ite-cir.h 16.6 KB
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 * Driver for ITE Tech Inc. IT8712F/IT8512F CIR
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Juan Jesús García de Soria <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.

/* platform driver name to register */
#define ITE_DRIVER_NAME "ite-cir"

/* logging macros */
#define ite_pr(level, text, ...) \
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
	printk(level KBUILD_MODNAME ": " text, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define ite_dbg(text, ...) do { \
	if (debug) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG \
			KBUILD_MODNAME ": " text "\n" , ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)

#define ite_dbg_verbose(text, ...) do {\
	if (debug > 1) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG \
			KBUILD_MODNAME ": " text "\n" , ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

/* FIFO sizes */
#define ITE_TX_FIFO_LEN 32
#define ITE_RX_FIFO_LEN 32

/* interrupt types */
#define ITE_IRQ_TX_FIFO        1
#define ITE_IRQ_RX_FIFO        2

/* forward declaration */
struct ite_dev;

/* struct for storing the parameters of different recognized devices */
struct ite_dev_params {
	/* model of the device */
	const char *model;

	/* size of the I/O region */
	int io_region_size;

55 56 57
	/* IR pnp I/O resource number */
	int io_rsrc_no;

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
	/* true if the hardware supports transmission */
	bool hw_tx_capable;

	/* base sampling period, in ns */
	u32 sample_period;

	/* rx low carrier frequency, in Hz, 0 means no demodulation */
	unsigned int rx_low_carrier_freq;

	/* tx high carrier frequency, in Hz, 0 means no demodulation */
	unsigned int rx_high_carrier_freq;

	/* tx carrier frequency, in Hz */
	unsigned int tx_carrier_freq;

	/* duty cycle, 0-100 */
	int tx_duty_cycle;

	/* hw-specific operation function pointers; most of these must be
	 * called while holding the spin lock, except for the TX FIFO length
	 * one */
	/* get pending interrupt causes */
	int (*get_irq_causes) (struct ite_dev *dev);
81 82

	/* enable rx */
	void (*enable_rx) (struct ite_dev *dev);
84 85 86

	/* make rx enter the idle state; keep listening for a pulse, but stop
	 * streaming space bytes */
	void (*idle_rx) (struct ite_dev *dev);
88 89

	/* disable rx completely */
	void (*disable_rx) (struct ite_dev *dev);
91 92

	/* read bytes from RX FIFO; return read count */
	int (*get_rx_bytes) (struct ite_dev *dev, u8 *buf, int buf_size);
94 95

	/* enable tx FIFO space available interrupt */
	void (*enable_tx_interrupt) (struct ite_dev *dev);
97 98

	/* disable tx FIFO space available interrupt */
	void (*disable_tx_interrupt) (struct ite_dev *dev);
100 101

	/* get number of full TX FIFO slots */
	int (*get_tx_used_slots) (struct ite_dev *dev);
103 104

	/* put a byte to the TX FIFO */
	void (*put_tx_byte) (struct ite_dev *dev, u8 value);
106 107

	/* disable hardware completely */
	void (*disable) (struct ite_dev *dev);
109 110

	/* initialize the hardware */
	void (*init_hardware) (struct ite_dev *dev);
112 113

	/* set the carrier parameters */
	void (*set_carrier_params) (struct ite_dev *dev, bool high_freq,
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
				    bool use_demodulator, u8 carrier_freq_bits,
				    u8 allowance_bits, u8 pulse_width_bits);

/* ITE CIR device structure */
struct ite_dev {
	struct pnp_dev *pdev;
	struct rc_dev *rdev;
	struct ir_raw_event rawir;

	/* sync data */
	spinlock_t lock;
	bool in_use, transmitting;

	/* transmit support */
	int tx_fifo_allowance;
	wait_queue_head_t tx_queue, tx_ended;

	/* hardware I/O settings */
	unsigned long cir_addr;
	int cir_irq;

	/* overridable copy of model parameters */
	struct ite_dev_params params;

/* common values for all kinds of hardware */

/* baud rate divisor default */

/* low-speed carrier frequency limits (Hz) */

/* high-speed carrier frequency limits (Hz) */

/* default carrier freq for when demodulator is off (Hz) */

/* convert bits to us */
#define ITE_BITS_TO_NS(bits, sample_period) \
((u32) ((bits) * ITE_BAUDRATE_DIVISOR * sample_period))

 * n in RDCR produces a tolerance of +/- n * 6.25% around the center
 * carrier frequency...
 * From two limit frequencies, L (low) and H (high), we can get both the
 * center frequency F = (L + H) / 2 and the variation from the center
 * frequency A = (H - L) / (H + L). We can use this in order to honor the
 * s_rx_carrier_range() call in ir-core. We'll suppose that any request
 * setting L=0 means we must shut down the demodulator.
#define ITE_RXDCR_PER_10000_STEP 625

