Commit 2dda1a5e authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Include the object inode by default.

parent d31b0cbd
......@@ -132,18 +132,18 @@ func (o *commonOp) maybeTraceByPID(
func (o *commonOp) ShortDesc() (desc string) {
name := reflect.TypeOf(o.op).String()
opName := reflect.TypeOf(o.op).String()
// The usual case: a string that looks like "*fuseops.GetInodeAttributesOp".
// Attempt to better handle the usual case: a string that looks like
// "*fuseops.GetInodeAttributesOp".
const prefix = "*fuseops."
const suffix = "Op"
if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) && strings.HasSuffix(name, suffix) {
desc = name[len(prefix) : len(name)-len(suffix)]
if strings.HasPrefix(opName, prefix) && strings.HasSuffix(opName, suffix) {
opName = opName[len(prefix) : len(opName)-len(suffix)]
// Otherwise, it's not clear what to do.
desc = name
// Include the inode number to which the op applies.
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s(inode=%v)", opName, o.bazilReq.Hdr().Node)
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