Commit 2d2e48d4 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier
Browse files

Promise.js error added

parent 544b9ac3
......@@ -49,6 +49,26 @@ Promise.when = function (item, onSuccess, onError, onProgress) {
return p;
* error(value, [onError]): Promise
* Return value as first parameter of the promise answer. The method returns a
* rejected promise.
* Promise.error('a').then(null, console.log); // shows 'a'
* @method error
* @static
* @param {Any} value The value to use
* @param {Function} [onError] the callback called on error
* @return {Promise} The promise
Promise.error = function (value, onError) {
var p = new Promise().fail(onError);
return p;
// get(object, name)
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