/* high speed carrier freq values */
#define ITE_CFQ_400		0x03
#define ITE_CFQ_450		0x08
#define ITE_CFQ_480		0x0b
#define ITE_CFQ_500		0x0d

/* values for pulse widths */
#define ITE_TXMPW_A		0x02
#define ITE_TXMPW_B		0x03
#define ITE_TXMPW_C		0x04
#define ITE_TXMPW_D		0x05
#define ITE_TXMPW_E		0x06

/* values for demodulator carrier range allowance */
#define ITE_RXDCR_DEFAULT	0x01	/* default carrier range */
#define ITE_RXDCR_MAX		0x07	/* default carrier range */

/* DR TX bits */
#define ITE_TX_PULSE		0x00
#define ITE_TX_SPACE		0x80
#define ITE_TX_MAX_RLE		0x80
#define ITE_TX_RLE_MASK		0x7f

 * IT8712F
 * hardware data obtained from:
 * IT8712F
 * Environment Control – Low Pin Count Input / Output
 * (EC - LPC I/O)
 * Preliminary Specification V0. 81

/* register offsets */
#define IT87_DR		0x00	/* data register */
#define IT87_IER	0x01	/* interrupt enable register */
#define IT87_RCR	0x02	/* receiver control register */
#define IT87_TCR1	0x03	/* transmitter control register 1 */
#define IT87_TCR2	0x04	/* transmitter control register 2 */
#define IT87_TSR	0x05	/* transmitter status register */
#define IT87_RSR	0x06	/* receiver status register */
#define IT87_BDLR	0x05	/* baud rate divisor low byte register */
#define IT87_BDHR	0x06	/* baud rate divisor high byte register */
#define IT87_IIR	0x07	/* interrupt identification register */

#define IT87_IOREG_LENGTH 0x08	/* length of register file */

/* IER bits */
#define IT87_TLDLIE	0x01	/* transmitter low data interrupt enable */
#define IT87_RDAIE	0x02	/* receiver data available interrupt enable */
#define IT87_RFOIE	0x04	/* receiver FIFO overrun interrupt enable */
#define IT87_IEC	0x08	/* interrupt enable control */
#define IT87_BR		0x10	/* baud rate register enable */
#define IT87_RESET	0x20	/* reset */

/* RCR bits */
#define IT87_RXDCR	0x07	/* receiver demodulation carrier range mask */
#define IT87_RXACT	0x08	/* receiver active */
#define IT87_RXEND	0x10	/* receiver demodulation enable */
#define IT87_RXEN	0x20	/* receiver enable */
#define IT87_HCFS	0x40	/* high-speed carrier frequency select */
#define IT87_RDWOS	0x80	/* receiver data without sync */

/* TCR1 bits */
#define IT87_TXMPM	0x03	/* transmitter modulation pulse mode mask */
#define IT87_TXMPM_DEFAULT 0x00	/* modulation pulse mode default */
#define IT87_TXENDF	0x04	/* transmitter deferral */
#define IT87_TXRLE	0x08	/* transmitter run length enable */
#define IT87_FIFOTL	0x30	/* FIFO level threshold mask */
#define IT87_FIFOTL_DEFAULT 0x20	/* FIFO level threshold default
					 * 0x00 -> 1, 0x10 -> 7, 0x20 -> 17,
					 * 0x30 -> 25 */
#define IT87_ILE	0x40	/* internal loopback enable */
#define IT87_FIFOCLR	0x80	/* FIFO clear bit */

/* TCR2 bits */
#define IT87_TXMPW	0x07	/* transmitter modulation pulse width mask */
#define IT87_TXMPW_DEFAULT 0x04	/* default modulation pulse width */
#define IT87_CFQ	0xf8	/* carrier frequency mask */
#define IT87_CFQ_SHIFT	3	/* carrier frequency bit shift */

/* TSR bits */
#define IT87_TXFBC	0x3f	/* transmitter FIFO byte count mask */

/* RSR bits */
#define IT87_RXFBC	0x3f	/* receiver FIFO byte count mask */
#define IT87_RXFTO	0x80	/* receiver FIFO time-out */

/* IIR bits */
#define IT87_IP		0x01	/* interrupt pending */
#define IT87_II		0x06	/* interrupt identification mask */
#define IT87_II_NOINT	0x00	/* no interrupt */
#define IT87_II_TXLDL	0x02	/* transmitter low data level */
#define IT87_II_RXDS	0x04	/* receiver data stored */
#define IT87_II_RXFO	0x06	/* receiver FIFO overrun */

 * IT8512E/F
 * Hardware data obtained from:
 * IT8512E/F
 * Embedded Controller
 * Preliminary Specification V0.4.1
 * Note that the CIR registers are not directly available to the host, because
 * they only are accessible to the integrated microcontroller. Thus, in order
 * use it, some kind of bridging is required. As the bridging may depend on
 * the controller firmware in use, we are going to use the PNP ID in order to
 * determine the strategy and ports available. See after these generic
 * IT8512E/F register definitions for register definitions for those
 * strategies.

