Commit 572491fe authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs


parent 2783a716
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package fuseops
import (
......@@ -60,15 +61,44 @@ func describeOpType(t reflect.Type) (desc string) {
func (o *commonOp) maybeTraceByPID(in context.Context) (out context.Context) {
var gPIDMapMu sync.Mutex
// A map from PID to a traced context for that PID.
var gPIDMap = make(map[int]context.Context)
func reportWhenPIDGone(
pid int,
ctx context.Context,
report reqtrace.ReportFunc)
func (o *commonOp) maybeTraceByPID(
in context.Context,
pid int) (out context.Context) {
// Is there anything to do?
if !*fTraceByPID {
if !reqtrace.Enabled() || !*fTraceByPID {
out = in
// TODO(jacobsa): Do something interesting.
out = in
defer gPIDMapMu.Unlock()
// Do we already have a traced context for this PID?
if existing, ok := gPIDMap[pid]; ok {
out = existing
// Set up a new one and stick it in the map.
var report reqtrace.ReportFunc
out, report = reqtrace.Trace(in, fmt.Sprintf("PID %v", pid))
gPIDMap[pid] = out
// Ensure we close the trace and remove it from the map eventually.
go reportWhenPIDGone(pid, out, report)
......@@ -79,7 +109,7 @@ func (o *commonOp) init(
log func(int, string, ...interface{}),
opsInFlight *sync.WaitGroup) {
// Set up a context that reflects per-PID tracing if appropriate.
ctx = o.maybeTraceByPID(ctx)
ctx = o.maybeTraceByPID(ctx, int(r.Hdr().Pid))
// Initialize basic fields.
o.opType = describeOpType(opType)
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