Commit 9206e9af authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Refactored OpenFileOp.kernelResponse.

parent 738a1dad
......@@ -626,9 +626,11 @@ type OpenFileOp struct {
func (o *OpenFileOp) kernelResponse() (msg []byte) {
buf := fuseshim.NewBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{}))
out := (*fusekernel.OpenOut)(buf.Alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(fusekernel.OpenOut{})))
out.Fh = uint64(o.Handle)
type kernelOut fusekernel.OpenOut
buf := fuseshim.NewBuffer(unsafe.Sizeof(kernelOut{}))
out := (*kernelOut)(buf.Alloc(unsafe.Sizeof(kernelOut{})))
kernelOut.Fh = uint64(o.Handle)
msg = buf
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