/* register offsets */
#define IT85_C0DR	0x00	/* data register */
#define IT85_C0MSTCR	0x01	/* master control register */
#define IT85_C0IER	0x02	/* interrupt enable register */
#define IT85_C0IIR	0x03	/* interrupt identification register */
#define IT85_C0CFR	0x04	/* carrier frequency register */
#define IT85_C0RCR	0x05	/* receiver control register */
#define IT85_C0TCR	0x06	/* transmitter control register */
#define IT85_C0SCK	0x07	/* slow clock control register */
#define IT85_C0BDLR	0x08	/* baud rate divisor low byte register */
#define IT85_C0BDHR	0x09	/* baud rate divisor high byte register */
#define IT85_C0TFSR	0x0a	/* transmitter FIFO status register */
#define IT85_C0RFSR	0x0b	/* receiver FIFO status register */
#define IT85_C0WCL	0x0d	/* wakeup code length register */
#define IT85_C0WCR	0x0e	/* wakeup code read/write register */
#define IT85_C0WPS	0x0f	/* wakeup power control/status register */

#define IT85_IOREG_LENGTH 0x10	/* length of register file */

/* C0MSTCR bits */
#define IT85_RESET	0x01	/* reset */
#define IT85_FIFOCLR	0x02	/* FIFO clear bit */
#define IT85_FIFOTL	0x0c	/* FIFO level threshold mask */
#define IT85_FIFOTL_DEFAULT 0x08	/* FIFO level threshold default
					 * 0x00 -> 1, 0x04 -> 7, 0x08 -> 17,
					 * 0x0c -> 25 */
#define IT85_ILE	0x10	/* internal loopback enable */
#define IT85_ILSEL	0x20	/* internal loopback select */

/* C0IER bits */
#define IT85_TLDLIE	0x01	/* TX low data level interrupt enable */
#define IT85_RDAIE	0x02	/* RX data available interrupt enable */
#define IT85_RFOIE	0x04	/* RX FIFO overrun interrupt enable */
#define IT85_IEC	0x80	/* interrupt enable function control */

/* C0IIR bits */
#define IT85_TLDLI	0x01	/* transmitter low data level interrupt */
#define IT85_RDAI	0x02	/* receiver data available interrupt */
#define IT85_RFOI	0x04	/* receiver FIFO overrun interrupt */
#define IT85_NIP	0x80	/* no interrupt pending */

/* C0CFR bits */
#define IT85_CFQ	0x1f	/* carrier frequency mask */
#define IT85_HCFS	0x20	/* high speed carrier frequency select */

/* C0RCR bits */
#define IT85_RXDCR	0x07	/* receiver demodulation carrier range mask */
#define IT85_RXACT	0x08	/* receiver active */
#define IT85_RXEND	0x10	/* receiver demodulation enable */
#define IT85_RDWOS	0x20	/* receiver data without sync */
#define IT85_RXEN	0x80	/* receiver enable */

/* C0TCR bits */
#define IT85_TXMPW	0x07	/* transmitter modulation pulse width mask */
#define IT85_TXMPW_DEFAULT 0x04	/* default modulation pulse width */
#define IT85_TXMPM	0x18	/* transmitter modulation pulse mode mask */
#define IT85_TXMPM_DEFAULT 0x00	/* modulation pulse mode default */
#define IT85_TXENDF	0x20	/* transmitter deferral */
#define IT85_TXRLE	0x40	/* transmitter run length enable */

/* C0SCK bits */
#define IT85_SCKS	0x01	/* slow clock select */
#define IT85_TXDCKG	0x02	/* TXD clock gating */
#define IT85_DLL1P8E	0x04	/* DLL 1.8432M enable */
#define IT85_DLLTE	0x08	/* DLL test enable */
#define IT85_BRCM	0x70	/* baud rate count mode */
#define IT85_DLLOCK	0x80	/* DLL lock */

/* C0TFSR bits */
#define IT85_TXFBC	0x3f	/* transmitter FIFO count mask */

/* C0RFSR bits */
#define IT85_RXFBC	0x3f	/* receiver FIFO count mask */
#define IT85_RXFTO	0x80	/* receiver FIFO time-out */

