Commit f25586a3 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: garbage collection + malloc performance

  * add bit tracking finalizer status, avoiding getfinalizer lookup
  * add ability to allocate uncleared memory

parent 0cba5fc0
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ unsafe·New(Eface typ, void *ret)
t = (Type*)((Eface*);
ret = mallocgc(t->size, RefNoPointers, 1);
ret = mallocgc(t->size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = mal(t->size);
......@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ unsafe·NewArray(Eface typ, uint32 n, void *ret)
size = n*t->size;
ret = mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1);
ret = mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = mal(size);
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MStats mstats;
// Small objects are allocated from the per-thread cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc)
mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
int32 sizeclass;
MCache *c;
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc)
sizeclass = SizeToClass(size);
size = class_to_size[sizeclass];
c = m->mcache;
v = MCache_Alloc(c, sizeclass, size);
v = MCache_Alloc(c, sizeclass, size, zeroed);
if(v == nil)
throw("out of memory");
mstats.alloc += size;
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc)
malloc(uintptr size)
return mallocgc(size, 0, 0);
return mallocgc(size, 0, 0, 1);
// Free the object whose base pointer is v.
......@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ free(void *v)
// Small object.
c = m->mcache;
size = class_to_size[sizeclass];
if(size > sizeof(uintptr))
((uintptr*)v)[1] = 1; // mark as "needs to be zeroed"
runtime_memclr(v, size);
mstats.alloc -= size;
......@@ -180,14 +182,18 @@ mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, uint32 **ref)
*base = p + i*n;
*size = n;
nobj = (s->npages << PageShift) / (n + RefcountOverhead);
if((byte*)s->gcref < p || (byte*)(s->gcref+nobj) > p+(s->npages<<PageShift)) {
printf("odd span state=%d span=%p base=%p sizeclass=%d n=%D size=%D npages=%D\n",
s->state, s, p, s->sizeclass, (uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, (uint64)s->npages);
printf("s->base sizeclass %d v=%p base=%p gcref=%p blocksize=%D nobj=%D size=%D end=%p end=%p\n",
s->sizeclass, v, p, s->gcref, (uint64)s->npages<<PageShift,
(uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, s->gcref + nobj, p+(s->npages<<PageShift));
throw("bad gcref");
// good for error checking, but expensive
if(0) {
nobj = (s->npages << PageShift) / (n + RefcountOverhead);
if((byte*)s->gcref < p || (byte*)(s->gcref+nobj) > p+(s->npages<<PageShift)) {
printf("odd span state=%d span=%p base=%p sizeclass=%d n=%D size=%D npages=%D\n",
s->state, s, p, s->sizeclass, (uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, (uint64)s->npages);
printf("s->base sizeclass %d v=%p base=%p gcref=%p blocksize=%D nobj=%D size=%D end=%p end=%p\n",
s->sizeclass, v, p, s->gcref, (uint64)s->npages<<PageShift,
(uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, s->gcref + nobj, p+(s->npages<<PageShift));
throw("bad gcref");
*ref = &s->gcref[i];
......@@ -217,7 +223,7 @@ mallocinit(void)
mal(uint32 n)
return mallocgc(n, 0, 1);
return mallocgc(n, 0, 1, 1);
// Stack allocator uses malloc/free most of the time,
......@@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ stackalloc(uint32 n)
return v;
v = malloc(n);
v = mallocgc(n, 0, 0, 0);
if(!mlookup(v, nil, nil, &ref))
throw("stackalloc mlookup");
*ref = RefStack;
......@@ -291,7 +297,7 @@ func SetFinalizer(obj Eface, finalizer Eface) {
FuncType *ft;
int32 i, nret;
Type *t;
if(obj.type == nil) {
printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is nil interface\n");
......@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ func SetFinalizer(obj Eface, finalizer Eface) {
ft = (FuncType*)finalizer.type;
if(ft->dotdotdot || ft->in.len != 1 || *(Type**)ft->in.array != obj.type)
goto badfunc;
// compute size needed for return parameters
for(i=0; i<ft->out.len; i++) {
t = ((Type**)ft->out.array)[i];
......@@ -67,10 +67,22 @@
// Allocating and freeing a large object uses the page heap
// directly, bypassing the MCache and MCentral free lists.
