("Round(%s, %d, %s): got %s (%d bits, %s); want %s (%d bits, %s)",
toBinary(x), prec, mode,
......@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ func TestFloatSetUint64(t *testing.T) {
// test basic rounding behavior (exhaustive rounding testing is done elsewhere)
const x uint64 = 0x8765432187654321 // 64 bits needed
for prec := uint(1); prec <= 64; prec++ {
f := NewFloat(0, prec, ToZero).SetUint64(x)
f := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(ToZero).SetUint64(x)
got := f.uint64()
want := x &^ (1<<(64-prec) - 1) // cut off (round to zero) low 64-prec bits
if got != want {
......@@ -447,7 +449,7 @@ func TestFloatSetInt64(t *testing.T) {
// test basic rounding behavior (exhaustive rounding testing is done elsewhere)
const x int64 = 0x7654321076543210 // 63 bits needed
for prec := uint(1); prec <= 63; prec++ {
f := NewFloat(0, prec, ToZero).SetInt64(x)
f := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(ToZero).SetInt64(x)
got := f.int64()
want := x &^ (1<<(63-prec) - 1) // cut off (round to zero) low 63-prec bits
if got != want {
......@@ -486,7 +488,7 @@ func TestFloatSetFloat64(t *testing.T) {
// test basic rounding behavior (exhaustive rounding testing is done elsewhere)
const x uint64 = 0x8765432143218 // 53 bits needed
for prec := uint(1); prec <= 52; prec++ {
f := NewFloat(0, prec, ToZero).SetFloat64(float64(x))
f := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(ToZero).SetFloat64(float64(x))
got, _ := f.Float64()
want := float64(x &^ (1<<(52-prec) - 1)) // cut off (round to zero) low 53-prec bits
if got != want {
......@@ -519,7 +521,7 @@ func TestFloatSetInt(t *testing.T) {
if n < 64 {
n = 64
if prec := f.Precision(); prec != uint(n) {
if prec := f.Prec(); prec != uint(n) {
t.Errorf("got prec = %d; want %d", prec, n)
......@@ -553,8 +555,8 @@ func TestFloatSetRat(t *testing.T) {
n := max(x.Num().BitLen(), x.Denom().BitLen())
var f1 Float
var f2 = NewFloat(0, 1000, 0) // set a high precision - TODO(gri) find a cleaner way
var f1, f2 Float
......@@ -562,7 +564,7 @@ func TestFloatSetRat(t *testing.T) {
if n < 64 {
n = 64
if prec := f1.Precision(); prec != uint(n) {
if prec := f1.Prec(); prec != uint(n) {
t.Errorf("got prec = %d; want %d", prec, n)
......@@ -735,7 +737,7 @@ func TestFloatInc(t *testing.T) {
continue // prec must be large enough to hold all numbers from 0 to n
var x, one Float
x.prec = prec
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x.Add(&x, &one)
......@@ -778,7 +780,7 @@ func TestFloatAdd(t *testing.T) {
for i, mode := range [...]RoundingMode{ToZero, ToNearestEven, AwayFromZero} {
for _, prec := range precList {
got := NewFloat(0, prec, mode)
got := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(mode)
got.Add(x, y)
want := roundBits(zbits, prec, mode)
if got.Cmp(want) != 0 {
......@@ -818,7 +820,7 @@ func TestFloatAdd32(t *testing.T) {
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 24, ToNearestEven)
z := new(Float).SetPrec(24)
z.Add(x, y)
got, acc := z.Float64()
......@@ -851,7 +853,7 @@ func TestFloatAdd64(t *testing.T) {
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 53, ToNearestEven)
z := new(Float).SetPrec(53)
z.Add(x, y)
got, acc := z.Float64()
......@@ -903,7 +905,7 @@ func TestFloatMul64(t *testing.T) {
x := new(Float).SetFloat64(x0)
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(y0)
z := NewFloat(0, 53, ToNearestEven)
z := new(Float).SetPrec(53)
z.Mul(x, y)
got, _ := z.Float64()
......@@ -927,15 +929,15 @@ func TestFloatMul64(t *testing.T) {
func TestIssue6866(t *testing.T) {
for _, prec := range precList {
two := NewFloat(2, prec, ToNearestEven)
one := NewFloat(1, prec, ToNearestEven)