/* C0WCL bits */
#define IT85_WCL	0x3f	/* wakeup code length mask */

/* C0WPS bits */
#define IT85_CIRPOSIE	0x01	/* power on/off status interrupt enable */
#define IT85_CIRPOIS	0x02	/* power on/off interrupt status */
#define IT85_CIRPOII	0x04	/* power on/off interrupt identification */
#define IT85_RCRST	0x10	/* wakeup code reading counter reset bit */
#define IT85_WCRST	0x20	/* wakeup code writing counter reset bit */

 * ITE8708
 * Hardware data obtained from hacked driver for IT8512 in this forum post:
 * Although there's no official documentation for that driver, analysis would
 * suggest that it maps the 16 registers of IT8512 onto two 8-register banks,
 * selectable by a single bank-select bit that's mapped onto both banks. The
 * IT8512 registers are mapped in a different order, so that the first bank
 * maps the ones that are used more often, and two registers that share a
 * reserved high-order bit are placed at the same offset in both banks in
 * order to reuse the reserved bit as the bank select bit.

/* register offsets */

/* mapped onto both banks */
#define IT8708_BANKSEL	0x07	/* bank select register */
#define IT8708_HRAE	0x80	/* high registers access enable */

/* mapped onto the low bank */
#define IT8708_C0DR	0x00	/* data register */
#define IT8708_C0MSTCR	0x01	/* master control register */
#define IT8708_C0IER	0x02	/* interrupt enable register */
#define IT8708_C0IIR	0x03	/* interrupt identification register */
#define IT8708_C0RFSR	0x04	/* receiver FIFO status register */
#define IT8708_C0RCR	0x05	/* receiver control register */
#define IT8708_C0TFSR	0x06	/* transmitter FIFO status register */
#define IT8708_C0TCR	0x07	/* transmitter control register */

/* mapped onto the high bank */
#define IT8708_C0BDLR	0x01	/* baud rate divisor low byte register */
#define IT8708_C0BDHR	0x02	/* baud rate divisor high byte register */
#define IT8708_C0CFR	0x04	/* carrier frequency register */

/* registers whose bank mapping we don't know, since they weren't being used
 * in the hacked driver... most probably they belong to the high bank too,
 * since they fit in the holes the other registers leave */
#define IT8708_C0SCK	0x03	/* slow clock control register */
#define IT8708_C0WCL	0x05	/* wakeup code length register */
#define IT8708_C0WCR	0x06	/* wakeup code read/write register */
#define IT8708_C0WPS	0x07	/* wakeup power control/status register */

#define IT8708_IOREG_LENGTH 0x08	/* length of register file */

/* two more registers that are defined in the hacked driver, but can't be
 * found in the data sheets; no idea what they are or how they are accessed,
 * since the hacked driver doesn't seem to use them */
#define IT8708_CSCRR	0x00
#define IT8708_CGPINTR	0x01

/* CSCRR bits */
#define IT8708_CSCRR_SCRB 0x3f
#define IT8708_CSCRR_PM	0x80

/* CGPINTR bits */
#define IT8708_CGPINT	0x01

 * ITE8709
 * Hardware interfacing data obtained from the original lirc_ite8709 driver.
 * Verbatim from its sources:
 * The ITE8709 device seems to be the combination of IT8512 superIO chip and
 * a specific firmware running on the IT8512's embedded micro-controller.
 * In addition of the embedded micro-controller, the IT8512 chip contains a
 * CIR module and several other modules. A few modules are directly accessible
 * by the host CPU, but most of them are only accessible by the
 * micro-controller. The CIR module is only accessible by the
 * micro-controller.
 * The battery-backed SRAM module is accessible by the host CPU and the
 * micro-controller. So one of the MC's firmware role is to act as a bridge
 * between the host CPU and the CIR module. The firmware implements a kind of
 * communication protocol using the SRAM module as a shared memory. The IT8512
 * specification is publicly available on ITE's web site, but the
 * communication protocol is not, so it was reverse-engineered.

/* register offsets */
#define IT8709_RAM_IDX	0x00	/* index into the SRAM module bytes */
#define IT8709_RAM_VAL	0x01	/* read/write data to the indexed byte */

#define IT8709_IOREG_LENGTH 0x02	/* length of register file */

/* register offsets inside the SRAM module */
#define IT8709_MODE	0x1a	/* request/ack byte */
#define IT8709_REG_IDX	0x1b	/* index of the CIR register to access */
#define IT8709_REG_VAL	0x1c	/* value read/to be written */
#define IT8709_IIR	0x1e	/* interrupt identification register */
#define IT8709_RFSR	0x1f	/* receiver FIFO status register */
#define IT8709_FIFO	0x20	/* start of in RAM RX FIFO copy */

/* MODE values */
#define IT8709_IDLE	0x00
#define IT8709_WRITE	0x01
#define IT8709_READ	0x02