Commit ef6d3a94 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/dist: diagnose lack of gcc earlier in build

Fixes #10731.

Change-Id: I105629b03fd3323c0a2ca5b6b0fd35ee92b7fd2e
Reviewed-on: default avatarRob Pike <>
parent c2023a07
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
......@@ -1022,6 +1023,7 @@ func cmdbootstrap() {
// For the main bootstrap, building for host os/arch.
......@@ -1067,6 +1069,57 @@ func cmdbootstrap() {
// Copied from go/build/build.go.
// Cannot use go/build directly because cmd/dist for a new release
// builds against an old release's go/build, which may be out of sync.
var cgoEnabled = map[string]bool{
"darwin/386": true,
"darwin/amd64": true,
"darwin/arm": true,
"darwin/arm64": true,
"dragonfly/amd64": true,
"freebsd/386": true,
"freebsd/amd64": true,
"linux/386": true,
"linux/amd64": true,
"linux/arm": true,
"linux/arm64": true,
"linux/ppc64le": true,
"android/386": true,
"android/amd64": true,
"android/arm": true,
"netbsd/386": true,
"netbsd/amd64": true,
"netbsd/arm": true,
"openbsd/386": true,
"openbsd/amd64": true,
"solaris/amd64": true,
"windows/386": true,
"windows/amd64": true,
func needCC() bool {
switch os.Getenv("CGO_ENABLED") {
case "1":
return true
case "0":
return false
return cgoEnabled[gohostos+"/"+gohostarch]
func checkCC() {
if !needCC() {
if _, err := exec.Command(defaultcc, "--help").Output(); err != nil {
fatal("cannot invoke C compiler %q: %v\n\n"+
"Go needs a system C compiler for use with cgo.\n"+
"To set a C compiler, export CC=the-compiler.\n"+
"To disable cgo, export CGO_ENABLED=0.\n", defaultcc, err)
func defaulttarg() string {
// xgetwd might return a path with symlinks fully resolved, and if
// there happens to be symlinks in goroot, then the hasprefix test
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ func (ctxt *Context) SrcDirs() []string {
// if set, or else the compiled code's GOARCH, GOOS, and GOROOT.
var Default Context = defaultContext()
// Also known to cmd/dist/build.go.
var cgoEnabled = map[string]bool{
"darwin/386": true,
"darwin/amd64": true,
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