Commit 589723ca authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Tightened up symlink tests, in particular around removing.

parents 2f23b2ca 32c4d03a
......@@ -436,15 +436,16 @@ func (o *RmDirOp) toBazilfuseResponse() (bfResp interface{}) {
// Unlink a file from its parent. If this brings the inode's link count to
// zero, the inode should be deleted once the kernel sends ForgetInodeOp. It
// may still be referenced before then if a user still has the file open.
// Unlink a file or symlink from its parent. If this brings the inode's link
// count to zero, the inode should be deleted once the kernel sends
// ForgetInodeOp. It may still be referenced before then if a user still has
// the file open.
// Sample implementation in ext2: ext2_unlink (
type UnlinkOp struct {
// The ID of parent directory inode, and the name of the file being removed
// The ID of parent directory inode, and the name of the entry being removed
// within it.
Parent InodeID
Name string
......@@ -1136,19 +1136,36 @@ func (t *MemFSTest) HardLinks() {
func (t *MemFSTest) CreateSymlink() {
var fi os.FileInfo
var err error
symlinkName := path.Join(t.Dir, "foo")
target := "taco/burrito"
// Create.
// Create the link.
err = os.Symlink(target, symlinkName)
AssertEq(nil, err)
// Read
// Stat the link.
fi, err = os.Lstat(symlinkName)
AssertEq(nil, err)
ExpectEq("foo", fi.Name())
ExpectEq(0444|os.ModeSymlink, fi.Mode())
// Read the link.
actual, err := os.Readlink(symlinkName)
AssertEq(nil, err)
ExpectEq(target, actual)
// Read the parent directory.
entries, err := fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(t.Dir)
AssertEq(nil, err)
AssertEq(1, len(entries))
fi = entries[0]
ExpectEq("foo", fi.Name())
ExpectEq(0444|os.ModeSymlink, fi.Mode())
func (t *MemFSTest) CreateSymlink_AlreadyExists() {
......@@ -1209,3 +1226,28 @@ func (t *MemFSTest) ReadLink_NotASymlink() {
ExpectThat(err, Error(HasSubstr("invalid argument")))
func (t *MemFSTest) DeleteSymlink() {
var err error
symlinkName := path.Join(t.Dir, "foo")
target := "taco/burrito"
// Create the link.
err = os.Symlink(target, symlinkName)
AssertEq(nil, err)
// Remove it.
err = os.Remove(symlinkName)
AssertEq(nil, err)
// Statting should now fail.
_, err = os.Lstat(symlinkName)
ExpectTrue(os.IsNotExist(err), "err: %v", err)
// Read the parent directory.
entries, err := fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(t.Dir)
AssertEq(nil, err)
ExpectThat(entries, ElementsAre())
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