Commit 2aed770c authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs


parent 9167630d
......@@ -207,15 +207,17 @@ func (o *commonOp) Logf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
o.log(calldepth, format, v...)
func (o *commonOp) respondErr(err error) {
if err == nil {
panic("Expect non-nil here.")
func (o *commonOp) Respond(err error) {
// Don't forget to report back to the connection that we are finished.
defer o.finished(err)
// Log that we are finished.
// If successful, we should respond to bazilfuse with the appropriate struct.
if err == nil {
// Log the error.
"-> (%s) error: %v",
......@@ -229,10 +231,7 @@ func (o *commonOp) respondErr(err error) {
// method called Respond on o.bazilReq.
// Special case: nil means o.bazilReq.Respond accepts no parameters.
func (o *commonOp) respond(resp interface{}) {
// Don't forget to report back to the connection that we are finished.
defer o.finished(nil)
func (o *commonOp) sendBazilfuseResponse(resp interface{}) {
// Find the Respond method.
v := reflect.ValueOf(o.bazilReq)
respond := v.MethodByName("Respond")
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