Commit ab55e07a authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Respond to statfs.

parent 3dcd942c
......@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ func (c *Connection) ReadOp() (op fuseops.Op, err error) {
// Special case: responding to this is required to make mounting work on OS
// X. We don't currently expose the capability for the file system to
// intercept this.
if statfsReq, ok := bfReq.(*bazilfuse.StatfsRequest); ok {
c.logger.Println("Responding OK to Statfs.")
// Convert it, if possible.
if op = fuseops.Convert(bfReq); op == nil {
c.logger.Printf("Returning ENOSYS for unknown bazilfuse request: %v", bfReq)
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