// The small objects on the MCache and MCentral free lists
// may or may not be zeroed. They are zeroed if and only if
// the second word of the object is zero. The spans in the
// page heap are always zeroed. When a span full of objects
// is returned to the page heap, the objects that need to be
// are zeroed first. There are two main benefits to delaying the
// zeroing this way:
// 1. stack frames allocated from the small object lists
// can avoid zeroing altogether.
// 2. the cost of zeroing when reusing a small object is
// charged to the mutator, not the garbage collector.
// This C code was written with an eye toward translating to Go
// in the future. Methods have the form Type_Method(Type *t, ...).
typedef struct FixAlloc FixAlloc;
typedef struct MCentral MCentral;
typedef struct MHeap MHeap;
......@@ -218,7 +230,7 @@ struct MCache
uint64 size;
void* MCache_Alloc(MCache *c, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size);
void* MCache_Alloc(MCache *c, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size, int32 zeroed);
void MCache_Free(MCache *c, void *p, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size);
......@@ -285,7 +297,7 @@ struct MHeap
// span lookup
MHeapMap map;
MHeapMapCache mapcache;
// range of addresses we might see in the heap
byte *min;
byte *max;
......@@ -310,7 +322,7 @@ void MHeap_Free(MHeap *h, MSpan *s);
MSpan* MHeap_Lookup(MHeap *h, PageID p);
MSpan* MHeap_LookupMaybe(MHeap *h, PageID p);
void* mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 flag, int32 dogc);
void* mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 flag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed);
int32 mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, uint32 **ref);
void gc(int32 force);
......@@ -329,5 +341,6 @@ enum
RefNone, // no references
RefSome, // some references
RefFinalize, // ready to be finalized
RefNoPointers = 0x80000000U, // flag - no pointers here
RefNoPointers = 0x80000000U, // flag - no pointers here
RefHasFinalizer = 0x40000000U, // flag - has finalizer
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include "malloc.h"
MCache_Alloc(MCache *c, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size)
MCache_Alloc(MCache *c, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size, int32 zeroed)
MCacheList *l;
MLink *first, *v;
......@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ MCache_Alloc(MCache *c, int32 sizeclass, uintptr size)
// v is zeroed except for the link pointer
// that we used above; zero that.
v->next = nil;
if(zeroed) {
// block is zeroed iff second word is zero ...
if(size > sizeof(uintptr) && ((uintptr*)v)[1] != 0)
runtime_memclr((byte*)v, size);
else {
// ... except for the link pointer
// that we used above; zero that.
v->next = nil;
return v;
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ MCentral_Free(MCentral *c, void *v)
MSpan *s;
PageID page;
MLink *p, *next;
int32 size;
// Find span for v.
page = (uintptr)v >> PageShift;
......@@ -136,15 +137,20 @@ MCentral_Free(MCentral *c, void *v)
// If s is completely freed, return it to the heap.
if(--s->ref == 0) {
size = class_to_size[c->sizeclass];
// Freed blocks are zeroed except for the link pointer.
// Zero the link pointers so that the page is all zero.
// The second word of each freed block indicates
// whether it needs to be zeroed. The first word
// is the link pointer and must always be cleared.
for(p=s->freelist; p; p=next) {
next = p->next;
p->next = nil;
if(size > sizeof(uintptr) && ((uintptr*)p)[1] != 0)
runtime_memclr((byte*)p, size);
p->next = nil;
s->freelist = nil;
c->nfree -= (s->npages << PageShift) / class_to_size[c->sizeclass];
c->nfree -= (s->npages << PageShift) / size;
MHeap_Free(&mheap, s);
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ static void
addfintab(Fintab *t, void *k, void *fn, int32 nret)
int32 i, j;
i = (uintptr)k % (uintptr)t->max;
for(j=0; j<t->max; j++) {
if(t->key[i] == nil) {
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ lookfintab(Fintab *t, void *k, bool del, int32 *nret)
int32 i, j;
void *v;
if(t->max == 0)
return nil;
i = (uintptr)k % (uintptr)t->max;
......@@ -94,11 +94,27 @@ addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), int32 nret)
Fintab newtab;
int32 i;
uint32 *ref;
byte *base;
if(!mlookup(p, &base, nil, &ref) || p != base)
throw("addfinalizer on invalid pointer");
if(f == nil) {
if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer) {
getfinalizer(p, 1, nil);
*ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer;
if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer)
throw("double finalizer");
*ref |= RefHasFinalizer;
if(fintab.nkey >= fintab.max/2+fintab.max/4) {
// keep table at most 3/4 full:
// allocate new table and rehash.
