Commit b62be963 authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Pass report files by file descriptor.

parent a4384665
......@@ -66,12 +66,6 @@ func (t *flushFSTest) setUp(
// Set up test config.
t.MountType = "flushfs"
t.MountFlags = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(flushErr)),
......@@ -79,6 +73,11 @@ func (t *flushFSTest) setUp(
fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(fsyncErr)),
t.MountFiles = map[string]*os.File{
"flushfs.flushes_file": t.flushes,
"flushfs.fsyncs_file": t.fsyncs,
......@@ -31,30 +31,21 @@ import (
var fType = flag.String("type", "", "The name of the samples/ sub-dir.")
var fMountPoint = flag.String("mount_point", "", "Path to mount point.")
var fFlushesFile = flag.String("flushfs.flushes_file", "", "")
var fFsyncsFile = flag.String("flushfs.fsyncs_file", "", "")
var fFlushesFile = flag.Uint64("flushfs.flushes_file", 0, "")
var fFsyncsFile = flag.Uint64("flushfs.fsyncs_file", 0, "")
var fFlushError = flag.Int("flushfs.flush_error", 0, "")
var fFsyncError = flag.Int("flushfs.fsync_error", 0, "")
func makeFlushFS() (fs fuse.FileSystem, err error) {
// Check the flags.
if *fFlushesFile == "" || *fFsyncsFile == "" {
if *fFlushesFile == 0 || *fFsyncsFile == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("You must set the flushfs flags.")
// Open the files.
flushes, err := os.OpenFile(*fFlushesFile, os.O_RDWR, 0)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Opening %s: %v", *fFlushesFile, err)
fsyncs, err := os.OpenFile(*fFsyncsFile, os.O_RDWR, 0)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Opening %s: %v", *fFsyncsFile, err)
// Set up the files.
flushes := os.NewFile(uintptr(*fFlushesFile), "(flushes file)")
fsyncs := os.NewFile(uintptr(*fFsyncsFile), "(fsyncs file)")
// Set up errors.
var flushErr error
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
......@@ -40,6 +41,10 @@ type SubprocessTest struct {
// Additional flags to be passed to the mount_sample tool.
MountFlags []string
// A list of files to pass to mount_sample. The given string flag will be
// used to pass the file descriptor number.
MountFiles map[string]*os.File
// A context object that can be used for long-running operations.
Ctx context.Context
......@@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ func (t *SubprocessTest) initialize() (err error) {
// Set up a command.
// Set up basic args for the subprocess.
args := []string{
......@@ -142,9 +147,22 @@ func (t *SubprocessTest) initialize() (err error) {
args = append(args, t.MountFlags...)
// Set up inherited files and appropriate flags.
var extraFiles []*os.File
for flag, file := range t.MountFiles {
// Cf. os/exec.Cmd.ExtraFiles
fd := 3 + len(extraFiles)
extraFiles = append(extraFiles, file)
args = append(args, "--"+flag)
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%d", fd))
// Set up a command.
t.mountCmd = exec.Command(toolPath, args...)
t.mountCmd.Stdout = &t.mountStdout
t.mountCmd.Stderr = &t.mountStderr
t.mountCmd.ExtraFiles = extraFiles
// Start it.
if err = t.mountCmd.Start(); err != nil {
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