Commit b44d3450 authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Killed the per-PID tracing feature.

This was a cute hack, but I haven't used it in awhile, and it won't work
(for gcsfuse at least) as of the changes for
parent 5eb77598
......@@ -15,29 +15,18 @@
package fuse
import (
var fTraceByPID = flag.Bool(
"Enable a hacky mode that uses reqtrace to group all ops from each "+
"individual PID. Not a good idea to use in production; races, bugs, and "+
"resource leaks likely lurk.")
// A connection to the fuse kernel process.
type Connection struct {
debugLogger *log.Logger
......@@ -57,11 +46,6 @@ type Connection struct {
cancelFuncs map[bazilfuse.RequestID]func()
// A map from PID to a traced context for that PID.
pidMap map[int]context.Context
// Responsibility for closing the wrapped connection is transferred to the
......@@ -77,7 +61,6 @@ func newConnection(
wrapped: wrapped,
parentCtx: parentCtx,
cancelFuncs: make(map[bazilfuse.RequestID]func()),
pidMap: make(map[int]context.Context),
......@@ -127,85 +110,6 @@ func (c *Connection) recordCancelFunc(
c.cancelFuncs[reqID] = f
// Wait until the process completes, then close off the trace and remove the
// context from the map.
func (c *Connection) reportWhenPIDGone(
pid int,
ctx context.Context,
report reqtrace.ReportFunc) {
// HACK(jacobsa): Poll until the process no longer exists.
const pollPeriod = 50 * time.Millisecond
for {
// The man page for kill(2) says that if the signal is zero, then "no
// signal is sent, but error checking is still performed; this can be used
// to check for the existence of a process ID".
err := unix.Kill(pid, 0)
// ESRCH means the process is gone.
if err == unix.ESRCH {
// If we receive EPERM, we're not going to be able to do what we want. We
// don't really have any choice but to print info and leak.
if err == unix.EPERM {
log.Printf("Failed to kill(2) PID %v; no permissions. Leaking trace.", pid)
// Otherwise, panic.
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Kill(%v): %v", pid, err))
// Finish up.
delete(c.pidMap, pid)
// Set up a hacky per-PID trace context, if enabled. Either way, return a
// context from which an operation should inherit.
// See notes on fTraceByPID.
func (c *Connection) maybeTraceByPID(
pid int) (ctx context.Context) {
ctx = c.parentCtx
// Is there anything to do?
if !reqtrace.Enabled() || !*fTraceByPID {
// Do we already have a traced context for this PID?
if existing, ok := c.pidMap[pid]; ok {
ctx = existing
// Set up a new one and stick it in the map.
var report reqtrace.ReportFunc
ctx, report = reqtrace.Trace(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Requests from PID %v", pid))
c.pidMap[pid] = ctx
// Ensure we close the trace and remove it from the map eventually.
go c.reportWhenPIDGone(pid, ctx, report)
// Set up state for an op that is about to be returned to the user, given its
// underlying bazilfuse request.
......@@ -216,8 +120,8 @@ func (c *Connection) beginOp(
bfReq bazilfuse.Request) (ctx context.Context) {
reqID := bfReq.Hdr().ID
// Choose a parent context.
ctx = c.maybeTraceByPID(int(bfReq.Hdr().Pid))
// Start with the parent context.
ctx = c.parentCtx
// Set up a cancellation function.
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