runtime_memclr((byte*)&newtab, sizeof newtab);
newtab.max = fintab.max;
if(newtab.max == 0)
......@@ -108,13 +124,13 @@ addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), int32 nret)
// otherwise just rehash into table of same size.
newtab.max *= 3;
newtab.key = mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], RefNoPointers, 0);
newtab.val = mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0);
newtab.key = mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], RefNoPointers, 0, 1);
newtab.val = mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0, 1);
for(i=0; i<fintab.max; i++) {
void *k;
k = fintab.key[i];
if(k != nil && k != (void*)-1)
addfintab(&newtab, k, fintab.val[i].fn, fintab.val[i].nret);
......@@ -123,10 +139,12 @@ addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), int32 nret)
fintab = newtab;
addfintab(&fintab, p, f, nret);
addfintab(&fintab, p, f, nret);
// get finalizer; if del, delete finalizer.
// caller is responsible for updating RefHasFinalizer bit.
getfinalizer(void *p, bool del, int32 *nret)
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ scanblock(int32 depth, byte *b, int64 n)
int32 off;
void *obj;
uintptr size;
uint32 *ref;
uint32 *refp, ref;
void **vp;
int64 i;
......@@ -65,24 +65,22 @@ scanblock(int32 depth, byte *b, int64 n)
obj = vp[i];
if(obj == nil || (byte*)obj < mheap.min || (byte*)obj >= mheap.max)
if(mlookup(obj, &obj, &size, &ref)) {
if(*ref == RefFree || *ref == RefStack)
// If marked for finalization already, some other finalization-ready
// object has a pointer: turn off finalization until that object is gone.
// This means that cyclic finalizer loops never get collected,
// so don't do that.
if(*ref == (RefNone|RefNoPointers) || *ref == (RefFinalize|RefNoPointers)) {
*ref = RefSome|RefNoPointers;
if(*ref == RefNone || *ref == RefFinalize) {
if(mlookup(obj, &obj, &size, &refp)) {
ref = *refp;
switch(ref & ~(RefNoPointers|RefHasFinalizer)) {
case RefFinalize:
// If marked for finalization already, some other finalization-ready
// object has a pointer: turn off finalization until that object is gone.
// This means that cyclic finalizer loops never get collected,
// so don't do that.
/* fall through */
case RefNone:
if(Debug > 1)
printf("%d found at %p: ", depth, &vp[i]);
*ref = RefSome;
scanblock(depth+1, obj, size);
*refp = RefSome | (ref & (RefNoPointers|RefHasFinalizer));
if(!(ref & RefNoPointers))
scanblock(depth+1, obj, size);
......@@ -172,20 +170,19 @@ sweepblock(byte *p, int64 n, uint32 *gcrefp, int32 pass)
uint32 gcref;
gcref = *gcrefp;
switch(gcref) {
switch(gcref & ~(RefNoPointers|RefHasFinalizer)) {
throw("bad 'ref count'");
case RefFree:
case RefStack:
case RefNone:
case RefNone|RefNoPointers:
if(pass == 0 && getfinalizer(p, 0, nil)) {
if(pass == 0 && (gcref & RefHasFinalizer)) {
// Tentatively mark as finalizable.
// Make sure anything it points at will not be collected.
if(Debug > 0)
printf("maybe finalize %p+%D\n", p, n);
*gcrefp = RefFinalize | (gcref&RefNoPointers);
*gcrefp = RefFinalize | RefHasFinalizer | (gcref&RefNoPointers);
scanblock(100, p, n);
} else if(pass == 1) {
if(Debug > 0)
......@@ -194,7 +191,6 @@ sweepblock(byte *p, int64 n, uint32 *gcrefp, int32 pass)
case RefFinalize:
case RefFinalize|RefNoPointers:
if(pass != 1)
throw("sweepspan pass 0 RefFinalize");
if(pfinq < efinq) {
......@@ -203,18 +199,18 @@ sweepblock(byte *p, int64 n, uint32 *gcrefp, int32 pass)
pfinq->p = p;
pfinq->nret = 0;
pfinq->fn = getfinalizer(p, 1, &pfinq->nret);
gcref &= ~RefHasFinalizer;
if(pfinq->fn == nil)
throw("getfinalizer inconsistency");
// Reset for next mark+sweep.
