Commit 580049db authored by Brian Atkinson's avatar Brian Atkinson Committed by Dylan Trotter

Make newDictTable able to be inlined. (#148)

parent 0d83793a
......@@ -65,11 +65,18 @@ type dictTable struct {
// newDictTable allocates a table where at least minCapacity entries can be
// accommodated. minCapacity must be <= maxDictSize.
func newDictTable(minCapacity int) *dictTable {
numEntries := minDictSize
for numEntries < minCapacity {
numEntries <<= 1
return &dictTable{entries: make([]*dictEntry, numEntries)}
// This takes the given capacity and sets all bits less than the highest bit.
// Adding 1 to that value causes the number to become a multiple of 2 again.
// The minDictSize is mixed in to make sure the resulting value is at least
// that big. This implementation makes the function able to be inlined, as
// well as allows for complete evaluation of constants at compile time.
numEntries := (minDictSize - 1) | minCapacity
numEntries |= numEntries >> 1
numEntries |= numEntries >> 2
numEntries |= numEntries >> 4
numEntries |= numEntries >> 8
numEntries |= numEntries >> 16
return &dictTable{entries: make([]*dictEntry, numEntries+1)}
// loadEntry atomically loads the i'th entry in t and returns it.
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