three := NewFloat(3, prec, ToNearestEven)
msix := NewFloat(-6, prec, ToNearestEven)
psix := NewFloat(+6, prec, ToNearestEven)
two := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetInt64(2)
one := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetInt64(1)
three := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetInt64(3)
msix := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetInt64(-6)
psix := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetInt64(+6)
p := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
z1 := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
z2 := NewFloat(0, prec, ToNearestEven)
p := new(Float).SetPrec(prec)
z1 := new(Float).SetPrec(prec)
z2 := new(Float).SetPrec(prec)
// z1 = 2 + 1.0/3*-6
p.Quo(one, three)
......@@ -981,13 +983,13 @@ func TestFloatQuo(t *testing.T) {
// compute accurate x as z*y
y := new(Float).SetFloat64(3.14159265358979323e123)
x := NewFloat(0, z.Precision()+y.Precision(), ToZero)
x := new(Float).SetPrec(z.Prec() + y.Prec()).SetMode(ToZero)
x.Mul(z, y)
// leave for debugging
// fmt.Printf("x = %s\ny = %s\nz = %s\n", x, y, z)
if got := x.Accuracy(); got != Exact {
if got := x.Acc(); got != Exact {
t.Errorf("got acc = %s; want exact", got)
......@@ -996,7 +998,7 @@ func TestFloatQuo(t *testing.T) {
for _, mode := range [...]RoundingMode{ToZero, ToNearestEven, AwayFromZero} {
for d := -5; d < 5; d++ {
prec := uint(preci + d)
got := NewFloat(0, prec, mode).Quo(x, y)
got := new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(mode).Quo(x, y)
want := roundBits(bits, prec, mode)
if got.Cmp(want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("i = %d, prec = %d, %s:\n\t %s\n\t/ %s\n\t= %s\n\twant %s",
......@@ -1030,9 +1032,9 @@ func TestFloatQuoSmoke(t *testing.T) {
// vary operand precision (only ok as long as a, b can be represented correctly)
for ad := -dprec; ad <= dprec; ad++ {
for bd := -dprec; bd <= dprec; bd++ {
A := NewFloat(a, uint(prec+ad), 0)
B := NewFloat(b, uint(prec+bd), 0)
C := NewFloat(0, 53, 0).Quo(A, B) // C has float64 mantissa width
A := new(Float).SetPrec(uint(prec + ad)).SetFloat64(a)
B := new(Float).SetPrec(uint(prec + bd)).SetFloat64(b)
C := new(Float).SetPrec(53).Quo(A, B) // C has float64 mantissa width
cc, acc := C.Float64()
if cc != c {
......@@ -1143,7 +1145,7 @@ func roundBits(x []int, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) *Float {
if mode == ToNearestEven && rbit == 1 && (sbit == 1 || sbit == 0 && bit0 != 0) || mode == AwayFromZero {
// round away from zero
f.Round(f, prec, ToZero) // extend precision // TODO(gri) better approach?
f.Add(f, fromBits(int(r)+1))
return f
......@@ -1157,7 +1159,6 @@ func fromBits(bits *Float {
// handle 0
if len(bits) == 0 {
return new(Float)
// z.prec = ?
// len(bits) > 0
......@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ func (z *Float) Parse(s string, base int) (f *Float, b int, err error) {
// ScanFloat is like f.Scan(r, base) with f set to the given precision
// and rounding mode.
func ScanFloat(r io.ByteScanner, base int, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) (f *Float, b int, err error) {
return NewFloat(0, prec, mode).Scan(r, base)
return new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(mode).Scan(r, base)
// ParseFloat is like f.Parse(s, base) with f set to the given precision
// and rounding mode.
func ParseFloat(s string, base int, prec uint, mode RoundingMode) (f *Float, b int, err error) {
return NewFloat(0, prec, mode).Parse(s, base)
return new(Float).SetPrec(prec).SetMode(mode).Parse(s, base)
// Format converts the floating-point number x to a string according
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