Commit e414fda6 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

avoid infinite recursion in matcher.

after sync (or sync --local), clean up repository:
	* look for and close CLs submitted on our behalf
	* remove unmodified files from CLs
	* warn about empty CLs

parent 56cba885
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import os, re
import stat
import threading
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
hgversion = util.version()
......@@ -277,6 +278,9 @@ def ExceptionDetail():
s += ": " + arg
return s
def IsLocalCL(ui, repo, name):
return GoodCLName(name) and os.access(CodeReviewDir(ui, repo) + "/cl." + name, 0)
# Load CL from disk and/or the web.
def LoadCL(ui, repo, name, web=True):
if not GoodCLName(name):
......@@ -738,9 +742,10 @@ def pending(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
def reposetup(ui, repo):
global original_match
original_match = cmdutil.match
cmdutil.match = ReplacementForCmdutilMatch
RietveldSetup(ui, repo)
if original_match is None:
original_match = cmdutil.match
cmdutil.match = ReplacementForCmdutilMatch
RietveldSetup(ui, repo)
def CheckContributor(ui, repo):
user = ui.config("ui", "username")
......@@ -838,13 +843,14 @@ def sync(ui, repo, **opts):
Incorporates recent changes from the remote repository
into the local repository.
ui.status = sync_note
ui.note = sync_note
other = getremote(ui, repo, opts)
modheads = repo.pull(other)
err = commands.postincoming(ui, repo, modheads, True, "tip")
if err:
return err
if not opts["local"]:
ui.status = sync_note
ui.note = sync_note
other = getremote(ui, repo, opts)
modheads = repo.pull(other)
err = commands.postincoming(ui, repo, modheads, True, "tip")
if err:
return err
sync_changes(ui, repo)
def sync_note(msg):
......@@ -853,7 +859,43 @@ def sync_note(msg):
def sync_changes(ui, repo):
# Look through recent change log descriptions to find
# potential references to http://.*/our-CL-number.
# Double-check them by looking at the Rietveld log.
get = util.cachefunc(lambda r: repo[r].changeset())
changeiter, matchfn = cmdutil.walkchangerevs(ui, repo, [], get, {'rev': None})
n = 0
for st, rev, fns in changeiter:
if st != 'iter':
n += 1
if n > 100:
desc = repo[rev].description().strip()
for clname in re.findall('(?m)^http://(?:[^\n]+)/([0-9]+)$', desc):
if IsLocalCL(ui, repo, clname) and IsRietveldSubmitted(ui, clname, repo[rev].hex()):
ui.warn("CL %s submitted as %s; closing\n" % (clname, repo[rev]))
cl, err = LoadCL(ui, repo, clname, web=False)
if err != "":
ui.warn("loading CL %s: %s\n" % (clname, err))
EditDesc(, closed="checked")
cl.Delete(ui, repo)
# Remove files that are not modified from the CLs in which they appear.
all = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=False)
changed = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [], {})
for _, cl in all.items():
extra = Sub(cl.files, changed)
if extra:
ui.warn("Removing unmodified files from CL %s:\n" % (,))
for f in extra:
ui.warn("\t%s\n" % (f,))
cl.files = Sub(cl.files, extra)
cl.Flush(ui, repo)
if not cl.files:
ui.warn("CL %s has no files; suggest hg change -d %s\n" % (,
def uisetup(ui):
if "^commit|ci" in commands.table:
......@@ -926,8 +968,10 @@ cmdtable = {
"^sync": (
('', 'local', None, 'do not pull changes from remote repository')
"^upload": (
......@@ -989,12 +1033,32 @@ class FormParser(HTMLParser):
if self.curdata is not None:
self.curdata += data
# XML parser
def XMLGet(ui, path):
data = MySend(path, force_auth=False);
ui.warn("XMLGet %s: %s\n" % (path, ExceptionDetail()))
return None
return ET.XML(data)
def IsRietveldSubmitted(ui, clname, hex):
feed = XMLGet(ui, "/rss/issue/" + clname)
if feed is None:
return False
for sum in feed.findall("{}entry/{}summary"):
text = sum.findtext("", None).strip()
m = re.match('\*\*\* Submitted as [^*]*?([0-9a-f]+) \*\*\*', text)
if m is not None and len( >= 8 and hex.startswith(
return True
return False
# Like Send but only authenticates when the
# redirect is to This keeps
# unnecessary redirects from happening during testing.
def MySend(request_path, payload=None,
timeout=None, force_auth=True,
"""Sends an RPC and returns the response.
......@@ -1015,7 +1079,7 @@ def MySend(request_path, payload=None,
if rpc == None:
rpc = GetRpcServer(upload_options)
self = rpc
if not self.authenticated:
if not self.authenticated and force_auth:
if request_path is None:
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