Commit eab82086 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: detect inconsistent 'go get' version requests

If x v1.0.0 requires y v1.2.0, then
go get x@v1.0.0 y@v1.0.0 needs to fail gracefully.

Fixes #25917.

Change-Id: I9b426af23a30310fcb0c3545a8d97feb58b8ddbe
Reviewed-on: default avatarBryan C. Mills <>
parent a59f4438
......@@ -206,9 +206,15 @@ func runGet(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
// Do not allow any updating of go.mod until we've applied
// all the requested changes and checked that the result matches
// what was requested.
// A task holds the state for processing a single get argument (path@vers).
type task struct {
arg string // original argument
arg string // original argument
index int
path string // package path part of arg
forceModulePath bool // path must be interpreted as a module path
vers string // version part of arg
......@@ -429,6 +435,7 @@ func runGet(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
base.Fatalf("go get: %v", err)
required = upgraded[1:] // slice off upgradeTarget
// Put together the final build list as described above (1) (2) (3).
......@@ -441,8 +448,9 @@ func runGet(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
list = append(list, required...)
modload.ReloadBuildList() // note: does not update go.mod
// Apply any needed downgrades.
// Scan for and apply any needed downgrades.
var down []module.Version
for _, m := range modload.BuildList() {
t := byPath[m.Path]
......@@ -458,8 +466,64 @@ func runGet(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
modload.ReloadBuildList() // note: does not update go.mod
// Scan for any upgrades lost by the downgrades.
lost := make(map[string]string)
for _, m := range modload.BuildList() {
t := byPath[m.Path]
if t != nil && semver.Compare(m.Version, t.m.Version) != 0 {
lost[m.Path] = m.Version
if len(lost) > 0 {
desc := func(m module.Version) string {
s := m.Path + "@" + m.Version
t := byPath[m.Path]
if t != nil && t.arg != s {
s += " from " + t.arg
return s
downByPath := make(map[string]module.Version)
for _, d := range down {
downByPath[d.Path] = d
var buf strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "go get: inconsistent versions:")
for _, t := range tasks {
if lost[t.m.Path] == "" {
// We lost t because its build list requires a newer version of something in down.
// Figure out exactly what.
// Repeatedly constructing the build list is inefficient
// if there are MANY command-line arguments,
// but at least all the necessary requirement lists are cached at this point.
list, err := mvs.BuildList(t.m, reqs)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("go get: %v", err)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n\t%s", desc(t.m))
sep := " requires"
for _, m := range list {
if down, ok := downByPath[m.Path]; ok && semver.Compare(down.Version, m.Version) < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s %s@%s (not %s)", sep, m.Path, m.Version, desc(down))
sep = ","
if sep != "," {
// We have no idea why this happened.
// At least report the problem.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ended up at %v unexpectedly (please report at", lost[t.m.Path])
base.Fatalf("%v", buf.String())
// Everything succeeded. Update go.mod.
// If -m was specified, we're done after the module work. No download, no build.
......@@ -465,8 +465,27 @@ func findImportComment(file string) string {
return path
var allowWriteGoMod = true
// DisallowWriteGoMod causes future calls to WriteGoMod to do nothing at all.
func DisallowWriteGoMod() {
allowWriteGoMod = false
// AllowWriteGoMod undoes the effect of DisallowWriteGoMod:
// future calls to WriteGoMod will update go.mod if needed.
// Note that any past calls have been discarded, so typically
// a call to AlowWriteGoMod should be followed by a call to WriteGoMod.
func AllowWriteGoMod() {
allowWriteGoMod = true
// WriteGoMod writes the current build list back to go.mod.
func WriteGoMod() {
if !allowWriteGoMod {
if loaded != nil {
......@@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ go get
go list -m all
stdout ' v1.3.0'
# downgrade should report inconsistencies and not change go.mod
go get
go list -m all
stdout ' v1.5.1'
stdout ' v1.3.0'
! go get
stderr 'go get: inconsistent versions:\n\ requires \(not\), \(not\)'
go list -m all
stdout ' v1.5.1'
stdout ' v1.3.0'
-- go.mod --
module x
require v1.5.1
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