*gcrefp = RefNone | (gcref&RefNoPointers);
*gcrefp = RefNone | (gcref&(RefNoPointers|RefHasFinalizer));
case RefSome:
case RefSome|RefNoPointers:
// Reset for next mark+sweep.
if(pass == 1)
*gcrefp = RefNone | (gcref&RefNoPointers);
*gcrefp = RefNone | (gcref&(RefNoPointers|RefHasFinalizer));
......@@ -227,7 +223,7 @@ sweep(void)
// Sweep all the spans marking blocks to be finalized.
for(s = mheap.allspans; s != nil; s = s->allnext)
sweepspan(s, 0);
// Sweep again queueing finalizers and freeing the others.
for(s = mheap.allspans; s != nil; s = s->allnext)
sweepspan(s, 1);
......@@ -292,7 +288,7 @@ gc(int32 force)
mstats.next_gc = mstats.inuse_pages+mstats.inuse_pages*gcpercent/100;
m->gcing = 0;
// kick off goroutines to run queued finalizers
m->locks++; // disable gc during the mallocs in newproc
for(fp=finq; fp<pfinq; fp++) {
......@@ -434,23 +434,20 @@ matchmg(void)
// when it is just in a register (R14 on amd64).
m->alllink = allm;
allm = m;
m->g0 = malg(8192);
m->id = sched.mcount++;
if(libcgo_thread_start != nil) {
CgoThreadStart ts;
// pthread_create will make us a stack,
// so free the one malg made.
m->g0->stack0 = nil;
m->g0->stackguard = nil;
m->g0->stackbase = nil;
// pthread_create will make us a stack.
m->g0 = malg(-1);
ts.m = m;
ts.g = m->g0;
ts.fn = mstart;
runcgo(libcgo_thread_start, &ts);
} else
} else {
m->g0 = malg(8192);
newosproc(m, m->g0, m->g0->stackbase, mstart);
mnextg(m, g);
......@@ -682,7 +679,7 @@ oldstack(void)
mcpy(top->fp, sp, args);
stackfree((byte*)g1->stackguard - StackGuard);
stackfree(g1->stackguard - StackGuard);
g1->stackbase = old.stackbase;
g1->stackguard = old.stackguard;
......@@ -710,6 +707,7 @@ newstack(void)
frame += 1024; // for more functions, Stktop.
stk = stackalloc(frame);
//printf("newstack frame=%d args=%d morepc=%p morefp=%p gobuf=%p, %p newstk=%p\n", frame, args, m->morepc, m->morefp, g->sched.pc, g->sched.sp, stk);
g1 = m->curg;
......@@ -746,10 +744,13 @@ malg(int32 stacksize)
byte *stk;
g = malloc(sizeof(G));
stk = stackalloc(stacksize + StackGuard);
g->stack0 = stk;
g->stackguard = stk + StackGuard;
g->stackbase = stk + StackGuard + stacksize;
if(stacksize >= 0) {
stk = stackalloc(stacksize + StackGuard);
g->stack0 = stk;
g->stackguard = stk + StackGuard;
g->stackbase = stk + StackGuard + stacksize - sizeof(Stktop);
runtime_memclr(g->stackbase, sizeof(Stktop));
return g;
......@@ -772,7 +773,7 @@ void
newproc1(byte *fn, byte *argp, int32 narg, int32 nret)
byte *stk, *sp;
byte *sp;
G *newg;
int32 siz;
......@@ -792,13 +793,8 @@ newproc1(byte *fn, byte *argp, int32 narg, int32 nret)
newg->alllink = allg;
allg = newg;
stk = newg->stack0;
newg->stackguard = stk+StackGuard;
sp = stk + 4096 - 4*8;
newg->stackbase = sp;
sp = newg->stackbase;
sp -= siz;
mcpy(sp, argp, narg);
......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ void
ret.cap = cap;
ret.array = mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1);
ret.array = mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret.array = mal(size);
if(debug) {
printf("makeslice(%S, %d, %d); ret=",
printf("makeslice(%S, %d, %d); ret=",
*t->string, nel, cap);
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