Commit ea3d4540 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- itob

- more test cases

DELTA=97  (52 added, 4 deleted, 41 changed)
parent 426335f8
......@@ -4,34 +4,45 @@
package strconv
func Itoa64(i int64) string {
func Itob64(i int64, base uint) string {
if i == 0 {
return "0"
neg := false; // negative
u := uint64(i);
if i < 0 {
neg = true;
u = -u;
// Assemble decimal in reverse order.
var b [32]byte;
bp := len(b);
for ; u > 0; u /= 10 {
b[bp] = byte(u%10) + '0'
var buf [32]byte;
j := len(buf);
b := uint64(base);
for u > 0 {
buf[j] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[u%b];
u /= b;
if neg { // add sign
b[bp] = '-'
if i < 0 { // add sign
buf[j] = '-'
return string(b[bp:len(b)])
return string(buf[j:len(buf)])
func Itoa(i int) string {
return Itoa64(int64(i));
func Itoa64(i int64) string {
return Itob64(i, 10);
func Itob(i int, base uint) string {
return Itob64(int64(i), base);
func Itoa(i int) string {
return Itob64(int64(i), 10);
......@@ -11,49 +11,86 @@ import (
type itoa64Test struct {
type itob64Test struct {
in int64;
base uint;
out string;
var itoa64tests = []itoa64Test (
itoa64Test( 0, "0" ),
itoa64Test( 1, "1" ),
itoa64Test( -1, "-1" ),
itoa64Test( 12345678, "12345678" ),
itoa64Test( -987654321, "-987654321" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<31-1, "2147483647" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<31+1, "-2147483647" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<31, "2147483648" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<31, "-2147483648" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<31+1, "2147483649" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<31-1, "-2147483649" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<32-1, "4294967295" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<32+1, "-4294967295" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<32, "4294967296" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<32, "-4294967296" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<32+1, "4294967297" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<32-1, "-4294967297" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<50, "1125899906842624" ),
itoa64Test( 1<<63-1, "9223372036854775807" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<63+1, "-9223372036854775807" ),
itoa64Test( -1<<63, "-9223372036854775808" ),
var itob64tests = []itob64Test (
itob64Test( 0, 10, "0" ),
itob64Test( 1, 10, "1" ),
itob64Test( -1, 10, "-1" ),
itob64Test( 12345678, 10, "12345678" ),
itob64Test( -987654321, 10, "-987654321" ),
itob64Test( 1<<31-1, 10, "2147483647" ),
itob64Test( -1<<31+1, 10, "-2147483647" ),
itob64Test( 1<<31, 10, "2147483648" ),
itob64Test( -1<<31, 10, "-2147483648" ),
itob64Test( 1<<31+1, 10, "2147483649" ),
itob64Test( -1<<31-1, 10, "-2147483649" ),
itob64Test( 1<<32-1, 10, "4294967295" ),
itob64Test( -1<<32+1, 10, "-4294967295" ),
itob64Test( 1<<32, 10, "4294967296" ),
itob64Test( -1<<32, 10, "-4294967296" ),
itob64Test( 1<<32+1, 10, "4294967297" ),
itob64Test( -1<<32-1, 10, "-4294967297" ),
itob64Test( 1<<50, 10, "1125899906842624" ),
itob64Test( 1<<63-1, 10, "9223372036854775807" ),
itob64Test( -1<<63+1, 10, "-9223372036854775807" ),
itob64Test( -1<<63, 10, "-9223372036854775808" ),
itob64Test( 0, 2, "0" ),
itob64Test( 10, 2, "1010" ),
itob64Test( -1, 2, "-1" ),
itob64Test( 1<<15, 2, "1000000000000000" ),
itob64Test( -8, 8, "-10" ),
itob64Test( 057635436545, 8, "57635436545" ),
itob64Test( 1<<24, 8, "100000000" ),
itob64Test( 16, 16, "10" ),
itob64Test( -0x123456789abcdef, 16, "-123456789abcdef" ),
itob64Test( 1<<63-1, 16, "7fffffffffffffff" ),
itob64Test( 16, 17, "g" ),
itob64Test( 25, 25, "10" ),
itob64Test( (((((17*35+24)*35+21)*35+34)*35+12)*35+24)*35+32, 35, "holycow" ),
itob64Test( (((((17*36+24)*36+21)*36+34)*36+12)*36+24)*36+32, 36, "holycow" ),
func TestItoa(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(itoa64tests); i++ {
test := itoa64tests[i];
s := strconv.Itoa64(;
for i := 0; i < len(itob64tests); i++ {
test := itob64tests[i];
s := strconv.Itob64(, test.base);
if s != test.out {
t.Error("strconv.Itoa64(%v) = %v want %v\n",, s, test.out);
t.Errorf("strconv.Itob64(%v, %v) = %v want %v\n",, test.base, s, test.out);
if int64(int( == {
s := strconv.Itoa(int(;
s := strconv.Itob(int(, test.base);
if s != test.out {
t.Error("strconv.Itoa(%v) = %v want %v\n",
t.Errorf("strconv.Itob(%v, %v) = %v want %v\n",, test.base, s, test.out);
if test.base == 10 {
s := strconv.Itoa64(;
if s != test.out {
t.Errorf("strconv.Itoa64(%v) = %v want %v\n",, s, test.out);
if int64(int( == {
s := strconv.Itoa(int(;
if s != test.out {
t.Errorf("strconv.Itoa(%v) = %v want %v\n",, s, test.out);
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