Commit 48d24cb4 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

xnet/ @method -> @func

Pygolang, starting from 0.0.0.dev8, deprecates @method(cls) in favour of @func(cls):

parent 7ee2de42
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import functools
import threading
import logging as log
from golang import method, go, chan, select, default, panic, gimport
from golang import func, go, chan, select, default, panic, gimport
from golang.gcompat import qq
xerr = gimport('')
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Accept(object):
# ----------------------------------------
# _shutdown is worker for close and _vnet_down.
def _shutdown(n, exc):
if not set_once(n._down_once):
......@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ def _shutdown(n, exc):
# close shutdowns subnetwork.
def close(n):
with errctx("virtnet %s: close" % qq(n._network)):
# _vnet_down shutdowns subnetwork upon engine error.
def _vnet_down(n, exc):
# XXX py: errctx here (go does not have) because we do not reraise .downErr in close
with errctx("virtnet %s: shutdown" % qq(n._network)):
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ def _vnet_down(n, exc):
# new_host creates new Host with given name.
def new_host(n, name):
with errctx("virtnet %s: new host %s" % (qq(n._network), qq(name))):
n._vnet_newhost(name, n._registry)
......@@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ def new_host(n, name):
# host returns host on the subnetwork by name.
def host(n, name):
with n._hostmu:
return n._hostmap.get(name)
# _shutdown is underlying worker for close.
def _shutdown(h):
if not set_once(h._down_once):
......@@ -293,14 +293,14 @@ def _shutdown(h):
# close shutdowns host.
def close(h):
with errctx("virtnet %s: host %s: close" % (qq(h._subnet._network), qq(h._name))):
# listen starts new listener on the host.
def listen(h, laddr):
if laddr == "":
laddr = ":0"
......@@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ def listen(h, laddr):
# _shutdown shutdowns the listener.
def _shutdown(l):
if set_once(l._down_once):
# close closes the listener.
def close(l):
if not set_once(l._close_once):
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def close(l):
# accept tries to connect to dial called with addr corresponding to our listener.
def accept(l):
h = l._socket._host
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ def accept(l):
# _vnet_accept accepts or rejects incoming connection.
def _vnet_accept(n, src, dst, netconn):
with n._hostmu:
host = n._hostmap.get(
......@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ def _vnet_accept(n, src, dst, netconn):
# dial dials address on the network.
def dial(h, addr):
with h._sockmu:
sk = h._allocFreeSocket()
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ def dial(h, addr):
# ---- conn ----
# _shutdown closes underlying network connection.
def _shutdown(c):
if not set_once(c._down_once):
......@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ def _shutdown(c):
# close closes network endpoint and unregisters conn from Host.
def close(c):
if set_once(c._close_once):
......@@ -512,29 +512,29 @@ def close(c):
# XXX py: don't bother to override send (Write)
# local_addr returns virtnet address of local end of connection.
def local_addr(c):
return c._socket.addr()
# getsockname returns virtnet address of local end of connection as net.AF_INET (host, port) pair.
def getsockname(c):
return c.local_addr().netaddr()
# remote_addr returns virtnet address of remote end of connection.
def remote_addr(c):
return c._peerAddr
# getpeername returns virtnet address of remote end of connection as net.AF_INET (host, port) pair.
def getpeername(c):
return c.remote_addr().netaddr()
# ----------------------------------------
# _allocFreeSocket finds first free port and allocates socket entry for it.
def _allocFreeSocket(h):
port = 1
while port < len(h._socketv):
......@@ -551,18 +551,18 @@ def _allocFreeSocket(h):
# empty checks whether socket's both conn and listener are all nil.
def _empty(sk):
return (sk._conn is None and sk._listener is None)
# addr returns address corresponding to socket.
def addr(sk):
h = sk._host
return Addr(,, sk._port)
# Addr.parse parses addr into virtnet address for named network.
def parse(net, addr):
......@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ def parse(net, addr):
raise ValueError('%s is not valid virtnet address' % addr)
# _parseAddr parses addr into virtnet address from host point of view.
def _parseAddr(h, addr):
a = Addr.parse(, addr)
if == "":
......@@ -582,30 +582,30 @@ def _parseAddr(h, addr):
return a
# addr returns address where listener is accepting incoming connections.
def addr(l):
return l._socket.addr()
# network returns full network name this subnetwork is part of.
def network(n):
return n._network
# network returns full network name of underlying network.
def network(h):
# name returns host name.
def name(h):
return h._name
# ----------------------------------------
# _excDown raises appropriate exception cause when h.down is found ready.
def _excDown(h):
if ready(h._subnet._down):
raise ErrNetDown
......@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ def _excDown(h):
raise ErrHostDown
# _excDown raises appropriate exception cause when l.down is found ready.
def _excDown(l):
h = l._socket._host
n = h._subnet
......@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ class _SubNetwork(VirtSubNetwork):
registry.announce(hostname, '%s:%d' % n._oslistener.getsockname())
def __str__(e):
return "protocol error: %s" % e.args
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