Commit cc56ad21 authored by Dylan Trotter's avatar Dylan Trotter Committed by GitHub


parent 91ffc9fd
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ to be a near drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7. The key difference is that it
compiles Python source code to Go source code which is then compiled to native
code, rather than to bytecode. This means that Grumpy has no VM. The compiled Go
source code is a series of calls to the Grumpy runtime, a Go library serving a
similar purpose to the Python C API (although the C API is not directly
similar purpose to the Python C API (although the API is incompatible with
## Limitations
......@@ -34,26 +34,26 @@ supported).
There are three basic categories of incomplete functionality:
1. Language features: Most language features are implemented with the notable
exception of decorators. There are also a handful of operators that aren't
yet supported.
1. [Language features](
Most language features are implemented with the notable exception of
[old-style classes](
There are also a handful of operators that aren't yet supported.
2. Builtin functions and types: There are a number of missing functions and
types in `__builtins__` that have not yet been implemented. There are also a
lot of methods on builtin types that are missing.
2. [Builtin functions and types](
There are a number of missing functions and types in `__builtins__` that have
not yet been implemented. There are also a lot of methods on builtin types
that are missing.
3. Standard library: The Python standard library is very large and much of it
is pure Python, so as the language features and builtins get filled out, many
modules will just work. But there are also a number of libraries in CPython
that are C extension modules which will need to be rewritten.
3. [Standard library](
The Python standard library is very large and much of it is pure Python, so
as the language features and builtins get filled out, many modules will
just work. But there are also a number of libraries in CPython that are C
extension modules which will need to be rewritten.
4. C locale support: Go doesn't support locales in the same way that C does. As such,
some functionality that is locale-dependent may not currently work the same as in
To see the status of a particular feature or standard library module, click
## Running Grumpy Programs
### Method 1: grumprun:
......@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ writing, you may need to change one or more of these.
Grumpy converts Python programs into Go programs and `grumpc` is the tool
responsible for parsing Python code and generating Go code from it. `grumpc` is
written in Python and uses the `ast` module to accomplish parsing.
written in Python and uses the [`pythonparser`](
module to accomplish parsing.
The grumpc script itself lives at `tools/grumpc`. It is supported by a number of
Python modules in the `compiler` subdir.
......@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ counterparts in CPython.
Much of the Python standard library is written in Python and thus "just works"
in Grumpy. These parts of the standard library are copied from CPython 2.7
(possibly with light modifications). For licensing reasons, these files are kept
in the `third_party/stdlib` subdir.
in the `third_party` subdir.
The parts of the standard library that cannot be written in pure Python, e.g.
file and directory operations, are kept in the `lib` subdir. In CPython these
......@@ -136,9 +137,13 @@ available in Python.
- `compiler`: Python package implementating Python -> Go transcompilation logic.
- `lib`: Grumpy-specific Python standard library implementation.
- `runtime`: Go source code for the Grumpy runtime library.
- `third_party/ouroboros`: Pure Python standard libraries copied from the
[Ouroboros project](
- `third_party/pypy`: Pure Python standard libraries copied from PyPy.
- `third_party/stdlib`: Pure Python standard libraries copied from CPython.
- `tools`: Transcompilation and utility binaries.
## Contact
Questions? Comments? Drop us a line at [](!forum/grumpy-users).
Questions? Comments? Drop us a line at [](!forum/grumpy-users)
or join our [Gitter channel](
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