Commit 0ce6b6c8 authored by Kyle Lemons's avatar Kyle Lemons

Use godebug/diff for Compare

parent cdcab07d
package pretty
import (
// Print writes the default representation of the given values to standard output.
......@@ -24,107 +24,6 @@ func (o *Options) Print(vals ...interface{}) {
// value with respect to the "want" value.
func Compare(got, want interface{}) string {
diffOpt := &Options{Diffable: true}
gotLines := strings.Split(Reflect(got, diffOpt), "\n")
wantLines := strings.Split(Reflect(want, diffOpt), "\n")
chunks := diff(gotLines, wantLines)
return diffString(chunks)
type chunk struct {
add []string
del []string
eq []string
// Diff uses an O(D(N+M)) shortest-edit-script algorithm
// to compute the difference between A and B.
// algorithm:
func diff(A, B []string) []chunk {
N, M := len(A), len(B)
MAX := N + M
V := make([]int, 2*MAX+1)
Vs := make([][]int, 0, 8)
var D int
for D = 0; D <= MAX; D++ {
for k := -D; k <= D; k += 2 {
var x int
if k == -D || (k != D && V[MAX+k-1] < V[MAX+k+1]) {
x = V[MAX+k+1]
} else {
x = V[MAX+k-1] + 1
y := x - k
for x < N && y < M && A[x] == B[y] {
V[MAX+k] = x
if x >= N && y >= M {
Vs = append(Vs, append(make([]int, 0, len(V)), V...))
break dLoop
Vs = append(Vs, append(make([]int, 0, len(V)), V...))
fmt.Println(D, N-M)
for _, V := range Vs {
fmt.Println(V[:MAX-1], V[MAX:MAX+1], V[MAX+1:])
if D == 0 {
return nil
chunks := make([]chunk, D+1)
x, y := N, M
for d := D; d > 0; d-- {
V := Vs[d]
k := x - y
insert := k == -d || (k != d && V[MAX+k-1] < V[MAX+k+1])
x1 := V[MAX+k]
var x0, xM, kk int
if insert {
kk = k + 1
x0 = V[MAX+kk]
xM = x0
} else {
kk = k - 1
x0 = V[MAX+kk]
xM = x0 + 1
y0 := x0 - kk
var c chunk
if insert {
c.add = B[y0:][:1]
} else {
c.del = A[x0:][:1]
c.eq = A[xM:][:x1-xM]
x, y = x0, y0
chunks[d] = c
chunks[0].eq = A[:x]
return chunks
func diffString(chunks []chunk) string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, c := range chunks {
for _, line := range c.del {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "-%s\n", line)
for _, line := range c.add {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "+%s\n", line)
for _, line := range c.eq {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %s\n", line)
return buf.String()
return diff.Diff(Reflect(got, diffOpt), Reflect(want, diffOpt))
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