Commit 4fdecd84 authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Use new beginOp/finishOp.

parent 365f2197
......@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ func (c *Connection) finishOp(reqID bazilfuse.RequestID) {
// This function delivers ops in exactly the order they are received from
// /dev/fuse. It must not be called multiple times concurrently.
func (c *Connection) ReadOp() (op fuseops.Op, err error) {
var bfReq bazilfuse.Request
// Keep going until we find a request we know how to convert.
for {
// Read a bazilfuse request.
var bfReq bazilfuse.Request
bfReq, err = c.wrapped.ReadRequest()
if err != nil {
......@@ -135,15 +135,17 @@ func (c *Connection) ReadOp() (op fuseops.Op, err error) {
// Convert it.
// Set up op dependencies.
var reqID bazilfuse.RequestID = bfReq.Hdr().ID
opCtx := c.beginOp(reqID)
logForOp := func(calldepth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
c.log(opID, calldepth+1, format, v...)
finished := func(err error) { c.finishOp() }
finished := func(err error) { c.finishOp(reqID) }
op = fuseops.Convert(c.parentCtx, bfReq, logForOp, finished)
op = fuseops.Convert(opCtx, bfReq, logForOp, finished)
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